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 Nicira NVP configuration options

Table 4.20. Description of configuration options for nicira
Configuration option=Default value Description
agent_mode=agent (StrOpt) The mode used to implement DHCP/metadata services.
always_read_status=False (BoolOpt) Always read operational status from backend on show operations. Enabling this option might slow down the system.
concurrent_connections=10 (IntOpt) Maximum concurrent connections to each NVP controller.
datacenter_moid=None (StrOpt) Optional parameter identifying the ID of datacenter to deploy NSX Edges
datastore_id=None (StrOpt) Optional parameter identifying the ID of datastore to deploy NSX Edges
default_interface_name=breth0 (StrOpt) Name of the interface on a L2 Gateway transport nodewhich should be used by default when setting up a network connection
default_l2_gw_service_uuid=None (StrOpt) Unique identifier of the NVP L2 Gateway service which will be used by default for network gateways
default_l3_gw_service_uuid=None (StrOpt) Unique identifier of the NVP L3 Gateway service which will be used for implementing routers and floating IPs
default_transport_type=stt (StrOpt) The default network tranport type to use (stt, gre, bridge, ipsec_gre, or ipsec_stt)
default_tz_uuid=None (StrOpt) This is uuid of the default NVP Transport zone that will be used for creating tunneled isolated "Neutron" networks. It needs to be created in NVP before starting Neutron with the nvp plugin.
deployment_container_id=None (StrOpt) Optional parameter identifying the ID of datastore to deploy NSX Edges
external_network=None (StrOpt) Network ID for physical network connectivity
http_timeout=10 (IntOpt) Time before aborting a request
manager_uri=None (StrOpt) uri for vsm
max_lp_per_bridged_ls=5000 (IntOpt) Maximum number of ports of a logical switch on a bridged transport zone (default 5000)
max_lp_per_overlay_ls=256 (IntOpt) Maximum number of ports of a logical switch on an overlay transport zone (default 256)
max_random_sync_delay=0 (IntOpt) Maximum value for the additional random delay in seconds between runs of the state synchronization task
metadata_mode=access_network (StrOpt) If set to access_network this enables a dedicated connection to the metadata proxy for metadata server access via Neutron router. If set to dhcp_host_route this enables host route injection via the dhcp agent. This option is only useful if running on a host that does not support namespaces otherwise access_network should be used.
min_chunk_size=500 (IntOpt) Minimum number of resources to be retrieved from NVP during state synchronization
min_sync_req_delay=10 (IntOpt) Minimum delay, in seconds, between two state synchronization queries to NVP. It must not exceed state_sync_interval
nvp_cluster_uuid=None (StrOpt) Optional paramter identifying the UUID of the cluster in NVP. This can be retrieved from NVP management console "admin" section.
nvp_controllers=None (ListOpt) Lists the NVP controllers in this cluster
nvp_gen_timeout=-1 (IntOpt) Number of seconds a generation id should be valid for (default -1 meaning do not time out)
nvp_password=admin (StrOpt) Password for NVP controllers in this cluster
nvp_user=admin (StrOpt) User name for NVP controllers in this cluster
redirects=2 (IntOpt) Number of times a redirect should be followed
req_timeout=30 (IntOpt) Total time limit for a cluster request
resource_pool_id=default (StrOpt) Shared resource pool id
retries=2 (IntOpt) Number of time a request should be retried
state_sync_interval=120 (IntOpt) Interval in seconds between runs of the state synchronization task. Set it to 0 to disable it
task_status_check_interval=2000 (IntOpt) Task status check interval
user=admin (StrOpt) User name for vsm

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