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 L3 Agent

There is an option to run a L3 agent that will give enable layer 3 forwarding and floating IP support. The node that runs the L3 agent should run:

neutron-l3-agent --config-file <neutron config>
--config-file <l3 config>

A driver needs to be configured that matches the plug-in running on the service. The driver is used to create the routing interface.

Table 4.48. Basic settings
Parameter Value
Open vSwitch
interface_driver ($NEUTRON_CONF_DIR/l3_agent.ini) neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver
external_network_bridge ($NEUTRON_CONF_DIR/l3_agent.ini) br-ex
Linux Bridge
interface_driver ($NEUTRON_CONF_DIR/l3_agent.ini) neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver
external_network_bridge ($NEUTRON_CONF_DIR/l3_agent.ini) This field must be empty (or the bridge name for the external network).

The L3 agent communicates with the OpenStack Networking server via the OpenStack Networking API, so the following configuration is required:

  1. OpenStack Identity authentication:


    For example,
  2. Admin user details:

    admin_tenant_name $SERVICE_TENANT_NAME
    admin_user $Q_ADMIN_USERNAME
    admin_password $SERVICE_PASSWORD

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