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 Enable security group API

Since the ML2 plugin can concurrently support different L2 agents (or other mechanisms) with different configuration files, the actual firewall_driver value in the ml2_conf.ini file does not matter in the server, but firewall_driver must be set to a non-default value in the ml2 configuration to enable the securitygroup extension. To enable securitygroup API, edit the ml2_conf.ini file:

  firewall_driver = dummy

Each L2 agent configuration file (such as ovs_neutron_plugin.ini or linuxbridge_conf.ini) should contain the appropriate firewall_driver value for that agent. To disable securitygroup API, edit the ml2_conf.ini file:

firewall_driver = neutron.agent.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver

Also, each L2 agent configuration file (such as ovs_neutron_plugin.ini or linuxbridge_conf.ini) should contain this value in firewall_driver parameter for that agent.

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