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 Enable the Nexenta iSCSI driver and related options

The following table contains the options supported by the Nexenta iSCSI driver.

Table 7.14. Description of configuration options for storage_nexenta_iscsi
Configuration option=Default value Description
nexenta_blocksize= (StrOpt) block size for volumes (blank=default,8KB)
nexenta_host= (StrOpt) IP address of Nexenta SA
nexenta_iscsi_target_portal_port=3260 (IntOpt) Nexenta target portal port
nexenta_password=nexenta (StrOpt) Password to connect to Nexenta SA
nexenta_rest_port=2000 (IntOpt) HTTP port to connect to Nexenta REST API server
nexenta_rest_protocol=auto (StrOpt) Use http or https for REST connection (default auto)
nexenta_sparse=False (BoolOpt) flag to create sparse volumes
nexenta_target_group_prefix=cinder/ (StrOpt) prefix for iSCSI target groups on SA (StrOpt) IQN prefix for iSCSI targets
nexenta_user=admin (StrOpt) User name to connect to Nexenta SA
nexenta_volume=cinder (StrOpt) pool on SA that will hold all volumes

To use Compute with the Nexenta iSCSI driver, first set the volume_driver:


Then set value for nexenta_host and other parameters from table if needed.

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