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 Create and associate a volume type

Create and associate a volume with the ESM storage repository.

  1. Restart Cinder.

    # service openstack-cinder-api restart
    # service openstack-cinder-scheduler restart
    # service openstack-cinder-volume restart
  2. Create a volume.

    # cinder type-create ‘volume_type_name

    where volume_type_name is the name you assign the volume. You will see output similar to the following:

    |                ID                    |     Name    |
    | 7fa6b5ab-3e20-40f0-b773-dd9e16778722 | JBOD-SAS600 |

    Record the value in the ID field; you use this value in the next step.

  3. Associate the volume type with the Storage Repository.

    #cinder type-key UUID set coraid_repository_key=’FQRN

    Variable Description
    UUID The ID returned from the cinder type-create command. You can use the cinder type-list command to recover the ID.
    coraid_repository_key The key name used to associate the Cinder volume type with the ESM in the cinder.conf file. If no key name was defined, this is default value for coraid_repository.
    FQRN The FQRN recorded during the Create Storage Repository process.
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