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 Enable the HP 3PAR Fibre Channel and iSCSI drivers

The HP3PARFCDriver and HP3PARISCSIDriver are installed with the OpenStack software.

  1. Install the hp3parclient Python package on the OpenStack Block Storage system.

    $sudo pip install hp3parclient

  2. Verify that the HP 3PAR Web Services API server is enabled and running on the HP 3PAR storage system.

    1. Log onto the HP 3PAR storage system with administrator access.

      #ssh 3paradm@<HP 3PAR IP Address>
    2. View the current state of the Web Services API Server.

      -Service- -State- -HTTP_State-
              HTTP_Port -HTTPS_State- HTTPS_Port -Version-
      Enabled   Active Enabled       8008
              Enabled       8080         1.1
    3. If the Web Services API Server is disabled, start it.

  3. If the HTTP or HTTPS state is disabled, enable one of them.

    #setwsapi -http enable 


    #setwsapi -https enable 

    To stop the Web Services API Server, use the stopwsapi command. For other options run the setwsapi –h command.

  4. If you are not using an existing CPG, create a CPG on the HP 3PAR storage system to be used as the default location for creating volumes.

  5. Make the following changes in the /etc/cinder/cinder.conf file.

                            ## REQUIRED SETTINGS
    # 3PAR WS API Server URL
    # 3PAR Super user username
    # 3PAR Super user password
    # 3PAR domain to use - DEPRECATED
    # 3PAR CPG to use for volume creation
    # IP address of SAN controller for SSH access to the array
    # Username for SAN controller for SSH access to the array
    # Password for SAN controller for SSH access to the array
    # FIBRE CHANNEL(uncomment the next line to enable the FC driver)
      # volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.san.hp.hp_3par_fc.HP3PARFCDriver
    # iSCSI (uncomment the next line to enable the iSCSI driver and
    # hp3par_iscsi_ips or iscsi_ip_address)
    # iSCSI multiple port configuration
      # hp3par_iscsi_ips=,
    # Still available for single port iSCSI configuration
                            ## OPTIONAL SETTINGS
    # Enable HTTP debugging to 3PAR
    # The CPG to use for Snapshots for volumes. If empty hp3par_cpg will be used.
    # Time in hours to retain a snapshot. You can't delete it before this expires.
    # Time in hours when a snapshot expires and is deleted. This must be larger than retention.

    You can enable only one driver on each cinder instance unless you enable multiple back-end support. See the Cinder multiple back-end support instructions to enable this feature.


    You can configure one or more iSCSI addresses by using the hp3par_iscsi_ips option. When you configure multiple addresses, the driver selects the iSCSI port with the fewest active volumes at attach time. The IP address might include an IP port by using a colon (:) to separate the address from port. If you do not define an IP port, the default port 3260 is used. Separate IP addresses with a comma (,). The iscsi_ip_address/iscsi_port options might be used as an alternative to hp3par_iscsi_ips for single port iSCSI configuration.

  6. Save the changes to the cinder.conf file and restart the cinder-volume service.

The HP 3PAR Fibre Channel and iSCSI drivers are now enabled on your OpenStack system. If you experience problems, review the Block Storage Service log files for errors.

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