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Camel supports the Event Message from the EIP patterns by supporting the Exchange Pattern on a Message which can be set to InOnly to indicate a oneway event message. Camel Components then implement this pattern using the underlying transport or protocols.

The default behaviour of many Components is InOnly such as for JMS in EIP Component Reference, File or SEDA in EIP Component Reference


See the related Request Reply message.

If you are using a component which defaults to InOut you can override the Exchange Pattern for an endpoint using the pattern property.


From 2.0 onwards on Camel you can specify the Exchange Pattern using the dsl.

Using the Fluent Builders


or you can invoke an endpoint with an explicit pattern


Using the Spring XML Extensions

    <from uri="mq:someQueue"/>
    <inOnly uri="bean:foo"/>
    <from uri="mq:someQueue"/>
    <inOnly uri="mq:anotherQueue"/>

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