List of Figures

2.1. System Architecture
3.1. edited in Linux.
3.2. setenv.bat edited in Windows.
3.3. Apache Tomcat welcome page
3.4. Jetty welcome page
3.5. Adjusting Maximum heap size limit
3.6. Glassfish welcome page
3.7. JBoss AS welcome page
3.8. JBoss EAP welcome page
3.9. WebLogic welcome page
3.10. Login page of CloverETL Server without license
3.11. Add new license form
3.12. Update license form
3.13. CloverETL Server as the only running application on IBM WebSphere
12.1. Configured temp spaces overview - one default temp space on each cluster node
12.2. Newly added global temp space.
12.3. Temp spaces using environment variables and system properties
12.4. Disable operation reports action performed
12.5. Remove operation asks for confirmation in case there are data present in the temp space
13.1. Master password initialization
13.2. Graph parameters tab with initialized master password
14.1. Web GUI - section "Users" under "Configuration"
14.2. Web GUI - edit user
14.3. Web GUI - change password
14.4. Web GUI - groups assignment
14.5. Web GUI - section "Groups"
14.6. Web GUI - users assignment
14.7. Tree of permissions
15.1. Sandboxes Section in CloverETL Server Web GUI
15.2. Sandbox Permissions in CloverETL Server Web GUI
15.3. Web GUI - section "Sandboxes" - context menu on sandbox
15.4. Web GUI - section "Sandboxes" - context menu on folder
15.5. Web GUI - download sandbox as ZIP
15.6. Web GUI - upload ZIP to sandbox
15.7. Web GUI - upload ZIP results
15.8. Web GUI - download file as ZIP
15.9. Job config properties
16.1. Standalone server detail
16.2. Performance
16.3. CPU Load
16.4. Running jobs
16.5. System
16.6. Status History
16.7. Users' Accesses panel
16.8. Classloader cache
16.9. Status
16.10. Heartbeat
16.11. Threads
16.12. Quartz
16.13. Cluster overview
16.14. Node detail
16.15. Server Logs
17.1. Server Configuration Export screen
17.2. Server Configuration Import screen
17.3. Server Configuration uploaded
17.4. Outcome of the import preview for configuration from Example 17.1
17.5. Outcome of import preview for configuration after fixing by removal of broken group reference.
20.1. Web GUI - send e-mail
20.2. Web GUI - shell command
20.3. Web GUI - Graph execution task
20.4. Web GUI - Graph execution task
20.5. Web GUI - Jobflow execution task
20.6. Web GUI - "Abort job"
20.7. Web GUI - archive records
20.8. Web GUI - Task JMS message editor
21.1. Web GUI - "Manual task execution" form
22.1. Web GUI - section "Scheduling" - create new
22.2. Web GUI - onetime schedule form
22.3. Web GUI - schedule form - calendar
22.4. Web GUI - periodical schedule form
22.5. Cron periodical schedule form
22.6. Editing the cron expression - minutes
22.7. Editing the cron expression - days of week
22.8. Schedule allocation - Any node
22.9. Schedule allocation - One ore more specific nodes
23.1. Executions History - executions table
23.2. Executions History - overall perspective
23.3. Executions Hierarchy with docked list of jobs
24.1. Listeners
24.2. Web GUI - graph timeout event
24.3. Event source graph isn't specified, thus listener works for all graphs in specified sandbox
24.4. Web GUI - e-mail notification about graph failure
24.5. Web GUI - email notification about graph success
24.6. Web GUI - backup of data processed by graph
24.7. Web GUI - jobflow timeout event
24.8. Web GUI - creating a File Event listener
24.9. Web GUI - creating a Task Failure listener
25.1. Glassfish JMX connector
25.2. WebSphere configuration
25.3. Launch Services and CloverETL Server as web application back-end
25.4. Launch Services section
25.5. Creating a new launch configuration
25.6. Overview tab
25.7. Edit Configuration tab
25.8. Creating new parameter
25.9. Edit Parameters tab
29.1. Component allocations example
29.2. Graph decomposition based on component allocations
29.3. Component allocation dialog
29.4. Dialog form for creating new shared sandbox
29.5. Dialog form for creating a new local sandbox
29.6. Dialog form for creating new local sandbox
29.7. Cluster Scalability
29.8. Speedup factor
30.1. Configuration of 2-nodes cluster, each node has access to database
30.2. Configuration of 2-nodes cluster, one node without direct access to database
30.3. Configuration of 2-nodes cluster, one node without direct access to database