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 Image property protection

There are currently two types of properties in the Image Service: "core properties," which are defined by the system, and "additional properties," which are arbitrary key/value pairs that can be set on an image.

With the Havana release, any such property can be protected through configuration. When you put protections on a property, it limits the users who can perform CRUD operations on the property based on their user role. The use case is to enable the cloud provider to maintain extra properties on images so typically this would be an administrator who has access to protected properties, managed with policy.json. The extra property could be licensing information or billing information, for example.

Properties that don't have protections defined for them will act as they do now: the administrator can control core properties, with the image owner having control over additional properties.

Property protection can be set in /etc/glance/property-protections.conf, using roles found in policy.json.

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