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 ZooKeeper ServiceGroup driver

The ZooKeeper ServiceGroup driver works by using ZooKeeper ephemeral nodes. ZooKeeper, in contrast to databases, is a distributed system. Its load is divided among several servers. At a compute worker node, after establishing a ZooKeeper session, it creates an ephemeral znode in the group directory. Ephemeral znodes have the same lifespan as the session. If the worker node or the nova-compute daemon crashes, or a network partition is in place between the worker and the ZooKeeper server quorums, the ephemeral znodes are removed automatically. The driver gets the group membership by running the ls command in the group directory.

To use the ZooKeeper driver, you must install ZooKeeper servers and client libraries. Setting up ZooKeeper servers is outside the scope of this article. For the rest of the article, assume these servers are installed, and their addresses and ports are,,

To use ZooKeeper, you must install client-side Python libraries on every nova node: python-zookeeper – the official Zookeeper Python binding and evzookeeper – the library to make the binding work with the eventlet threading model.

The relevant configuration snippet in the /etc/nova/nova.conf file on every node is:



Table 2.20. Description of configuration options for zookeeper
Configuration option=Default value Description
address=None (StrOpt) The ZooKeeper addresses for servicegroup service in the format of host1:port,host2:port,host3:port
recv_timeout=4000 (IntOpt) recv_timeout parameter for the zk session
sg_prefix=/servicegroups (StrOpt) The prefix used in ZooKeeper to store ephemeral nodes
sg_retry_interval=5 (IntOpt) Number of seconds to wait until retrying to join the session

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