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The org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition class defines the DSL commands you can insert directly into a router rule—for example, the setBody() command in Example 2.1. Table 2.4 shows the ProcessorDefinition methods that are relevant to transforming message content:

Table 2.4. Transformation Methods from the ProcessorDefinition Class

Type convertBodyTo(Class type) Converts the IN message body to the specified type.
Type removeFaultHeader(String name) Adds a processor which removes the header on the FAULT message.
Type removeHeader(String name) Adds a processor which removes the header on the IN message.
Type removeProperty(String name) Adds a processor which removes the exchange property.
ExpressionClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> setBody() Adds a processor which sets the body on the IN message.
Type setFaultBody(Expression expression) Adds a processor which sets the body on the FAULT message.
Type setFaultHeader(String name, Expression expression) Adds a processor which sets the header on the FAULT message.
ExpressionClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> setHeader(String name) Adds a processor which sets the header on the IN message.
Type setHeader(String name, Expression expression) Adds a processor which sets the header on the IN message.
ExpressionClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> setOutHeader(String name) Adds a processor which sets the header on the OUT message.
Type setOutHeader(String name, Expression expression) Adds a processor which sets the header on the OUT message.
ExpressionClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> setProperty(String name) Adds a processor which sets the exchange property.
Type setProperty(String name, Expression expression) Adds a processor which sets the exchange property.
ExpressionClause<ProcessorDefinition<Type>> transform()Adds a processor which sets the body on the OUT message.
Type transform(Expression expression)Adds a processor which sets the body on the OUT message.

The org.apache.camel.builder.Builder class provides access to message content in contexts where expressions or predicates are expected. In other words, Builder methods are typically invoked in the arguments of DSL commands—for example, the body() command in Example 2.1. Table 2.5 summarizes the static methods available in the Builder class.

Table 2.5. Methods from the Builder Class

static <E extends Exchange> ValueBuilder<E> body() Returns a predicate and value builder for the inbound body on an exchange.
static <E extends Exchange,T> ValueBuilder<E> bodyAs(Class<T> type) Returns a predicate and value builder for the inbound message body as a specific type.
static <E extends Exchange> ValueBuilder<E> constant(Object value) Returns a constant expression.
static <E extends Exchange> ValueBuilder<E> faultBody() Returns a predicate and value builder for the fault body on an exchange.
static <E extends Exchange,T> ValueBuilder<E> faultBodyAs(Class<T> type) Returns a predicate and value builder for the fault message body as a specific type.
static <E extends Exchange> ValueBuilder<E> header(String name) Returns a predicate and value builder for headers on an exchange.
static <E extends Exchange> ValueBuilder<E> outBody() Returns a predicate and value builder for the outbound body on an exchange.
static <E extends Exchange> ValueBuilder<E> outBodyAs(Class<T> type) Returns a predicate and value builder for the outbound message body as a specific type.
static ValueBuilder property(String name)Returns a predicate and value builder for properties on an exchange.
static ValueBuilder regexReplaceAll(Expression content, String regex, Expression replacement)Returns an expression that replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the given replacement.
static ValueBuilder regexReplaceAll(Expression content, String regex, String replacement)Returns an expression that replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the given replacement.
static ValueBuilder sendTo(String uri) Returns an expression processing the exchange to the given endpoint uri.
static <E extends Exchange> ValueBuilder<E> systemProperty(String name) Returns an expression for the given system property.
static <E extends Exchange> ValueBuilder<E> systemProperty(String name, String defaultValue) Returns an expression for the given system property.

The org.apache.camel.builder.ValueBuilder class enables you to modify values returned by the Builder methods. In other words, the methods in ValueBuilder provide a simple way of modifying message content. Table 2.6 summarizes the methods available in the ValueBuilder class. That is, the table shows only the methods that are used to modify the value they are invoked on (for full details, see the API Reference documentation).

Table 2.6. Modifier Methods from the ValueBuilder Class

ValueBuilder<E> append(Object value) Appends the string evaluation of this expression with the given value.
Predicate contains(Object value)Create a predicate that the left hand expression contains the value of the right hand expression.
ValueBuilder<E> convertTo(Class type) Converts the current value to the given type using the registered type converters.
ValueBuilder<E> convertToString() Converts the current value a String using the registered type converters.
Predicate endsWith(Object value) 
<T> T evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> type) 
Predicate in(Object... values)  
Predicate in(Predicate... predicates) 
Predicate isEqualTo(Object value) Returns true, if the current value is equal to the given value argument.
Predicate isGreaterThan(Object value) Returns true, if the current value is greater than the given value argument.
Predicate isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Object value) Returns true, if the current value is greater than or equal to the given value argument.
Predicate isInstanceOf(Class type) Returns true, if the current value is an instance of the given type.
Predicate isLessThan(Object value) Returns true, if the current value is less than the given value argument.
Predicate isLessThanOrEqualTo(Object value)Returns true, if the current value is less than or equal to the given value argument.
Predicate isNotEqualTo(Object value)Returns true, if the current value is not equal to the given value argument.
Predicate isNotNull()Returns true, if the current value is not null.
Predicate isNull()Returns true, if the current value is null.
Predicate matches(Expression expression) 
Predicate not(Predicate predicate)Negates the predicate argument.
ValueBuilder prepend(Object value)Prepends the string evaluation of this expression to the given value.
Predicate regex(String regex) 
ValueBuilder<E> regexReplaceAll(String regex, Expression<E> replacement) Replaces all occurrencies of the regular expression with the given replacement.
ValueBuilder<E> regexReplaceAll(String regex, String replacement) Replaces all occurrencies of the regular expression with the given replacement.
ValueBuilder<E> regexTokenize(String regex) Tokenizes the string conversion of this expression using the given regular expression.
ValueBuilder sort(Comparator comparator)Sorts the current value using the given comparator.
Predicate startsWith(Object value) Returns true, if the current value matches the string value of the value argument.
ValueBuilder<E> tokenize() Tokenizes the string conversion of this expression using the comma token separator.
ValueBuilder<E> tokenize(String token) Tokenizes the string conversion of this expression using the given token separator.

You can convert between low-level and high-level message formats using the following commands:

Fuse Mediation Router supports marshalling and unmarshalling of the following data formats:

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