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 Configure metadata

The OpenStack Compute service allows VMs to query metadata associated with a VM by making a web request to a special address. OpenStack Networking supports proxying those requests to nova-api, even when the requests are made from isolated networks, or from multiple networks that use overlapping IP addresses.

To enable proxying the requests, you must update the following fields in nova.conf.

Table 4.45. nova.conf metadata settings
Item Configuration


Update to true, otherwise nova-api will not properly respond to requests from the neutron-metadata-agent.


Update to a string "password" value. You must also configure the same value in the metadata_agent.ini file, to authenticate requests made for metadata.

The default value of an empty string in both files will allow metadata to function, but will not be secure if any non-trusted entities have access to the metadata APIs exposed by nova-api.


As a precaution, even when using neutron_metadata_proxy_shared_secret, it is recommended that you do not expose metadata using the same nova-api instances that are used for tenants. Instead, you should run a dedicated set of nova-api instances for metadata that are available only on your management network. Whether a given nova-api instance exposes metadata APIs is determined by the value of enabled_apis in its nova.conf.

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