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The batch resequencing algorithm is enabled by default. For example, to resequence a batch of incoming messages based on the value of a timestamp contained in the TimeStamp header, you can define the following route in Java DSL:


By default, the batch is obtained by collecting all of the incoming messages that arrive in a time interval of 1000 milliseconds (default batch timeout), up to a maximum of 100 messages (default batch size). You can customize the values of the batch timeout and the batch size by appending a batch() DSL command, which takes a BatchResequencerConfig instance as its sole argument. For example, to modify the preceding route so that the batch consists of messages collected in a 4000 millisecond time window, up to a maximum of 300 messages, you can define the Java DSL route as follows:

import org.apache.camel.model.config.BatchResequencerConfig;

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
        from("direct:start").resequence(header("TimeStamp")).batch(new BatchResequencerConfig(300,4000L)).to("mock:result");

You can also use multiple expressions to sort messages in a batch. For example, if you want to sort incoming messages, first, according to their JMS priority (as recorded in the JMSPriority header) and second, according to the value of their time stamp (as recorded in the TimeStamp header), you can define a route like the following:

from("direct:start").resequence(header("JMSPriority"), header("TimeStamp")).to("mock:result");

In this case, messages with the highest priority (that is, low JMS priority number) are moved to the front of the batch. If more than one message has the highest priority, the highest priority messages are put in order according to the value of the TimeStamp header.

You can also specify a batch resequencer pattern using XML configuration. The following example defines a batch resequencer with a batch size of 300 and a batch timeout of 4000 milliseconds:

<camelContext id="resequencerBatch" xmlns="">
    <from uri="direct:start" />
        batch-config can be omitted for default (batch) resequencer settings
      <batch-config batchSize="300" batchTimeout="4000" />
      <to uri="mock:result" />

To enable the stream resequencing algorithm, you must append stream() to the resequence() DSL command. For example, to resequence incoming messages based on the value of a sequence number in the seqnum header, you define a DSL route as follows:


The stream-processing resequencer algorithm is based on the detection of gaps in a message stream, rather than on a fixed batch size. Gap detection, in combination with timeouts, removes the constraint of needing to know the number of messages of a sequence (that is, the batch size) in advance. Messages must contain a unique sequence number for which a predecessor and a successor is known. For example a message with the sequence number 3 has a predecessor message with the sequence number 2 and a successor message with the sequence number 4. The message sequence 2,3,5 has a gap because the successor of 3 is missing. The resequencer therefore must retain message 5 until message 4 arrives (or a timeout occurs).

By default, the stream resequencer is configured with a timeout of 1000 milliseconds, and a maximum message capacity of 100. To customize the stream's timeout and message capacity, you can pass a StreamResequencerConfig object as an argument to stream(). For example, to configure a stream resequencer with a message capacity of 5000 and a timeout of 4000 milliseconds, you define a route as follows:

// Java
import org.apache.camel.model.config.StreamResequencerConfig;

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {
            stream(new StreamResequencerConfig(5000, 4000L)).

If the maximum time delay between successive messages (that is, messages with adjacent sequence numbers) in a message stream is known, the resequencer's timeout parameter should be set to this value. In this case, you can guarantee that all messages in the stream are delivered in the correct order to the next processor. The lower the timeout value that is compared to the out-of-sequence time difference, the more likely it is that the resequencer will deliver messages out of sequence. Large timeout values should be supported by sufficiently high capacity values, where the capacity parameter is used to prevent the resequencer from running out of memory.

If you want to use sequence numbers of some type other than long, you would must define a custom comparator, as follows:

// Java
ExpressionResultComparator<Exchange> comparator = new MyComparator();
StreamResequencerConfig config = new StreamResequencerConfig(5000, 4000L, comparator);

You can also specify a stream resequencer pattern using XML configuration. The following example defines a stream resequencer with a message capacity of 5000 and a timeout of 4000 milliseconds:

<camelContext id="resequencerStream" xmlns="">
    <from uri="direct:start"/>
      <stream-config capacity="5000" timeout="4000"/>
      <to uri="mock:result" />
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