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Wherever an endpoint URI string appears in a route, the first step in parsing the endpoint URI is to apply the property placeholder parser. The placeholder parser automatically substitutes any property names appearing between double braces, {{Key}}. For example, given the property settings shown in Example 2.2, you could define a route as follows:


By default, the placeholder parser looks up the properties bean ID in the registry to find the property component. If you prefer, you can explicitly specify the scheme in the endpoint URIs. For example, by prefixing properties: to each of the endpoint URIs, you can define the following equivalent route:


When specifying the scheme explicitly, you also have the option of specifying options to the properties component. For example, to override the property file location, you could set the location option as follows:


If you define a camelContext element inside an OSGi blueprint file, the Fuse Mediation Router property placeholder mechanism automatically integrates with the blueprint property placeholder mechanism. That is, placeholders obeying the Fuse Mediation Router syntax (for example, {{cool.end}}) that appear within the scope of camelContext are implicitly resolved by looking up the blueprint property placeholder mechanism.

For example, consider the following route defined in an OSGi blueprint file, where the last endpoint in the route is defined by the property placeholder, {{result}}:

<blueprint xmlns=""

    <!-- OSGI blueprint property placeholder -->
    <cm:property-placeholder id="myblueprint.placeholder" persistent-id="camel.blueprint">
        <!-- list some properties for this test -->
            <cm:property name="result" value="mock:result"/>

    <camelContext xmlns="">
        <!-- in the route we can use {{ }} placeholders which will look up in blueprint,
             as Camel will auto detect the OSGi blueprint property placeholder and use it -->
            <from uri="direct:start"/>
            <to uri="mock:foo"/>
            <to uri="{{result}}"/>


The blueprint property placeholder mechanism is initialized by creating a cm:property-placeholder bean. In the preceding example, the cm:property-placeholder bean is associated with the camel.blueprint persistent ID, where a persistent ID is the standard way of referencing a group of related properties from the OSGi Configuration Adminn service. In other words, the cm:property-placeholder bean provides access to all of the properties defined under the camel.blueprint persistent ID. It is also possible to specify default values for some of the properties (using the nested cm:property elements).

In the context of blueprint, the Fuse Mediation Router placeholder mechanism searches for an instance of cm:property-placeholder in the bean registry. If it finds such an instance, it automatically integrates the Fuse Mediation Router placeholder mechanism, so that placeholders like, {{result}}, are resolved by looking up the key in the blueprint property placeholder mechanism (in this example, through the myblueprint.placeholder bean).


The default blueprint placeholder syntax (accessing the blueprint properties directly) is ${Key}. Hence, outside the scope of a camelContext element, the placeholder syntax you must use is ${Key}. Whereas, inside the scope of a camelContext element, the placeholder syntax you must use is {{Key}}.

If you want to have more control over where the Fuse Mediation Router property placeholder mechanism finds its properties, you can define a propertyPlaceholder element and specify the resolver locations explicitly.

For example, consider the following blueprint configuration, which differs from the previous example in that it creates an explicit propertyPlaceholder instance:

<blueprint xmlns=""

    <!-- OSGI blueprint property placeholder -->
    <cm:property-placeholder id="myblueprint.placeholder" persistent-id="camel.blueprint">
        <!-- list some properties for this test -->
            <cm:property name="result" value="mock:result"/>

    <camelContext xmlns="">

        <!-- using Camel properties component and refer to the blueprint property placeholder by its id -->
        <propertyPlaceholder id="properties" location="blueprint:myblueprint.placeholder"/>

        <!-- in the route we can use {{ }} placeholders which will lookup in blueprint -->
            <from uri="direct:start"/>
            <to uri="mock:foo"/>
            <to uri="{{result}}"/>



In the preceding example, the propertyPlaceholder element specifies explicitly which cm:property-placeholder bean to use by setting the location to blueprint:myblueprint.placeholder. That is, the blueprint: resolver explicitly references the ID, myblueprint.placeholder, of the cm:property-placeholder bean.

This style of configuration is useful, if there is more than one cm:property-placeholder bean defined in the blueprint file and you need to specify which one to use. It also makes it possible to source properties from multiple locations, by specifying a comma-separated list of locations. For example, if you wanted to look up properties both from the cm:property-placeholder bean and from the properties file,, on the classpath, you could define the propertyPlaceholder element as follows:

<propertyPlaceholder id="properties"
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