JavaDocs http://servicemix.codehaus.org/maven/servicemixcore/apidocs/ JBI API http://java.sun.com/integration/1.0/docs/sdk/api/index.html XSD http://servicemix.codehaus.org/maven/servicemix.xsd.html Created by gnodet Using TimTam
two JBI components for InOnly and InOut which create dynamic proxies which when methods are invoked they are dispatched into the JBI container. For input the JBI components attach the reflection method invocation proxy, method name and arguments to the inbound MessageExchange for the JBI ...
Related Projects
Related Projects Apache ActiveMQ http://incubator.apache.org/activemq/ High Performance Message Bus Lingo http://lingo.codehaus.org/ POJO Remoting using JMS Jencks http://jencks.org/ Message Driven POJOs and pooling for JMS and JDBC Stomp http://stomp.codehaus.org ...
Release Guide
How to create and announce a ServiceMix release. Creating the ServiceMix Release # Grab the latest Source # Change the version number: change version in all poms change version in geronimo1.0 change version in geronimo1.1 change version in tooling/archetypes/src/main ...
Articles on ESB, JBI and SOA The Role of the Enterprise Service Bus http://www.infoq.com/presentations/EnterpriseServiceBus Mark Richards gives a great presentation on ESBs in general and JBI and ServiceMix in particular. 67mins. JBI Components: Part 1 (Theory) https://openesb.dev.java.net ...
REST POJOs are a Java 5 way of writing POJOs that implement RESTful services. They are an extension of AnDI http://docs.codehaus.org/display/XB/AnnotationbasedDependencyInjection to add some RESTful annotations. The core features are dependency inject HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse if required (which ...
http://drools.codehaus.org/unity/images/logo.png! http://www.codehaus.org
most up to date roadmap please see our JIRA RoadMap http://jira.logicblaze.com/jira/browse/SM?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:roadmappanel
Roadmap for a perspective Servicemix developer
Roadmap for a perspective Servicemix developer THE POINT: connect the dots between the documentation already existing on the Servicemix website Give a developer interested in Servicemix a run through on getting the software up and running Give the developer instructions on compiling/installing the packaged Smix ...
ServiceMix provides a range of different routing facilities for connecting our many JBI Components list together in a high performance, reliable, clustered and scalable SOA network. ServiceMix also supports variety of different process flow topologies NMR Flows ...
We support working with RSS and Atom via the Rome http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/Javawsxml/Romelibrary. We support both the polling of existing RSS feeds to generate JBI messages and the generation of RSS feeds from JBI messages. Polling ...
RSS Binding
RSS Binding example Overview The following procedure describes how to run the RSS Binding example in ServiceMix and provides details regarding what the RSS Binding does. For information on the business use case, please refer to the use case SM30UG:#Use ...
RSS Binding Ja
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x RSS Binding Example The following procedure describes how to run the RSS Binding example in ServiceMix and provides details regarding what the RSS Binding does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case ...
Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x RSS Binding Example The following procedure describes how to run the RSS Binding example in ServiceMix and provides details regarding what the RSS Binding does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case ...
ServiceMix comes with a server that you can either embed in Spring Spring support or Geronimo Geronimo 1.0 and ServiceMix 2.x Integration or you can run the server as a stand alone process. To run ServiceMix in standalone mode, get a binary download ...
component has been deprecated in favor to servicemixhttp component. Introduction ServiceMix supports SOAP with Attachments for Java (SAAJ http://java.sun.com/xml/saaj/) and Apache Axis http://ws.apache.org/axis/. Invoking Web Services Using SAAJ ServiceMix includes ...
place holder for unfinished or deprecated documentation
We implement scheduling currently using the Quartz library
ServiceMix has a ScriptComponent which allows you to easily script In or InOut message exchanges using any JSR 223 http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=223 compliant scripting engine such as Groovy http://groovy.codehaus.org/, JavaScript, Jython ...
ServiceMix Security Features Essentially, security in ServiceMix is provided on two levels: # Authentication and authorization via JAAS http://java.sun.com/products/jaas/ or custom procedures http://incubator.apache.org/servicemix/dist/servicemix3.0incubating/site/servicemixcore/apidocs/org/apache/servicemix/jbi ...
Seda Flow MBean
Seda delivery flow uses staged eventing for deliverying message exchanges to Components.The SedaFlow MBean is derived from the Message Flow MBean\ see SedaFlow java doc http://servicemix.codehaus.org/maven/apidocs/org/servicemix/jbi/nmr/flow ...
component has been deprecated in favor of the servicemixlwcontainer. The ServiceMix component allows you to deploy multiple servicemix.xml files into a ServiceMix container. Deploying the ServiceMix Component Create and deploy a JBI component archive with a jbi.xml similar to: Deploying the servicemix.xml Files. The servicemix.xml ...
ServiceMix 1.0 M1 Release
We are pleased to announce the 1.0M1 release of ServiceMix! Download Here Download Description servicemix1.0M1.zip http://dist.codehaus.org/servicemix/distributions/servicemix1.0M1.zip Binary Distribution in zip package servicemix1.0M1src.zip http://dist.codehaus.org/servicemix/distributions/servicemix1.0M1src.zip Source Distribution in zip package ...
ServiceMix 1.0 M2 Release
We are pleased to announce the 1.0M2 release of ServiceMix! Download Here Download Description servicemix1.0M2.zip http://dist.codehaus.org/servicemix/distributions/servicemix1.0M2.zip Binary Distribution in zip package servicemix1.0M2src.zip http://dist.codehaus.org/servicemix/distributions/servicemix1.0M2src.zip Source Distribution in zip package ...
ServiceMix 1.0 Release
We are pleased to announce the 1.1 release of ServiceMix! ServiceMix is an open source ESB designed from the ground up on JBI (JSR 208) principles, semantics and APIs. ServiceMix includes a complete JBI container including the Normalised Message Service ...
ServiceMix 1.1 Release
We are pleased to announce the 1.1 release of ServiceMix! New and Noteworthy JAX WS support Publish Subscribe Routing for 1many message dispatching a new RSS outbound component as well as inbound so you can generate RSS feeds from ...
ServiceMix 2.0 Release
We are pleased to announce the 2.0.2 release of ServiceMix! New and Noteworthy Improved JBI support including both interface based routing as well as service based routing together with improved WSDL parsing Support for Publish Subscribe Routing Improved JAX ...
ServiceMix 3.0
Download Here Linux/Mac OS X/Unix Downloads Apache ServiceMix 3.0incubating (.tar.gz) http://people.apache.org/repo/m2incubatingrepository/org/apache/servicemix/apacheservicemix/3.0incubating/apacheservicemix3.0incubating.tar.gz PGP http://people.apache.org/repo/m2incubatingrepository/org/apache/servicemix/apacheservicemix/3.0incubating/apacheservicemix3.0incubating.tar.gz.asc SHA http://people.apache.org ...
ServiceMix 3.0-M1 Release
Download Here Description Download Link PGP Signature file of download Binary for Windows servicemix3.0M1.zip http://people.apache.org/gnodet/incubatorservicemix3.0M1/incubatorservicemix/distributions/servicemix3.0M1.zip servicemix3.0M1.zip.asc http://people.apache.org/gnodet/incubatorservicemix3.0M1/incubatorservicemix/distributions/servicemix3.0M1.zip.asc Source code for Windows servicemix3.0M1src.zip http ...
ServiceMix 3.0-M2 Release
Download Here Description Download Link PGP Signature file of download Binary for Windows apacheservicemix3.0M2incubating.zip http://people.apache.org/gnodet/servicemix3.0M2incubating/m2/org/apache/servicemix/apacheservicemix/3.0M2incubating/apacheservicemix3.0M2incubating.zip apacheservicemix3.0M2incubating.zip.asc http://people.apache.org/gnodet/servicemix3.0M2incubating/m2/org/apache/servicemix/apacheservicemix/3.0M2incubating/apacheservicemix3.0M2incubating.zip.asc Source code for Windows ...
ServiceMix 3.0.1
page is a preview of the release page which will be announced and made official once the release has been approved. Download Here Linux/Mac OS X/Unix Downloads Apache ServiceMix 3.0.1incubating (.tar.gz) http://people.apache.org/repo/m2incubatingrepository/org/apache/servicemix ...
ServiceMix 3.1
Download Here Linux/Mac OS X/Unix Downloads Apache ServiceMix 3.1incubating (.tar.gz) http://people.apache.org/repo/m2incubatingrepository/org/apache/servicemix/apacheservicemix/3.1incubating/apacheservicemix3.1incubating.tar.gz PGP http://people.apache.org/repo/m2incubatingrepository/org/apache/servicemix/apacheservicemix/3.1incubating/apacheservicemix3.1incubating.tar.gz.asc SHA http://people.apache.org ...
ServiceMix 3.1 features
ServiceMix Components
Components ServiceMix distribution comes with several ready to use standard JBI components: servicemixhttp: an HTTP/SOAP Binding Component servicemixjms: an JMS/SOAP Binding Component servicemixjsr181: a Service Engine to deploy (annotated) POJOs as services servicemixeip ...
ServiceMix Bean The ServiceMix Bean component provides integration with beans (POJOs) with the JBI bus to make it easy to use POJOs to process JBI message exchanges. Deployment Currently (v 3.1), servicemixbean supports two different deployment models. The first ...
component has been deprecated in favor to the Apache Ode http://incubator.apache.org/ode/ Service Engine. servicemixbpe The servicemixbpe Service Engine is a BPEL engine based on a Sybase donation to Apache ODE http://incubator.apache.org/projects/ode.html project. Take a look ...
ServiceMix Drools The ServiceMix Drools component provides JBI integration to the Drools Rules Engine. This Service Engine can be used to deploy a rules set that will implement a router or an actual service. A router will mostly act as a transparent proxy between the consumer ...
servicemixeip The servicemixeip component is a routing container where different routing patterns can be deployed as service unit. This component is based on the great Enterprise Integration Patterns http://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/index.html book. Supported patterns: ContentBased Router #ContentBased router Message ...
ServiceMix File The ServiceMix File component provides JBI integration to the file system. It can be used to read & write files via URI or to periodically poll directories for new files. Note that this component is only available in releases >= 3.1. URI You ...
ServiceMix FTP The ServiceMix FTP component provides JBI integration to the FTP servers. It can be used to read & write files over FTPor to periodically poll directories for new files. Installation Installing the servicemixhttp component can be done in several ways ...
servicemixhttp ServiceMix ships with a JBI compliant HTTP/SOAP binding component named servicemixhttp. Here are the main features: JBI compliant Binding Component Usable in a lightweight mode in servicemix.xml configuration files Integrated HTTP server based on Jetty 6 ...
servicemixjms ServiceMix ships with a JBI compliant JMS binding component named servicemixjms. Here are the main features: JBI compliant Binding Component Usable in a lightweight mode in servicemix.xml configuration files SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 support MIME attachments WSAddressing ...
servicemixjsr181 ServiceMix jsr181 component is a JBI Service Engine exposing (annotated) POJO as services on the JBI Bus. It uses xfire http://xfire.codehaus.org internally to perform service invocations and xml marshaling. Features: no annotations jsr181 annotations commonsattributes http://jakarta.apache.org ...
servicemixlwcontainer The servicemixlwcontainer is a JBI service engine that accepts servicemix.xml configuration files containing lightweight components Lightweight components. Take a look at the loanbroker demo or the bpelbpe demo that ships with ServiceMix 3.x distributions. Deployment Service units targeted at servicemixlwcontainer component ...
servicemixquartz The servicemixquartz component is a standard JBI Service Engine able to schedule and trigger jobs using the great Quartz http://www.opensymphony.com/quartz/ scheduler. Using servicemixquartz as a standard JBI component Installation Installing the servicemixquartz component can be done in several ...
servicemixsaxon The servicemixsaxon component is a standard JBI Service Engine for XSLT / XQuery. This component is based on Saxon http://saxon.sourceforge.net/ and supports XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0, and XQuery 1.0. Due to a bug http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1558133 ...
ServiceMix Script The ServiceMix Script component provides JBI integration with scripting engines. Note that this component is only available in releases >= 3.1 and older scripting component Scripting will be deprecated in future releases. Deployment Here is an example of a SU deploymennt. The SU ...
servicemixwsn2005 The {{servicemixwsn2005}} is a standard JBI Service Engine which implements the WSNotification http://www.oasisopen.org/committees/tchome.php?wgabbrev=wsn specification from Oasis. Overview While this article does not intend to be a review of the WSNotification specification, here is a few terms you ...
servicemix-wsn2005 old
ServiceMix ships with an implementation of WSNotification in the servicemixwsn2005 jbi component. See WS Notification servicemixwsn2005 for more informations
ServiceMix XMPP The ServiceMix XMPP component is used to communicate with XMPP (Jabber) servers through the JBI bus. URI You can use the standard XMPP URI syntax with ServiceMix XMPP namely RFC 4622 http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4622.txt based ...
ShutDownComponentTask shutsdown a Component ShutDownComponentTask http://servicemix.org/maven/servicemixcore/apidocs/org/apache/servicemix/jbi/management/task/ShutDownComponentTask.html \\ Name type Description name String the name of the Component to shutdown  
ShutServiceDownAssemblyTask shutdowns an assembly see ShutDownServiceAssemblyTask http://servicemix.org/maven/servicemixcore/apidocs/org/apache/servicemix/jbi/management/task/ShutDownServiceAssemblyTask.html \\ Name type Description name String the name of the assembly to shutdown  
SOAP - Jabber Integration
first step toward a page describing integration with SOAP and Jabber using ServiceMix / Geronimo
soap binding example
SOAP Binding example can be found in ServiceMix distribution under root\examples\soapbinding This example shows how to expose a simple web service with ServiceMix. The components are built and run from source using Ant, http://ant.apache.org. To start the servicemix ...
Apache ServiceMix source Web Browsing of SVN http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/servicemix/trunk/ http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/incubator/servicemix/trunk/ FishEye Due to issues with the Fisheye instance, Fisheye access has been temporarily disabled ...
Source Structure
proposed project structure is represented here, and can be used as a reference: root pom.xml core servicemixjbi servicemixservices servicemixcore tooling jbimavenplugin deployables sharedlibraries servicemixsoap servicemixcommon bindingcomponents servicemixhttp servicemixjms serviceengines servicemixeip servicemixjsr181 servicemixlwcontainer servicemixwsn2005 servicemixbpe platforms ...
System services Each service should have a corresponding LifeCycle MBean registered with an ObjectName independant of the implementation (use the interface instead of the class name) Management services should always throw RuntimeException with a message compliant with the xml description
Spring Client Toolkit
component has been deprecated in favor to servicemixlwcontainer component. See also POJO Support. Introduction Developing services and component for use in a JBI (Java Business Integration) environment can seem a little complex at first and, since the JBI (JSR208) specification ...
Spring support
simplest way to start using ServiceMix to wire together JBI components is via Spring http://www.springframework.org/ and the XML configuration file mechanism from Spring. Why use Spring? Using Spring has quite a few benefits to using the traditional ...
StartAssemblyTask starts a Component StartComponentTask http://servicemix.org/maven/servicemixcore/apidocs/org/apache/servicemix/jbi/management/task/StartComponentTask.html \\ Name type Description name String the name of the Component to start  
StartServiceAssemblyTask starts an assembly see StartServiceAssemblyTask http://servicemix.org/maven/servicemixcore/apidocs/org/apache/servicemix/jbi/management/task/StartServiceAssemblyTask.html \\ Name type Description name String the name of the assembly to start  
StopComponentTask stops a Component StopComponentTask http://servicemix.org/maven/servicemixcore/apidocs/org/apache/servicemix/jbi/management/task/StopComponentTask.html \\ Name type Description name String the name of the Component to stop  
StopServiceAssemblyTask stops an assembly see StopServiceAssemblyTask http://servicemix.org/maven/servicemixcore/apidocs/org/apache/servicemix/jbi/management/task/StopServiceAssemblyTask.html \\ Name type Description name String the name of the assembly to stop  
It'd be nice to allow a component to logically subscribe to the output of a component to support 1many distribution i.e. like JMS topics. Right now a component can output a oneway and not really care where it goes letting the NMR do the routing. So ...
Getting Help If you are experiencing problems using ServiceMix then please report your problem to our Issue Tracker http://issues.apache.org/activemq/browse/SM. You may also find it useful to discuss your issues with the community on the Discussion Forums ...