Space Index

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0. Disclaimer
0. Disclaimer Apache ServiceMix is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Geronimo PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process ...
1. Quick start
1. Quick start If you are in a hurry to have Apache ServiceMix up and running right away, this article will provide you with some basic steps for downloading, building (when needed) and run the server in no time. This is clearly not a complete guide so you ...
2. Introduction
2. Introduction Introduction to ESB This document introduces the general concept of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and the Java Business Integration (JBI) specification, followed by a discussion of ServiceMix, an open source ESB implementation based on the JBI standard JSR ...
3. Installation
3. Installation This document describes how to install and configure ServiceMix 3.x for both Unix and Windows' platforms. Here you will find information about what are pre requisite software, where to download Geronimo from and how to customize the installation to use ...
4. Examples
4. Examples The ServiceMix distribution comes with several examples categories. The following sections of this document will help you understanding the differences between these examples and explain alternative methods to start them #Maven configuration #JBI packaging #Static configuration using Maven ...
5. JBI
5. JBI Overview What is JBI ? JBI is a java based standard to build integrations systems by using plugin components which interoperates through mediated normalized message exchanges. The message exchange model is based on the web services description language ...
6. Configuring ServiceMix
6. Configuring ServiceMix Directory layout Main distribution layout When you first install ServiceMix, you will see the following directory structure. Note that some directories ({{data}} for example) will only be created when you have launched ServiceMix ...


ServiceMix includes a patched distribution of the Apache Agila project. We hope at some point we can merge the patches back into the main branch but we needed an area where a bunch of us could ...
All Components
ServiceMix supports the following components: BPEL Cache Drools Email File FTP Groovy HTTP Jabber JAX WS JCA JMS Quartz Reflection RSS SAAJ Scripting ServiceMix Validation XFire XPath Router XSLT XSQL VFS ...
Ant Tasks
requirement of the JBI/JSR208 is to allow the remote installation, deployment and management of Components. A prefered way of doing this is by Ant Tasks, that use the JMX interfaces exposed by the management of the Container. JbiTask All ServiceMix Ant Tasks are derived from JbiTask see JbiTask http ...
following diagram shows the architecture we're aiming for the 1.0 release. !
Articles on ServiceMix and JBI Implement twoway communication among ESB components by Mohan Vamsi JBI and ServiceMix : Remaking the Java ESB by Daniel Rubio Mohan ...


Background to ServiceMix
Background The Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)\ which can be defined as middleware that brings together both integration technologies and runtime services to make business services widely available for reuse offers the best solution for meeting today's enterprise application integration ...
table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
Basic Example Overview This document describes how to run the Basic example and provides details about what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for Basic \\ \\ The Basic example illustrates the following ...
Basic old
Overview of the ServiceMix Basic Example This document describes how to run the Basic example and provides details about what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for Basic \\ \\ The Basic example illustrates ...
BeanFlow is a lightweight Java library for building workflows using beans to orchestrate events. You can think of BeanFlow as a simple alternative to BPEL where the workflows are all specified and implemented using Java code rather than declarative XML. Quick ...
BeanFlow Patterns
page goes through the excellent workflow patterns list showing how to implement them using BeanFlow. Basic Control Patterns Sequence Execute activities in sequence ...
Becoming a committer
page details how to become a committer. First of all you need to get involved and Contribute Contributing via the mail list, forum, issue tracker and submit patches. Once you're contributing and your work is good, one of our Team ...
Books Enterprise Integration Patterns : Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions (EAI Patterns Site Understanding Enterprise SOA http ...
We support WSBPEL via the PXE BPEL Engine from FiveSight PXE has a JBI component and deployment unit which, thanks to JBI, can just ...
BPEL example
Overview of the ServiceMix 1.x BPEL Example This document describes how to run ServiceMix's BPEL example and provides details about what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for BPEL The BPEL ...
BPEL Example Ja
Overview of the ServiceMix 1.x BPEL Example This document describes how to run ServiceMix's BPEL example and provides details about what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for BPEL ...
would be great to have BPM support to easily interact with any BPM tool (user centric workflow as opposed to process orchestration via BPEL). Tools to support in alphabetical order Agila jBPM ...
Bridge example You can take a look at Creating a protocol bridge Creating a protocol bridge
Questions on building ServiceMix and running the unit test suite
ServiceMix uses Maven as its build tool. If you don't fancy using Maven you can use your IDE directly or Download a distribution or JAR. We have tested the build with Maven 2.0.4 and it works fine ...


component caches service invocations to avoid unnecessary load on expensive services. The cache itself can be any Map implementation including any JCache provider. To use the cache component you ...
Can I get commercial support
Absolutely, see our Support page for more details
Child page, testing tree hierarchy
child one's child
Child two of NavigationTree page
logobull.jpg thumbnail,align=center!   !logo.jpg align=center! The CIMERO project: a graphical Eclipse tool for ServiceMix This Eclipse plugin permits to create graphically a configuration of a ServiceMix flow. With the created graph, user can build an XML configuration ...
Classloaders There are several classloaders involved in ServiceMix: the container class loader shared library class loader: the parent is the container class loader component class loader: parents are container class loader any referenced SL class loader service unit ...
Client API
make it simpler to use as an end user, we've created a JBI Client API which makes it easy to work with any JBI container and other JBI ...
Cluster example The Cluster example is a modified version of the File Binding example, in which two ServiceMix containers are clustered. One will poll the files and send them to the other container. The second container will receive them and write them on the disk
Clustering {}ServiceMix{} supports clustering of containers. Clustering in ServiceMix provides load balancing of messages across servers/machines high availability (HA) of services and fault tolerance (if a machine crashes, messages are automatically redelivered to another machine durability (persist messages ...
Coding standards
page describes the standards used for Apache ServiceMixcode (java, xml, whatever). Code is read by a human being more often than it is written by a human being, make the code a pleasure to read. Indentation Java Lets follow Sun's coding standard ...
Created by gnodet Using TimTam
Component helper classes
JBI components are slightly heavyweight objects; there's a bit of plumbing required for the component developer to write. To make things easier for the developer, we support POJOs Spring support. In addition we provide a PojoSupport and ComponentSupport classes making it easy to write new ...
Component Introduction
ServiceMix currently has the following JBI components: Service Components Rules based routing Drools via the Drools rule engine. BPEL support for WSBPEL via PXE http ...
Component Matrix
Component Matrix ServiceMix defines several types of components: JBI SE : standard JBI Service Engine JBI BC : standard JBI Binding Component LW SE : LightWeight Service Engine LW BC : LightWeight Binding Component Lightweight ...
Component MBean
Component MBean is derived from Life Cycle MBean and exposes life cycle management and some performance stats for a deployed Component (a binding or a service engine) see ComponentMBean interface ...
Components list
ServiceMix currently has the following JBI components: Standard JBI components The following components ships with ServiceMix distribution: servicemixbean is a JBI component for mapping beans (POJOs) to JBI message exchanges for easy procssing of JBI message exchanges. Note that if you ...
You should refer to the up to date User's Guide. The new page is available here 6. Configuring ServiceMix XML Configuration ServiceMix uses XML configuration files. From 2.0 of ServiceMix onwards we use the XBean ...
Configuration examples
ServiceMix Console From ServiceMix 3.1, a console is available as a web application. To test it, you need to grab and build the current svn tree (see Building). Launch ServiceMix, and then run the following commands: cd servicemixwebconsole mvn jetty:run Screenshots ...
Container MBean
JBIContainer MBean is uses the Life Cycle MBeanfor life cycle management. All life cycle operations (start,stop,shutdown) are recursively applied to all the contained Components and internal services of the Container. \\ Name Parameters Signature Description start void ...
many ways you can help make ServiceMix a better piece of software please dive in and help\! Try surf the documentation if somethings confusing or not clear, let us know. Download the code, try it out, and see what you think ...
Creating a protocol bridge
ServiceMix can be used as a protocol bridge. The following tutorial will explain how to create a JBI Service Assembly (aka a JBI application) to bridge two different protocols. In this example, we will bridge the HTTP/SOAP with the JMS protocol using an InOnly ...
Creating a protocol bridge (3.0)
ServiceMix can be used as a protocol bridge. The following tutorial will explain how to create a JBI Service Assembly (aka a JBI application) to bridge two different protocols. In this example, we will bridge the HTTP/SOAP with the JMS protocol using an InOnly ...
Creating a Standard JBI Component
Note: The content of this document is overlapping with Notes on Creating JBI Component using maven2 and Hello World BC and Hello World SE. Any changes you might want to do for this document might be relevant for them as well. Questions unanswered by this document ...


Deploying Lightweight Components Tutorial
Introduction This document discusses how to package and deploy a lightweight component to the ServiceMix lightweight container ({{servicemixlwcontainer}}). The ServiceMix lightweight container is a service engine JBI component whose purpose is to allow lightweight components (POJOs) to be deployed at runtime rather than only ...
Deployment models
Deployment of a Service Assembly in OpenESB
How to deploy a Service Assembly, developed in ServiceMix, in other JBI container, concretely in OpenESB Goals The goal of this tutorial is to know how ServiceMix and OpenESB are compliant with JBI, and the way of make this is, developing a Service Assembly in ServiceMix and deploying it in Open ESB. PreRequisites ...
DeployServiceAssemblyTask deploys a Service Assembly see DeployServiceAssemblyTask \\ Name type Description file String the archive path for the assembly archive
Created by gnodet On Fri May 12 15:30:19 CEST 2006 Using TimTam
Discussion Forums
Before posting you might want to read the Tips for getting help. Many users prefer to use online forums rather than joining a mail list which can lead to lots more email traffic so we use ...
Please have a look at Ideas concerning documentation for contribution
Does JBI depend on XML and WSDL
idea behind ESBs is that they are language and platform neutral, allowing any process to communicate and integrate with any other process. Even if you assumed the entire world was Java, you still have issues of platform and version (e.g. serialization version, classpath ...
Latest Releases The latest release is the ServiceMix 3.1 Release ServiceMix 3.1. We strongly encourage all users to use this release. Linux/Mac OS X/Unix Downloads Apache ServiceMix 3.1incubating (.tar.gz) ...
We support Rules based routing using the Drools rule engine. The basic idea is you expose a DroolsComponent at some service/interface/operation endpoint in ServiceMix then let it perform rules based routing, or other actions as required ...


Eclipse plugin
Eclipsebased tooling for ServiceMix has been moved to the GoOpen server. The information on installing and using the server is now available here
We currently support MIME email sending via JavaMail The following example shows the configuration of the JavaMail email sender component. We also support the simpler MailSender ...
Environment Context MBean
Environment Context MBean is derived from Life Cycle MBean and exposes life cycle management for the Environment Context, a service that manages Component workspace and deployment directories. The Envionment Context controls the installation directory, when Component archives can be dropped ...
Example & Use Cases
We provide a number of examples of ServiceMix in use inside the binary download Download. Once you have a binary distribution you should be able to see the examples in the examples directory. Add $SERVICEMIXHOME/bin directory to $PATH variable to simplify execution ...
Exception in thread "main"
you are trying to run and test the Httpbing example, and get an error like this Exception in thread "main" Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://localhost:8912 at .java:800) at HttpClient.main( ...
make components easier to extend, we have a pluggable expression library. There are currently numerous implementations simple property access on the normalized message XPath via Jaxen, JAXP 1.3 or XMLBeans http ...
Extending Eclipse WTP to support JBI
document outlines the work that is underway to extend the Eclipse Web Tools Platform so that it can offer support for JBI components.  In order to understand a little about the process we'll walk through the steps involved in added a new module type ...


Core Embedding POJOs Routing Clustering Transformation Orchestration, BPEL Client API Error handling JBI Component Framework Publish and Subscribe Protocols HTTP, HTTPSOAP ... Features Overview
ServiceMix is lightweight and easily embeddable, has integrated Spring support and can be run at the edge of the network (inside a client or server), as a standalone ESB provider or as a service within another ESB. You can use ServiceMix in Java SE or a Java EE ...
components write messages to files in a directory or poll files or directories (possibly recursively) to send files into the JBI. Firstly here is the poller which will poll a file or directory (recursively by default) to find files, which are then sent into the JBI bus   Then here's ...
File Binding
File Binding Example Overview This document describes how to run ServiceMix's File Binding example and provides details about what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to the last section: use case SM30UG:#Use case ...
File Binding Example
Overview of the ServiceMix 1.x File Binding Example This document describes how to run ServiceMix's File Binding example and provides details about what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for File Binding http ...
file binding old
Overview of the ServiceMix File Binding Example This document describes how to run ServiceMix's File Binding example and provides details about what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for File Binding ...
component supports FTP via the Jakarta Commons Net library. Sending files over FTP The default behaviour of sending files over FTP is for the message content to be the text which gets written into the file. For example ...
Full Description
more detailed breakdown of the plugin's functionality check out the Maven2 generated documentation


General questions on the ServiceMix project
Geronimo 1.0 and ServiceMix 2.x Integration
Introduction Geronimo is the J2EE server project of the Apache Software Foundation. ServiceMix is being tightly integrated with Geronimo so that it takes advantage of it's deployment architecture and to leverage Geronimo to implement J2EE JBI bindings. Note: The Geronimo deployment tool ...
Geronimo integration
Prebuilt plugins are available in servicemix standard repository. First, shutdown Geronimo and edit the {{/var/config/config.xml}} Geronimo configuration file with the following snippet: Getting Started
Introduction This document describes how to install and configure ServiceMix 2.x for both Unix and Windows' platforms. For instructions on installation and configuration of ServiceMix 1.x please see Getting Started for ServiceMix 1.1 Document Organization This document ...
Getting Started for ServiceMix 1.x
Introduction This document describes how to install and configure ServiceMix 1.x for both Unix and Windows' platforms. Document Organization This document contains the following sections: #Introduction #Document Organization #PreInstallation Requirements #Installation Procedure For Windows #Windows Binary Installation #Windows ...
Getting Started for ServiceMix 2.x
Introduction This document describes how to install and configure ServiceMix 2.x for both Unix and Windows' platforms. For instructions on installation and configuration of ServiceMix 1.x please see Getting Started for ServiceMix 1.1 Document Organization This document ...
Getting Started Guide
You will find an up to date page in the User's Guide 3. Installation. Introduction This document describes how to install and configure ServiceMix 3.x for both Unix and Windows' platforms. For installation and configuration instructions for older versions of ServiceMix please see ...
Getting Started Guide - old
Introduction This document describes how to install and configure ServiceMix 2.x for both Unix and Windows' platforms. For instructions on installation and configuration of ServiceMix 1.x please see Getting Started for ServiceMix 1.1. C:\tmp1\servicemix2.0.1\assembly\target\servicemix2.0.1\bin ...
Term Definition AIM Application Integration and Middleware API Application Programming Interface B2B Businesstobusiness is the term given to the software and architectural principles used to integrate applications, legacy application and databases between enterprises as opposed to within an enterprise (see ...
ServiceMix supports Groovy which allows Groovy scripts to be used as endpoints, transformers or services. This allows you to combine the power of the Groovy scripting language with the ServiceMix JBI container and any off the shelf JBI components to create a very ...


Hello World - BC
Creating a Hello World JBI Binding Component This tutorial is a work in progress and is not yet complete. Please check back for updates. This tutorial describes how to create a very simple Hello World style of JBI binding component. This tutorial is as minimalistic as possible ...
Hello World - SE
Creating a Hello World JBI Service Engine This tutorial is a work in progress and is not yet complete. Please check back for updates. This tutorial describes how to create a very simple Hello World style of JBI service engine. This tutorial is as minimalistic as possible ...
Apache ServiceMix is an Open Source ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) that combines the functionality of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and an Event Driven Arthitecture (EDA)  to create an agile Background to ServiceMix ...
ServiceMix is an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) that combines the functionality of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and an Event Driven Arthitecture (EDA)  to create an agile Background to ServiceMix, enterprise ESB. ServiceMix is an open source ...
How can I access the JBIContainer from inside a component ?
easiest way to access the JBIContainer, which is the main point to use ServiceMix internals, is to cast the ComponentContext to its implementation. JBIContainer container = ((ComponentContextImpl) getContext ...
How can I get help
How can I get the source code from subversion
How can I work with binary messages
You've 3 options # convert the binary message into XML # use an attachment to hold the message and have a placeholder XML document (such as ) for the content of the message # convert some key pieces of information from the binary message into a small XML document ...
How do I bridge different JMS providers
See here JMS for an example of a JMS bridge
How do I build but disable the unit tests
maven2 You can use mvn Dmaven.test.skip=true install With maven1 Try the following maven Dmaven.test.skip=true Or to run a specific goal maven Dmaven.test.skip=true jar
How do I change the logging
We use commonslogging to log information in the broker client and the broker itself. So, you can fully configure which logging levels are used and whether to log to files or the console etc. For more information see ...
How do I compile from the source
See the FAQ's Build page and have a look at the User's Guide
How do I edit the website
website is all contained on a Wiki so that anyone can contribute Contributing How to edit You can also click the edit button when viewing the website which is located on the bottom right of each page. Note that after you've changed ...
How do you invoke an endpoint through the ESB
External services that want to call an esb can use several transports (binding components). The transport layer and the protocol layer can be decoupled : a binding component will take care of the transport layer, but may let the protocol layer be handled by a service ...
How does a provider web service expose itself or registers itself on the bus
currently no way to do this at runtime. This must currently be done by using a binding component which will invoke the web service. Also see How does ServiceMix interact with a UDDI repository
How does JBI compare to JMS
page attempts to explain JBI quickly for developers who are experienced in using the Java Messaging Service In things like JMS, messages are routed to a destination (a topic or queue ...
How does routing work in JBI
JBI supports various different routing mechanisms a component can choose the exact ServiceEndpoint to invoke operations on a component can let the container find the service to invoke operations on a component can give the container some hints by specifying the service, interface ...
How does routing work in ServiceMix
Firstly here is how routing works in JBI How does routing work in JBI. In addition there is a page which lists the various Routing mechanisms available in ServiceMix Routing. So a component itself can specify a service, interface or endpoint name ...
How does ServiceMix compare to Celtix
Celtix http://celtix/ is an open source ESB project founded by Iona, and hosted at ObjectWeb Like ServiceMix, Celtix is designed to serve as the foundation for a Service Oriented Architecture. Although the two project teams ...
How does ServiceMix compare to Mule
Conceptually, ServiceMix and Mule are quite similar in that they allow services to be integrated through different APIs and across different transport technologies. Service Mix and Mule provide similar features, and both solutions enable a simple, lightweight POJObased deployment model that uses ...
How does ServiceMix compare to Synapse
Apache Synapse proposal describes the project as "a set of components that work together with Axis2 and other Apache and open source projects to create a flexible transformation, management and routing system." Given this focus on mediation of web services ...
How does ServiceMix compare to Tuscany or SCA
Service Component Architecture (SCA) is a specification that was announced on November 30, 2005, with the support of IBM, BEA, Oracle, SAP, Iona, Sybase, and other software vendors. SCA is often described in conjunction with the specification ...
How does ServiceMix interact with a UDDI repository
Currently, ServiceMix does not use UDDI. A binding component could use a UDDI repository to browse for external services and for each one, register an endpoint on the jbi bus. This would allow automatic registration of external services
How does the website work
website is actually rendered from the Wiki contents that you can edit How do I edit the website. When viewing a page on the static HTML website you can click on the edit link (bottom right of the page) and you can ...
How Stuff Works
Documentation Overview The following diagrams and notes are my understanding of part of the ServiceMix architecture based on a study of the source code \See Also: NMR Flows \ PS ServiceMix code is evolving faster than I can keep up with it so some ...
component has been deprecated in favor to servicemixhttp component. We support both a client side HTTP (capable of invoking requests on remote HTTP servers) and a server side HTTP binding (for exposing JBI components over HTTP). Note that both ...
HTTP binding
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x HTTP Binding Example The following procedure describes how to run the HTTP Binding example in ServiceMix and provides details regarding what the HTTP Binding does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case ...
Http Binding Ja
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x HTTP Binding Example The following procedure describes how to run the HTTP Binding example in ServiceMix and provides details regarding what the HTTP Binding does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case ...


I can not create a JIRA issue
check that you have created an account check that you can log on check that you have set the 'remember me' option
page is a collection of development ideas a good place to brain dump thoughts or ideas you might. Pleaser just add a new child page per idea... Ideas
Ideas concerning documentation
Ideas concerning documentation Here are collected ideas how the documentation may be improved. Feel free to work on any of the tasks or add new ones \ in case you have and want no confluence login, just leave a comment at the bottom of the page. And, by the way ...
imoGeronimo Integration Lisa
Introduction Geronimo is the J2EE server project of the Apache Software Foundation. ServiceMix is being tightly integrated with Geronimo so that it takes advantage of it's deployment architecture and to leverage Geronimo to implement J2EE JBI bindings. Note: The Geronimo deployment tool ...
Importing ServiceMix into Eclipse
Introduction This document will guide you through importing ServiceMix 3.0 into the IDE Eclipse Java Development Tools v3.x. The Maven website offers some additional information concerning Maven and Eclipse ...
InstallComponentTask installs a Component see InstallComponentTask \\ Name Type Description file \\ String the archive path for the Component archive params String location of a properties ...
InstallSharedLibraryTask installs a shared library see InstallSharedLibraryTask \\ Name type Description file \\ String theURI of the shared library to install &nbsp
Introduction to ESB
Introduction This document introduces the general concept of an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and the Java Business Integration (JBI) specification, followed by a discussion of ServiceMix, an open source ESB implementation based on the JBI standard JSR 208 ...
you want to chat with the team, you can try to ping use on #servicemix irc:// channel, at Codehaus. The IRC log is available here Note that the prefered way to communicate is always ...
Is JBI relevant in a heterogeneous environment
Some folks argue that JBI has less relevance due to it being a Java API. We obviously disagree :). For a start see some of the comments in that article. JBI is a Java API for working with integration components and web ...


We support the Jabber network via the XMPP protocol using the Smack client for Java. Sending messages from JBI to Jabber Both individual based and group chat mechanisms are supported ...
JavaDocs Core Core Core/JBI Core/Services ...
component has been deprecated in favor to servicemixjsr181 component.   ServiceMix provides several binding components that use the Java API for XMLbased Web Services (JAXWS API The ServiceMix JAXWS ...
JBI stands for Java Business Integration which is specified by JSR 208
JBI Component Framework
JBI Component Framework JCF (JBI Component Framework) is a ServiceMix subproject aiming at simplifying the writing of standard JBI components. This helps you focusing on the business logic (for a Service Engine) or the protocol side (Binding Component), instead of having to dive into the JBI ...
JBI Components
JBI Pojo Service Engine
While we have a JSR181 Service Engine that allows us to work to EJBs/POJO's etc I have been wondering if we should provide a annotated POJO engine that is closer to the JBI infrastructure than the JSR181 (XFire) based one ...
JBI Questions
Questions on JBI
JBoss Deployer
Deploying JBI Jars to JBoss This document discusses how to deploy ServiceMix to the JBoss application server. The JBoss deployer has been enhanced to allow JBI components and serviceassemblies to be installed and deployed directly into the JBoss 4.0 deploy directory ...
JBoss Deployer for 2.0
Deploying JBI Jars to JBoss This document discusses how to deploy ServiceMix to the JBoss application server. The JBoss deployer has been enhanced to allow JBI components and serviceassemblies to be installed and deployed directly into the JBoss 4.0 deploy directory ...
JBoss Integration
Deploying JBI Jars to JBoss We have recently updated the JBoss deployer that allows you drop JBI components and serviceassemblies directly into your JBoss 4.0 deploy directory and have JBoss picks them up and and passes ...
JCA Java Connector Architecture provides the most efficient way of thread pooling, resource pooling, transaction handling and consumption on JMS and other Resource Adapters. For example if you are consuming JMS messages, the JCA container provides ...
JCache API provides a way to integrate inJVM caches in Java processes. Using the Cache component we can integrate JCache into ServiceMix process flows
component has been deprecated in favor to servicemixjms component. The JMS components allow you to send and receive JMS messages. The JMS components assume that the NormalizedMessage they are given are ready for marshalling into/out of JMS, so they don't try to implement a SOAP stack ...
JMS Binding
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x JMS Binding Example The following procedure describes how to run the JMS Binding example and provides details regarding what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for JMS Binding http ...
JMS binding configuration
Download jms.xml jms-binding
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x JMS Binding Example The following procedure describes how to run the JMS Binding example and provides details regarding what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for JMS Binding http ...
JMX Console
Using a JMX Console with ServiceMix This document explains how to connect a JMX Console to ServiceMix. The following three open source JMX Consoles will be discussed: JConsole #Using JConsole MC4J #Using MC4J ServiceMix JMX Console #ServiceMix JMX Console ...
JNDI configuration
ServiceMix can be embedded in any application server, Java SE or EE platform. When working inside an application server you probably want to reuse the application servers JNDI provider and tooling. When you are working in embedded mode ...
JOnAS Integration
JOnAS Integration The Bull R&D team in charge of JOnAS development is pleased to announce the Service Mix integration in the lastest JOnAS stable release (jonas4.6.6tomcat5.5.12.tgz This version is the latest J2EE 1.4 ...
could somebody give joram spring servicemix configuration



Apache License v2.0 Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 ...
Life Cycle MBean
Life Cycle MBean provides operations for basic life cycle management, and is the parent MBean from which all other mbeans in ServiceMix are dervied. \\ Name Parameters Signature Description start void void start the item stop void void ...
Lightweight components
ListBindingComponentsTask list installed service engines see ListBindingComponentsTask \\ Name type Description bindingComponentName String list only the given binding component serviceAssemblyName ...
ListServiceAssembliesTask list deployed service assemblies see ListServiceAssembliesTask \\ Name type Description componentName String list the service assemblies that has service units ...
ListServiceEnginesTask list installed service engines see ListServiceEnginesTask \\ Name type Description serviceAssemblyName String list service engines that have service units ...
ListSharedLibrariesTask list installed shared libraries see ListSharedLibrariesTask Name type Description componentName String list shared libraries that the component depends on sharedLibraryName ...
Load Balancing
Load Balancing ServiceMix can run in a clustered mode whereby distributed ServiceMix instances utilize auto discovery ACTIVEMQ:Discovery from ActiveMQ to detect not only other ServiceMix instances, but also registered endpoints. Such a distributed scenario requires a proper ...
Loan Broker
Loan Broker example You can also read this article by Mohan Vamsi which describes this example: Implement twoway communication among ESB components You can use a PHP Stomp client to test ...
Loan Broker BPEL
Loan Broker BPEL example This example is a new version of the Loan Broker example which uses a BPEL process and xml messages instead of using message properties only. In addition, it leverages the maven plugin for ServiceMix which ease the process of building ...
Loan Broker example
example is based on the great EIP book The client and components are built and run from source using Ant, To start the servicemix server using the sample configuration, you must enter the following commands: ant ...
Here are some logos kindly contributed by Karim Hossam. The source can be found here !smsmall1.png! !smclassic1.png! !smlogo1.png! !smmoderngreen.png! !smlogo3.png! !smsmall2.png! !smclassic2.png! !smlogo2.png! !smmodernorange.png! !smlogo4.png! !smsmall3.png! !smclassic3.png! !smlogo5.png! !smsmall4.png ...


Mailing Lists
Mailing Lists The following mailing lists are available. Before posting you might want to read the Tips for getting help. List Name Subscribe Unsubscribe Archive Nabble (Online Forums) servicemix User List Subscribe mailto:[email protected] Unsubscribe ...
Servicemix provides JMX based management of running components and the internals of it's container. This section provides infomation about how to connect remotely to the Servicemix MBeanServer, the operations and attributes exposed for management and J2EE statistics. JMXConsole JMX Console \ infomation about connecting ...
Managment Console
Introduction Being such a feature rich and rapidly growing implementation of an Enterprise Services Bus (ESB) it is important to begin working on a managment console as soon as possible. The reasons for this are as follows: It will lower the barrier to entry for users starting out with ServiceMix A graphical representation ...
Overview Marshallers convert binding specific messages to/from JBI Normalised Messages (NM). It is also possible for a user to write their own marshaller to substitute for those builtin ones. User marshallers would be defined in the servicemix configration file. Questions: My ...
Maven 1.x JBI Plugin
Maven JBI plugin is a simple Maven 1.x plugin that can be used to generate a JBI component installer for a maven project. The plugin is available here and you can install is by dropping it into your Maven installations ...
Maven cannot download dependencies
you get some error when running maven like The build cannot continue because of the following unsatisfied dependencies: dom4j1.4dev8.jar (or whatever the jar is). Fix This looks like Maven cannot perform HTTP downloads of jars.Maybe its to do with HTTP ...
Maven JBI plugin
key part of a productive development environment is the tooling, for Apache ServiceMix the tooling is provided in the form of a powerful and flexible Apache Maven plugin.  The plugin has many useful features to enable you to work with the different project types available in JBI ...
Maven SAR plugin
Maven SAR plugin is a simple Maven 1.x plugin that can be used to generate a JBoss SAR that you can deploy. The plugin is available here and you can install is by dropping it into your ...
HI How do I configure MC4J so that it can connect to ServiceMix
Message Flow MBean
Message Flow MBean is base MBean used for management by different message flow implementations in the Normalized Message Router (NMR). The Message Flow MBean dervies its life cycel manamagement from the Life Cycle MBean. \\ Name type read ...
mx4j.remote.resolver.rmi.RMIResolver.bindServer exception
you get an error like this ERROR ManagementContext Could not start the remote: JMX ConnectorServer


Overview Home Download License FAQ SiteMap Search
Overview Introduction to ESB Background to ServiceMix FAQ News Download Documentation Quick Start Running Getting Started Guide Getting Started Examples Use Cases (whole) Tutorial: Creating a Component Spring Client Toolkit Configuration Management Clustering ...
home page, but want the plus. Want home page text in center, want nav bar on right. don't want all children displaying, just plus
Normalized Message Router is the component which routes normalized messages from a source component to its eventual destination using some kind of routing policy to decide which endpoint to use
NMR Broker MBean
NMR Broker MBean is uses the Life Cycle MBean for life cycle management. All life cycle operations (start,stop,shutdown) are recursively applied to all message Flow services running in the Broker see Message Flow MBean
NMR Flows
ServiceMix allows for different message dispatch policies within the Normalized Message Router (NMR) Broker. There are four basic types, that have different characteristics and are suited to different usage cases. They are as follows: ST Flow Straightthrough flow. A MessageExchange is routed straight ...
No TransactionContextManager is set
you get an error like this ERROR Failed t0 initialize JCAFlow java.lang.IllegalStateException: no TransactionContextManager is set Then it means that you did not define a transaction context manager in your xml configuration. Fix Open ...
Notes on Creating JBI Component using maven2
Note: The content of this document is overlapping with Creating a Standard JBI Component, Hello World BC and Hello World SE. Any changes you might want to do for this document might be relevant for them as well. Questions unanswered by this document may be answered ...


Orchestration with JSR181
Orchestration with JSR181 This tutorial will explain how you can leverage the servicemixjsr181 component to orchestrate web services. We will use two public web services: USZip which returns the Zip code for a US city LocalTime ...


POJO Container
Use Case Think Lingo support for JMS/JBI so it can be easilly deployed in any Spring app such as in Tomcat. You are either a developer using spring (which is most people these days) or you are developing a web app. You need ...
POJO support
ServiceMix provides support for JBI POJOs in addition to the usual JBI Components. JBI Components are maybe not as lightweight as they could be; there's a bunch of methods on there for dealing with metadata, management and capabilities along with a lifecycle object. ServiceMix introduces the idea of a JBI POJO which is any ...
Publish and Subscribe Routing
normal routing mechanism in JBI uses Queue Semantics, that is each request is routed to one and only one endpoint. ServiceMix supports an additional routing mechanism which uses Topic Semantics. That is every subscriber who is interested in the message receives ...
Publish Subscribe Routing


QuartzComponent integrates with the Quartz open source scheduler library. This allows to trigger service invocations at timed intervals to perform periodic tasks. \\ \\ \\ Here's an example of configuring a quartz component. You can add as many triggers ...
Quartz Example Ja
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x Quartz Example This document describes how to run the Quartz example in ServiceMix and provides details about what the Quartz example does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for Quartz ...
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x Quartz Example This document describes how to run the Quartz example in ServiceMix and provides details about what the Quartz example does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for Quartz ...
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JavaDocs JBI API XSD Created by gnodet Using TimTam
two JBI components for InOnly and InOut which create dynamic proxies which when methods are invoked they are dispatched into the JBI container. For input the JBI components attach the reflection method invocation proxy, method name and arguments to the inbound MessageExchange for the JBI ...
Related Projects
Related Projects Apache ActiveMQ High Performance Message Bus Lingo POJO Remoting using JMS Jencks Message Driven POJOs and pooling for JMS and JDBC Stomp ...
Release Guide
How to create and announce a ServiceMix release. Creating the ServiceMix Release # Grab the latest Source # Change the version number: change version in all poms change version in geronimo1.0 change version in geronimo1.1 change version in tooling/archetypes/src/main ...
Articles on ESB, JBI and SOA The Role of the Enterprise Service Bus Mark Richards gives a great presentation on ESBs in general and JBI and ServiceMix in particular. 67mins. JBI Components: Part 1 (Theory) ...
REST POJOs are a Java 5 way of writing POJOs that implement RESTful services. They are an extension of AnDI to add some RESTful annotations. The core features are dependency inject HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse if required (which ...
most up to date roadmap please see our JIRA RoadMap
Roadmap for a perspective Servicemix developer
Roadmap for a perspective Servicemix developer THE POINT: connect the dots between the documentation already existing on the Servicemix website Give a developer interested in Servicemix a run through on getting the software up and running Give the developer instructions on compiling/installing the packaged Smix ...
ServiceMix provides a range of different routing facilities for connecting our many JBI Components list together in a high performance, reliable, clustered and scalable SOA network. ServiceMix also supports variety of different process flow topologies NMR Flows ...
We support working with RSS and Atom via the Rome We support both the polling of existing RSS feeds to generate JBI messages and the generation of RSS feeds from JBI messages. Polling ...
RSS Binding
RSS Binding example Overview The following procedure describes how to run the RSS Binding example in ServiceMix and provides details regarding what the RSS Binding does. For information on the business use case, please refer to the use case SM30UG:#Use ...
RSS Binding Ja
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x RSS Binding Example The following procedure describes how to run the RSS Binding example in ServiceMix and provides details regarding what the RSS Binding does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case ...
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x RSS Binding Example The following procedure describes how to run the RSS Binding example in ServiceMix and provides details regarding what the RSS Binding does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case ...
ServiceMix comes with a server that you can either embed in Spring Spring support or Geronimo Geronimo 1.0 and ServiceMix 2.x Integration or you can run the server as a stand alone process. To run ServiceMix in standalone mode, get a binary download ...


component has been deprecated in favor to servicemixhttp component. Introduction ServiceMix supports SOAP with Attachments for Java (SAAJ and Apache Axis Invoking Web Services Using SAAJ ServiceMix includes ...
place holder for unfinished or deprecated documentation
We implement scheduling currently using the Quartz library
ServiceMix has a ScriptComponent which allows you to easily script In or InOut message exchanges using any JSR 223 compliant scripting engine such as Groovy, JavaScript, Jython ...
ServiceMix Security Features Essentially, security in ServiceMix is provided on two levels: # Authentication and authorization via JAAS or custom procedures ...
Seda Flow MBean
Seda delivery flow uses staged eventing for deliverying message exchanges to Components.The SedaFlow MBean is derived from the Message Flow MBean\ see SedaFlow java doc ...
component has been deprecated in favor of the servicemixlwcontainer. The ServiceMix component allows you to deploy multiple servicemix.xml files into a ServiceMix container. Deploying the ServiceMix Component Create and deploy a JBI component archive with a jbi.xml similar to: Deploying the servicemix.xml Files. The servicemix.xml ...
ServiceMix 1.0 M1 Release
We are pleased to announce the 1.0M1 release of ServiceMix! Download Here Download Description Binary Distribution in zip package Source Distribution in zip package ...
ServiceMix 1.0 M2 Release
We are pleased to announce the 1.0M2 release of ServiceMix! Download Here Download Description Binary Distribution in zip package Source Distribution in zip package ...
ServiceMix 1.0 Release
We are pleased to announce the 1.1 release of ServiceMix! ServiceMix is an open source ESB designed from the ground up on JBI (JSR 208) principles, semantics and APIs. ServiceMix includes a complete JBI container including the Normalised Message Service ...
ServiceMix 1.1 Release
We are pleased to announce the 1.1 release of ServiceMix! New and Noteworthy JAX WS support Publish Subscribe Routing for 1many message dispatching a new RSS outbound component as well as inbound so you can generate RSS feeds from ...
ServiceMix 2.0 Release
We are pleased to announce the 2.0.2 release of ServiceMix! New and Noteworthy Improved JBI support including both interface based routing as well as service based routing together with improved WSDL parsing Support for Publish Subscribe Routing Improved JAX ...
ServiceMix 3.0
Download Here Linux/Mac OS X/Unix Downloads Apache ServiceMix 3.0incubating (.tar.gz) PGP SHA ...
ServiceMix 3.0-M1 Release
Download Here Description Download Link PGP Signature file of download Binary for Windows Source code for Windows http ...
ServiceMix 3.0-M2 Release
Download Here Description Download Link PGP Signature file of download Binary for Windows Source code for Windows ...
ServiceMix 3.0.1
page is a preview of the release page which will be announced and made official once the release has been approved. Download Here Linux/Mac OS X/Unix Downloads Apache ServiceMix 3.0.1incubating (.tar.gz) ...
ServiceMix 3.1
Download Here Linux/Mac OS X/Unix Downloads Apache ServiceMix 3.1incubating (.tar.gz) PGP SHA ...
ServiceMix 3.1 features
ServiceMix Components
Components ServiceMix distribution comes with several ready to use standard JBI components: servicemixhttp: an HTTP/SOAP Binding Component servicemixjms: an JMS/SOAP Binding Component servicemixjsr181: a Service Engine to deploy (annotated) POJOs as services servicemixeip ...
ServiceMix Bean The ServiceMix Bean component provides integration with beans (POJOs) with the JBI bus to make it easy to use POJOs to process JBI message exchanges. Deployment Currently (v 3.1), servicemixbean supports two different deployment models. The first ...
component has been deprecated in favor to the Apache Ode Service Engine. servicemixbpe The servicemixbpe Service Engine is a BPEL engine based on a Sybase donation to Apache ODE project. Take a look ...
ServiceMix Drools The ServiceMix Drools component provides JBI integration to the Drools Rules Engine. This Service Engine can be used to deploy a rules set that will implement a router or an actual service. A router will mostly act as a transparent proxy between the consumer ...
servicemixeip The servicemixeip component is a routing container where different routing patterns can be deployed as service unit. This component is based on the great Enterprise Integration Patterns book. Supported patterns: ContentBased Router #ContentBased router Message ...
ServiceMix File The ServiceMix File component provides JBI integration to the file system. It can be used to read & write files via URI or to periodically poll directories for new files. Note that this component is only available in releases >= 3.1. URI You ...
ServiceMix FTP The ServiceMix FTP component provides JBI integration to the FTP servers. It can be used to read & write files over FTPor to periodically poll directories for new files. Installation Installing the servicemixhttp component can be done in several ways ...
servicemixhttp ServiceMix ships with a JBI compliant HTTP/SOAP binding component named servicemixhttp. Here are the main features: JBI compliant Binding Component Usable in a lightweight mode in servicemix.xml configuration files Integrated HTTP server based on Jetty 6 ...
servicemixjms ServiceMix ships with a JBI compliant JMS binding component named servicemixjms. Here are the main features: JBI compliant Binding Component Usable in a lightweight mode in servicemix.xml configuration files SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 support MIME attachments WSAddressing ...
servicemixjsr181 ServiceMix jsr181 component is a JBI Service Engine exposing (annotated) POJO as services on the JBI Bus. It uses xfire internally to perform service invocations and xml marshaling. Features: no annotations jsr181 annotations commonsattributes ...
servicemixlwcontainer The servicemixlwcontainer is a JBI service engine that accepts servicemix.xml configuration files containing lightweight components Lightweight components. Take a look at the loanbroker demo or the bpelbpe demo that ships with ServiceMix 3.x distributions. Deployment Service units targeted at servicemixlwcontainer component ...
servicemixquartz The servicemixquartz component is a standard JBI Service Engine able to schedule and trigger jobs using the great Quartz scheduler. Using servicemixquartz as a standard JBI component Installation Installing the servicemixquartz component can be done in several ...
servicemixsaxon The servicemixsaxon component is a standard JBI Service Engine for XSLT / XQuery. This component is based on Saxon and supports XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0, and XQuery 1.0. Due to a bug ...
ServiceMix Script The ServiceMix Script component provides JBI integration with scripting engines. Note that this component is only available in releases >= 3.1 and older scripting component Scripting will be deprecated in future releases. Deployment Here is an example of a SU deploymennt. The SU ...
servicemixwsn2005 The {{servicemixwsn2005}} is a standard JBI Service Engine which implements the WSNotification specification from Oasis. Overview While this article does not intend to be a review of the WSNotification specification, here is a few terms you ...
servicemix-wsn2005 old
ServiceMix ships with an implementation of WSNotification in the servicemixwsn2005 jbi component. See WS Notification servicemixwsn2005 for more informations
ServiceMix XMPP The ServiceMix XMPP component is used to communicate with XMPP (Jabber) servers through the JBI bus. URI You can use the standard XMPP URI syntax with ServiceMix XMPP namely RFC 4622 based ...
ShutDownComponentTask shutsdown a Component ShutDownComponentTask \\ Name type Description name String the name of the Component to shutdown &nbsp
ShutServiceDownAssemblyTask shutdowns an assembly see ShutDownServiceAssemblyTask \\ Name type Description name String the name of the assembly to shutdown &nbsp
SOAP - Jabber Integration
first step toward a page describing integration with SOAP and Jabber using ServiceMix / Geronimo
soap binding example
SOAP Binding example can be found in ServiceMix distribution under root\examples\soapbinding This example shows how to expose a simple web service with ServiceMix. The components are built and run from source using Ant, To start the servicemix ...
Apache ServiceMix source Web Browsing of SVN FishEye Due to issues with the Fisheye instance, Fisheye access has been temporarily disabled ...
Source Structure
proposed project structure is represented here, and can be used as a reference: root pom.xml core servicemixjbi servicemixservices servicemixcore tooling jbimavenplugin deployables sharedlibraries servicemixsoap servicemixcommon bindingcomponents servicemixhttp servicemixjms serviceengines servicemixeip servicemixjsr181 servicemixlwcontainer servicemixwsn2005 servicemixbpe platforms ...
System services Each service should have a corresponding LifeCycle MBean registered with an ObjectName independant of the implementation (use the interface instead of the class name) Management services should always throw RuntimeException with a message compliant with the xml description Spring Client Toolkit
component has been deprecated in favor to servicemixlwcontainer component. See also POJO Support. Introduction Developing services and component for use in a JBI (Java Business Integration) environment can seem a little complex at first and, since the JBI (JSR208) specification ...
Spring support
simplest way to start using ServiceMix to wire together JBI components is via Spring and the XML configuration file mechanism from Spring. Why use Spring? Using Spring has quite a few benefits to using the traditional ...
StartAssemblyTask starts a Component StartComponentTask \\ Name type Description name String the name of the Component to start &nbsp
StartServiceAssemblyTask starts an assembly see StartServiceAssemblyTask \\ Name type Description name String the name of the assembly to start &nbsp
StopComponentTask stops a Component StopComponentTask \\ Name type Description name String the name of the Component to stop &nbsp
StopServiceAssemblyTask stops an assembly see StopServiceAssemblyTask \\ Name type Description name String the name of the assembly to stop &nbsp
It'd be nice to allow a component to logically subscribe to the output of a component to support 1many distribution i.e. like JMS topics. Right now a component can output a oneway and not really care where it goes letting the NMR do the routing. So ...
Getting Help If you are experiencing problems using ServiceMix then please report your problem to our Issue Tracker You may also find it useful to discuss your issues with the community on the Discussion Forums ...


page lists the people who belong to the core team. By all means add yourself to the list as a contributor. If you are using ServiceMix please add yourself to the Users page Users. Committers Name ID Organisation Alan D. Cabrera maguro ...
Third party components
Created by gnodet On Fri Jun 09 11:42:21 CEST 2006 Using TimTam
Thread pools
From version 3.1, ServiceMix now uses separate and configurable thread pools for each component and SEDA queue, which allow much more tuning when needed. By default, all components and SEDA queues will create its own thread ...
Tips for getting help
We are a community based open source project and we really welcome and value your Contributions Contributing. We have various ways of getting help via the Discussion Forums or Mailing Lists. Here are a few tips to help us to help ...
Tomcat Integration
Tomcat Integration The following guide explains how to deploy ServiceMix 3.0.x on the Apache Tomcat application server. This guide provides instructions specifically for ServiceMix 3.0.x release. For ServiceMix ServiceMix 2.0.1 instructions, refer to Tomcat Integration for ServiceMix ...
Tomcat Integration for ServiceMix 1.1 and 2.0
Tomcat Integration for ServiceMix 1.1 and ServiceMix 2.0 The following guide explains how to deploy ServiceMix 1.1 and ServiceMix 2.0 on the Apache Tomcat application server. For ServiceMix 2.0.1 and later releases, please refer to the Tomcat Integration document ...
Tomcat Integration for ServiceMix 2.0.1
Tomcat Integration The following guide explains how to deploy ServiceMix 2.0.x on the Apache Tomcat application server. This guide provides instructions specifically for ServiceMix 2.0.x release. For ServiceMix 1.1 and ServiceMix 2.0 instructions, refer to Tomcat Integration ...
Tooling and Utilities
Created by gnodet On Thu May 11 14:40:01 CEST 2006 Using TimTam
YourKit has given the ServiceMix team free licenses. !yourkit.jpg!
Quality of Service ServiceMix can handle four parameters that affect the Quality of Service for a given exchange: clustered synchronous transactional persistent These combined parameters defined the QoS for a given exchange, and depending on this QoS, a flow NMR Flows will be selected fo convey ...
Other than Routing and Connectivity Components list one of the other main features of an ESB is transforming messages to integrate different systems together. This could be to map from one message format to another or to isolate version differences across services ...
Hello World SE Hello World BC Created by gnodet Using TimTam


UndeployServiceAssemblyTask undeploys an assembly see UndeployServiceAssemblyTask \\ Name type Description name String the name of the assembly to undeploy &nbsp
Understanding the 'soap-binding' example
soapbinding example aims to demonstrate how one can use the Servicemixhttp and servicemixjsr181 components to invoke a pojo object as a web service over HTTP. Here is a breakdown of what happens when you hit the 'send' button on the client.html page. # When ...
UninstallComponentTask uninstalls a Component UninstallComponentTask \\ Name type Description name String the name of the Component to uninstall &nbsp
UninstallSharedLibraryTask uninstalls a shared library UninstallSharedLibraryTask \\ Name type Description name String the name of the shared library to uninstall &nbsp
Unrecognized xbean namespace mapping
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unrecognized xbean namespace mapping: This exception is raised when xbean can not find the mapping extension for the given namespace. Check that: the namespace has been mispelled you do not have the jar in the classpath: if you use ...
Use of URIs URI can be used at serveral places inside ServiceMix. Endpoint resolution When calling context.resolveEndpointReference(epr). You could something like: DocumentFragment epr = URIResolver.createWSAEPR("http://localhost:8192?http.soap=true"); ServiceEndpoint se = client.getContext ...
Use Case For the Basic Example
ServiceMix is an Emterprise Service Bus (ESB) that is based on the Java Business Integration (JBI) standard JSR 208 The JBIbased design specifies a standardsbased pluggable architecture with a JVMbased runtime component ...
Use Case For the BPEL Example
BPEL example shows how to integrate the PXE BPEL Engine with ServiceMix. Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) defines a notation for specifying business process behavior based on Web Services. PXE is a runtime component for executing processes defined by the BPEL4WS ...
Use Case For the Http Binding Example
Http binding example shows how to use the HTTP bindings to handle a simple http post. A hypothetical business scenario, which illustrates the HTTP Binding example, is that of a Department of Public Works Online Project Monitoring System. The head engineer uses ...
Use Case For the JMS Binding Example
Business Use Case for the JMS Binding Example The JMS Binding example shows how to connect the JMS bindings to a simple service component inside ServiceMix. A hypothetical business scenario, which encompasses the JMS Binding example, is that of a web application making ...
Use Case For the Quartz Binding Example
Quartz binding example shows how to use Quartz timer. A hypothetical business scenario, which illustrates the Quartz Binding example, is a network status monitoring system that will prompt System/Network Administrators when a network connection becomes disconnected. Every ...
Use Case For the RSS Binding Example
RSS binding example shows how to use the RSS bindings to poll RSS feeds for updates. RSS is an XML format designed for sharing web content between sites. A hypothetical business scenario, which uses RSS, is a web site ...
Use Cases
Created by gnodet Using TimTam
Use Cases (whole)
Introduction The Examples provide coding level details for implementing particular aspects of ServiceMix. This document extends the coding examples into their business use. The following use cases are documented: Basic #BasicUseCase File Binding #FileBindingUseCase BPEL Binding ...
User's Guide
Apache ServiceMix 3.x Users' Guide Welcome to Apache ServiceMix Users' Guide. This guide is a work in progress from the Apache ServiceMix community. Your contributions to this documentation effort are welcome; just comment the appropriate wiki page (bottom of page) or use ...
page lists the open source projects, people and companies using ServiceMix. Please add yourself to this list click on the edit button on the bottom right of this page or get more help How does the website work. Open Source Projects using ...
Users space
Using a JMX Console
Using a JMX Console with ServiceMix This document explains how to connect a JMX Console to ServiceMix. The following three open source JMX Consoles will be discussed: JConsole #Using JConsole and Java 5 MC4J #Using MC4J ServieMix Console #ServiceMix JMX ...
Using and Understanding the Basic Example
Overview of the ServiceMix 1.x Basic Example This document describes how to run the Basic example and provides details about what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: pagetobecreated. \\ \\ The Basic example illustrates the following: use of declarative programming ...
Using Eclipse
Introduction This document will guide you through importing ServiceMix into the IDE Eclipse. This documentation applies to ServiceMix versions prior to 3.0 release. For v3.0, please refer to the User's Guide, chapter Importing ServiceMix into Eclipse Importing ServiceMix into Eclipse. PreInstallation Requirements ...
Using ServiceMix
Questions on using ServiceMix, JBI and ESB techologies


validation component provides schema validation of documents using JAXP 1.3 and XMLSchema or RelaxNG The component is pretty simple and straightforward; its configured with a schema document ...
component uses the Jakarta Commons Net library which provides access to file systems, jars/zips/bzip2, temporary files, WebDAV, Samba (CIFS), HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and SFTP among others. It works similarly ...
VFS Binding
example to show how to use the VFS binding VFS to do a simple file transfer To start the the {}vfs binding{} example: cd example/vfsbinding ../../bin/servicemix servicemix.xml This will start a component which waits for files to arrive in the /tmp/servicemixinbox directory ...
example to show how to use the VFS binding VFS to do a simple file transfer To start the the vfs binding example: cd example/vfsbinding ../../bin/servicemix servicemix.xml This will start a component which waits for files to arrive in the /tmp/servicemixinbox directory ...
Inspired greatly by Gregor and Erik's great talk at TSSJS 2006 we've started to add some visualisation plugins into Apache ServiceMix. This implementation uses the Interfaces EndpointListener ...


WAR Deployment
ServiceMix has a WAR which can be used to deploy ServiceMix inside any J2EE application server or Servlet Engine. Creating the WAR from the source The servicemixweb project is available in the 3.0 distribution cd examples/servicemixweb or get the latest checkout ...
What is a lightweight component
ServiceMix has mainly two deployment model: you use the JBI compliant way, which is you install component at runtime and deploy service assemblies onto them you use a static configuration (servicemix.xml) file.  This mainly happens ...
What is JBI
JBI is a simple API to a Normalized Message Service and Router along with a component and management model for deploying integration services such as routing engines, BPEL engines, rule systems, scripting engines ...
What is ServiceMix
ServiceMix is an open source JBI container, JSR 208
What is the license
software is open source using the Apache 2.0 licence (a liberal BSD style licence which is very commercial friendly
What platforms does ServiceMix support
Any Java platform of JDK 1.4 or later. We regularly test ServiceMix on Windows, OS X, Solaris and Linux. I'm sure we could certify ServiceMix works on other platforms if required. If you have a platform that is not listed and would ...
What's the difference between ServiceMix and FUSE?
What's the difference between ServiceMix and FUSE? LogicBlaze FUSE is built on top of Apache ServiceMix to deliver a complete SOA runtime. As a point of comparison, consider the J2EE runtime contained in an application server, but think much, much lighter and more agile ...
Why does my sender not send
common gotcha with JBI is not completing a message exchange. To make it simpler to use we have a helper method on PojoSupport/ComponentSupport Component helper classes and on the Client API called done(exchange) which completes a message exchange. The long hand way ...
Why does ServiceMix seems to hang after some processing
main reason is that one of the component does not comply with the JBI spec. A usual case is when the provider (target component) has not answered an InOut exchange or has not acked an InOnly exchange (all exchanges must be terminated by a DONE status ...
Working with Components
JBI logically separates Binding Components and Service Engines as two flavours of a component, the Maven JBI tooling provides that you can define a project as a jbicomponent and then specify whether it is a serviceengine or bindingcomponent. Like the shared libraries we have just covered ...
Working with Service Assemblies
When you have defined your Service Units you need to package them up into a Service Assembly. A Service Assembly is basically a collection of Service Units (which are basically ZIP archives containing resources to go to a component (either BC ...
Working with Service Units
When you wish to deploy a component you can use a Service Unit to provide instance artifacts. In JBI terms this means that a Service Unit can be defined to be provided to a component which will then be passed the contents of the SU. The JBI is purposefully vague on the contents ...
Working with Shared Libraries
best place to start with the tooling is with the logically lowest component in the JBI spec,  which I suppose would be the Shared Library.  In essence a shared library is basically a JAR containing a set of JARs and a JBI.xml.  The important bits about ...
Writing lighweight components
Related docs: What is a lightweight component Component helper classes Why does my sender not send POJO support Note that the following points also apply to standard components, but the examples / code is for lightweight components. Correctly handling JBI exchange ...
WS Notification
Refer to the servicemixwsn2005 for updated informations SOAP stacks and XML marshaling We now use JAXWS and JAXB 2.0 to create POJOs and interfaces for the common WS specifications like WSAddressing, WSNotification, WSReliableMessaging, WSResourceframework etc. The only downside of this approach is its ...
WS Notification XMLBeans
page describes the WSNotification support created for Java 1.4 using XMLBeans as the XML Marshalling layer. Going forward we believe JAXB 2.0 is the idea XSD <=> Java mapping layer and JAXWS the ideal API for working with web services. So ...
WS-Notification Clustered
WSNotification Clustered example This example demoonstrates the use of WSNotification configured statically, whereas WSNotification can also be used in a more dynamic way by sending requests the the WSNotification Broker to create publishers and subscribers. This example uses 3 clustered ServiceMix containers ...
WS-Notification HTTP Binding
WSNotification HTTP Binding This example demonstrates how to actually expose the WSNotification Service Engine servicemixwsn2005 over SOAP/HTTP. You can download the following files: a simple html client page (which is a work in progress) that you can use ...
WSSecurity WSSecurity is one of the soap policies that can be enable on SOAP endpoints. To configure such a policy, you need to add the following tag to you endpoint definition: WS-Security Use Case
WSSecurity Business Use Case Scope:  The goal is to create a use case defining the practical integration of WSSecurity with ServiceMix's service bus enabling message (and possibe transport) level security for one transaction life cycle. Executive ...
WSDL First
WSDL First example
component has been deprecated in favor to servicemixhttp component. If you want to invoke EJBs, use servicemixjsr181 component. Overview of the ServiceMix WSIF Example Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) provides a Java API for calling Web services, hiding ...
WSIF Binding
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x WSIF Example Web Services Invocation Framework (WSIF) provides a Java API for calling Web services, hiding the details of how the service is provided, i.e., via SOAP, JMS, etc. The following guide describes the ServiceMix ...


XBean syntax
XBean syntax Here are a few examples of XBean syntax. For more informations, refer to: XML schemas XBean Spring ... XFire
component has been deprecated in favor to servicemixhttp and servicemixjsr181 component, which also use the XFire soap stack. Introduction ServiceMix provides support for the XFire SOAP stack, allowing clean integration between XFire and ServiceMix. XFire is an easytouse ...
example to show how to use the XFIRE binding XFIRE to expose the ServiceMix Components via SOAP. This example uses Maven to download the needed dependencies, build, and run the example. Please download and install Maven before ...
Xml schemas
XBean deployment schemas Module Version XSD Html Core 3.1 {{}} html HTTP servicemixhttp 3.1 ...
XMPP Integration Testing
XMPP Integration Testing To run the integration tests of ServiceMix XMPP you will need to do the following install Wildfire create the following users (user/pwd) servicemixuser / servicemixpwd testuser / testpwd You should now be able ...
XPath Router
Its often a requirement to perform content based routing in an ESB. This means you route messages around your service bus based on the message properties or the content of the messages. When integrating systems across language boundaries its common ...
XsltComponent will perform an XSLT transformation of an inbound NormalizedMessage and generate an output message as a NormalizedMessage. If the component is given an InOut message exchange, then the 'out' message is used. Otherwise if an InOnly is used then the component will create a new InOnly ...
XSQL is Oracle's tool for turning SQL queries into XML or for taking XML and insert/updating it into a database. This can be a handy tool when you wish to either enrich or expose SQL data to an ...



first column text second column is this going to be another row   another column
