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If you want to execute the resulting pieces of the message in parallel, you can enable the parallel processing option, which instantiates a thread pool to process the message pieces. For example:

XPathBuilder xPathBuilder = new XPathBuilder("//foo/bar"); 

You can customize the underlying ThreadPoolExecutor used in the parallel splitter. For example, you can specify a custom executor in the Java DSL as follows:

XPathBuilder xPathBuilder = new XPathBuilder("//foo/bar"); 
ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(8, 16, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue());

You can specify a custom executor in the XML DSL as follows:

<camelContext xmlns="">
    <from uri="direct:parallel-custom-pool"/>
    <split executorServiceRef="threadPoolExecutor">
      <to uri="mock:result"/>

<bean id="threadPoolExecutor" class="java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor">
  <constructor-arg index="0" value="8"/>
  <constructor-arg index="1" value="16"/>
  <constructor-arg index="2" value="0"/>
  <constructor-arg index="3" value="MILLISECONDS"/>
  <constructor-arg index="4"><bean class="java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue"/></constructor-arg>

As the splitter can use any expression to do the splitting, we can use a bean to perform splitting, by invoking the method() expression. The bean should return an iterable value such as: java.util.Collection, java.util.Iterator, or an array.

The following route defines a method() expression that calls a method on the mySplitterBean bean instance:

        // here we use a POJO bean mySplitterBean to do the split of the payload
        .method("mySplitterBean", "splitBody")
        // here we use a POJO bean mySplitterBean to do the split of the message 
        // with a certain header value
        .method("mySplitterBean", "splitMessage")

Where mySplitterBean is an instance of the MySplitterBean class, which is defined as follows:

public class MySplitterBean {

     * The split body method returns something that is iteratable such as a java.util.List.
     * @param body the payload of the incoming message
     * @return a list containing each part split
    public List<String> splitBody(String body) {
        // since this is based on an unit test you can of couse
        // use different logic for splitting as Fuse Mediation Router have out
        // of the box support for splitting a String based on comma
        // but this is for show and tell, since this is java code
        // you have the full power how you like to split your messages
        List<String> answer = new ArrayList<String>();
        String[] parts = body.split(",");
        for (String part : parts) {
        return answer;
     * The split message method returns something that is iteratable such as a java.util.List.
     * @param header the header of the incoming message with the name user
     * @param body the payload of the incoming message
     * @return a list containing each part split
    public List<Message> splitMessage(@Header(value = "user") String header, @Body String body) {
        // we can leverage the Parameter Binding Annotations  
        // to access the message header and body at same time, 
        // then create the message that we want, splitter will
        // take care rest of them.
        // *NOTE* this feature requires Fuse Mediation Router version >= 1.6.1
        List<Message> answer = new ArrayList<Message>();
        String[] parts = header.split(",");
        for (String part : parts) {
            DefaultMessage message = new DefaultMessage();
            message.setHeader("user", part);
        return answer;

The following properties are set on each split exchange:

header type description
org.apache.camel.splitCounter int Fuse Mediation Router 1.6.2: A split counter that increases for each Exchange being split. The counter starts from 0.
org.apache.camel.splitSize int Fuse Mediation Router 1.6.2: The total number of Exchanges that was split. This header is not applied for stream based splitting.
CamelSplitIndex int Fuse Mediation Router 2.0: A split counter that increases for each Exchange being split. The counter starts from 0.
CamelSplitSize int Fuse Mediation Router 2.0: The total number of Exchanges that was split. This header is not applied for stream based splitting.
CamelSplitComplete boolean Fuse Mediation Router 2.4: Whether or not this Exchange is the last.

The split DSL command supports the following options:

Name Default Value Description
strategyRef Refers to an AggregationStrategy to be used to assemble the replies from the sub-messages, into a single outgoing message from the Splitter. See the section titled What does the splitter return below for whats used by default.
parallelProcessing false If enables then processing the sub-messages occurs concurrently. Note the caller thread will still wait until all sub-messages has been fully processed, before it continues.
executorServiceRef Refers to a custom Thread Pool to be used for parallel processing. Notice if you set this option, then parallel processing is automatic implied, and you do not have to enable that option as well.
stopOnException false Camel 2.2: Whether or not to stop continue processing immediately when an exception occurred. If disable, then Camel continue splitting and process the sub-messages regardless if one of them failed. You can deal with exceptions in the AggregationStrategy class where you have full control how to handle that.
streaming false If enabled then Camel will split in a streaming fashion, which means it will split the input message in chunks. This reduces the memory overhead. For example if you split big messages its recommended to enable streaming. If streaming is enabled then the sub-message replies will be aggregated out-of-order, eg in the order they come back. If disabled, Camel will process sub-message replies in the same order as they where splitted.
timeout Camel 2.5: Sets a total timeout specified in millis. If the Recipient List hasn't been able to split and process all replies within the given timeframe, then the timeout triggers and the Splitter breaks out and continues. Notice if you provide a TimeoutAwareAggregationStrategy then the timeout method is invoked before breaking out.
onPrepareRef Camel 2.8: Refers to a custom Processor to prepare the sub-message of the Exchange, before its processed. This allows you to do any custom logic, such as deep-cloning the message payload if that's needed etc.
shareUnitOfWork false Camel 2.8: Whether the unit of work should be shared. See further below for more details.

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