The x-account-meta-quota-bytes
metadata entry must be requests (PUT, POST) if a given
account quota (in bytes) is exceeded while DELETE requests
are still allowed.
The x-account-meta-quota-bytes metadata entry must be set to store and enable the quota. Write requests to this metadata entry are only permitted for resellers. There is no account quota limitation on a reseller account even if x-account-meta-quota-bytes is set.
Any object PUT operations that exceed the quota return a 413 response (request entity too large) with a descriptive body.
The following command uses an admin account that own the Reseller role to set a quota on the test account:
$ swift -A -U admin:admin -K admin \ --os-storage-url= post -m quota-bytes:10000
Here is the stat listing of an account where quota has been set:
$ swift -A -U test:tester -K testing stat Account: AUTH_test Containers: 0 Objects: 0 Bytes: 0 Meta Quota-Bytes: 10000 X-Timestamp: 1374075958.37454 X-Trans-Id: tx602634cf478546a39b1be-0051e6bc7a
The command below removes the account quota:
$ swift -A -U admin:admin -K admin --os-storage-url= post -m quota-bytes: