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 Ceph backup driver

The Ceph backup driver backs up volumes of any type to a Ceph back-end store. The driver can also detect whether the volume to be backed up is a Ceph RBD volume, and if so, it tries to perform incremental and differential backups.

For source Ceph RBD volumes, you can perform backups within the same Ceph pool (not recommended) and backups between different Ceph pools and between different Ceph clusters.

At the time of writing, differential backup support in Ceph/librbd was quite new. This driver attempts a differential backup in the first instance. If the differential backup fails, the driver falls back to full backup/copy.

If incremental backups are used, multiple backups of the same volume are stored as snapshots so that minimal space is consumed in the backup store. It takes far less time to restore a volume than to take a full copy.


Block Storage Service enables you to:

  • Restore to a new volume, which is the default and recommended action.

  • Restore to the original volume from which the backup was taken. The restore action takes a full copy because this is the safest action.

To enable the Ceph backup driver, include the following option in the cinder.conf file:


The following configuration options are available for the Ceph backup driver.

Table 7.24. Description of configuration options for backups_ceph
Configuration option=Default value Description
backup_ceph_chunk_size=134217728 (IntOpt) the chunk size in bytes that a backup will be broken into before transfer to backup store
backup_ceph_conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf (StrOpt) Ceph config file to use.
backup_ceph_pool=backups (StrOpt) the Ceph pool to backup to
backup_ceph_stripe_count=0 (IntOpt) RBD stripe count to use when creating a backup image
backup_ceph_stripe_unit=0 (IntOpt) RBD stripe unit to use when creating a backup image
backup_ceph_user=cinder (StrOpt) the Ceph user to connect with
restore_discard_excess_bytes=True (BoolOpt) If True, always discard excess bytes when restoring volumes.

This example shows the default options for the Ceph backup driver.

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