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A message filter is a processor that eliminates undesired messages based on specific criteria. In Fuse Mediation Router, the message filter pattern, shown in Figure 7.2, is implemented by the filter() Java DSL command. The filter() command takes a single predicate argument, which controls the filter. When the predicate is true, the incoming message is allowed to proceed, and when the predicate is false, the incoming message is blocked.

The following example shows how to configure the route with an XPath predicate in XML (see ????):

<camelContext id="simpleFilterRoute" xmlns="">
    <from uri="seda:a"/>
      <xpath>$foo = 'bar'</xpath>
      <to uri="seda:b"/>
[Important]Filtered endpoint required inside </filter> tag

Make sure you put the endpoint you want to filter (for example, <to uri="seda:b"/>) before the closing </filter> tag or the filter will not be applied (in 2.8+, omitting this will result in an error).

Knowing if Exchange was filtered or not

Available as of Camel 2.5

The Message Filter EIP will add a property on the Exchange which states if it was filtered or not.

The property has the key Exchannge.FILTER_MATCHED which has the String value of CamelFilterMatched. Its value is a boolean indicating true or false. If the value is true then the Exchange was routed in the filter block.

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