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If you use OpenStack Networking, do not run the OpenStack Compute nova-network service (like you do in traditional OpenStack Compute deployments). Instead, OpenStack Compute delegates most network-related decisions to OpenStack Networking. OpenStack Compute proxies tenant-facing API calls to manage security groups and floating IPs to Networking APIs. However, operator-facing tools such as nova-manage, are not proxied and should not be used.


When you configure networking, you must use this guide. Do not rely on OpenStack Compute networking documentation or past experience with OpenStack Compute. If a nova command or configuration option related to networking is not mentioned in this guide, the command is probably not supported for use with OpenStack Networking. In particular, you cannot use CLI tools like nova-manage and nova to manage networks or IP addressing, including both fixed and floating IPs, with OpenStack Networking.


It is strongly recommended that you uninstall nova-network and reboot any physical nodes that have been running nova-network before using them to run OpenStack Networking. Inadvertently running the nova-network process while using OpenStack Networking can cause problems, as can stale iptables rules pushed down by previously running nova-network.

To ensure that OpenStack Compute works properly with OpenStack Networking (rather than the legacy nova-network mechanism), you must adjust settings in the nova.conf configuration file.

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