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You can define a wiretap with a new exchange instance by setting the copy flag to false (the default is true). In this case, an initially empty exchange is created for the wiretap.

For example, to create a new exchange instance using the processor approach:

    .wireTap("direct:foo", false, new Processor() {
        public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
            exchange.getIn().setBody("Bye World");
            exchange.getIn().setHeader("foo", "bar");


Where the second wireTap argument sets the copy flag to false, indicating that the original exchange is not copied and an empty exchange is created instead.

To create a new exchange instance using the expression approach:

    .wireTap("direct:foo", false, constant("Bye World"))


Using the Spring XML extensions, you can indicate that a new exchange is to be created by setting the wireTap element's copy attribute to false.

To create a new exchange instance using the processor approach, where the processorRef attribute references a spring bean with the myProcessor ID, as follows:

    <from uri="direct:start2"/>
    <wireTap uri="direct:foo" processorRef="myProcessor" copy="false"/>
    <to uri="mock:result"/>

And to create a new exchange instance using the expression approach:

    <from uri="direct:start"/>
    <wireTap uri="direct:foo" copy="false">
        <body><constant>Bye World</constant></body>
    <to uri="mock:result"/>

The following example shows how to route a request from an input queue:a endpoint to the wire tap location queue:tap it is received by queue:b

Using the Fluent Builders

RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() {

        from("seda:a").multicast().to("seda:tap", "seda:b");

Using the Spring XML Extensions

<camelContext errorHandlerRef="errorHandler" streamCache="false" id="camel" xmlns="">
        <from uri="seda:a"/>
            <to uri="seda:tap"/>
            <to uri="seda:b"/>

Sending a new Exchange and set headers in DSL

Available as of Camel 2.8

If you send a new messages using the Wire Tap then you could only set the message body using an Expression from the DSL. If you also need to set new headers you would have to use a Processor for that. So in Camel 2.8 onwards we have improved this situation so you can now set headers as well in the DSL.

The following example sends a new message which has

  • "Bye World" as message body

  • a header with key "id" with the value 123

  • a header with key "date" which has current date as value

The wireTap DSL command supports the following options:

Name Default Value Description
uri The endpoint uri where to send the wire tapped message. You should use either uri or ref.
ref Refers to the endpoint where to send the wire tapped message. You should use either uri or ref.
executorServiceRef Refers to a custom Thread Pool to be used when processing the wire tapped messages. If not set then Camel uses a default thread pool.
processorRef Refers to a custom Processor to be used for creating a new message (eg the send a new message mode). See below.
copy true Camel 2.3: Should a copy of the Exchange to used when wire tapping the message.
onPrepareRef Camel 2.8: Refers to a custom Processor to prepare the copy of the Exchange to be wire tapped. This allows you to do any custom logic, such as deep-cloning the message payload if that's needed etc.

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