14. Alternate User Interfaces

The web user interface of the GSM is interchangeable. All web user interfaces use a built-in webserver that translates all actions into the OpenVAS Management Protocol and displays the results respectively. Therefor the web user interfaces do not possess any intelligence themselves. The intelligence is completely hidden in the OpenVAS manager. This is why the web user interfaces are interchangeable.

In the version GOS 3.1 the GSM offers two different web user interfaces:

  • Classic: This is the classic view of the Greenbone Security Assistant.
  • ITS: This is a simplified presentation in the form of an IT vulnerability Traffic Light.

To switch between the two interfaces access to the command line is required. The chosen interface is always active for all users of the GSM appliance. The selection can be controlled depending on the user.

14.1. IT Vulnerability Traffic Light


This UI is only available in the German language.

Before switching to the IT Vulnerability Traffic Light several settings in the classic view should be changed. Otherwise you will receive warnings in the Vulnerability Traffic Light as displayed in figure Scanning using the ITS Vulnerability Traffic Light..

Once these prerequisites are completed it can be switched over. Possible some prerequisites have already been performed on your system. To change the interface enter the GOS-Admin-Menu. There under the menu option Remote configure the HTTPS web interface. The default value is classic. To switch to the IT Vulnerability Traffic Light change the value to its. After a Commit the change will be activated within a couple of minutes. A reboot is not required.

Alternatively the value can be changed in the command line directly:

gsm: set web_interface its
gsm *: commit

After a couple of minutes the ITS Vulnerability Traffic Light will be active. Now the log in displays the availability of the new interface (see figure The log in of the ITS Vulnerability Traffic Light.).


The log in of the ITS Vulnerability Traffic Light.

After logging in a wizard appears that allows for the simple starting of a scan.

For the scan an administrative user can be specified. The scanner then will log itself into the system and scan the system internally as well (see figure Scanning using the ITS Vulnerability Traffic Light.). When the report format and the scan confirmation are imported and the ITS-Scanner is cloned then the warnings will no longer be displayed.


Scanning using the ITS Vulnerability Traffic Light.

If vulnerabilities are discovered the displayed traffic light will flash in the respective colour during the scan. As soon as the scan is completed the traffic light will stop flashing and displays the status permanently (see figure After completion of the scan the status of the traffic light is displayed permanently.).

Clicking the printer icon (see figure The printer icon gives access to the report.) the PDF report can be downloaded.


After completion of the scan the status of the traffic light is displayed permanently.


The printer icon gives access to the report.