Classes | Defines | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions


psinventorycachesvr.h More...


class  ActionResponseOp
 This script operation makes an npc do an action, like greet or bow, as part of his response to a player event. More...
class  ActiveSpell
 ActiveSpells. More...
class  AssignQuestResponseOp
 This script operation makes an npc assign one out of a list of quest to a player, as part of his response to a player event. More...
class  AssignQuestSelectOp
 This script operation is a pre operation to the AssignQuestResponseOp that is inserted at the start of the ResponseOp script list and it will select the quest that will be assigned in the AssingQuestResponseOp later. More...
class  CharacterAttribute
 Base class for several other classes which hold character attributes of different sorts. More...
class  CharStat
class  charVariable
 This is used to char a charVariable. More...
class  CheckQuestTimeoutOp
 This script operation is a pre operation to the AssingQuestResponseOp that is inserted at the start of the ResponseOp script list and it will check if the selected response is available and if not send a give response back to the player and terminate the response script. More...
struct  CombinationConstruction
 Each item has a list of items required for its construction. More...
class  CompleteQuestResponseOp
 This script operation makes an npc complete a quest for a player, as part of his response to a player event. More...
struct  CraftComboInfo
 Each item contains craft information about a craft combination. More...
struct  CraftSkills
 Each item contains the craft skills for the craft step. More...
struct  CraftTransInfo
 Each item contains craft information about a craft transformation step. More...
class  DoAdminCommandResponseOp
 This script operation executes an admin command. More...
class  FactionResponseOp
 This script operation adjust a given faction. More...
class  GiveItemResponseOp
 This script operation makes an npc give an item to a player, as part of his response to a player event. More...
struct  glyphSlotInfo
 used by psCharacter::CreateGlyphList() More...
struct  GMEventsAssignment
 Structure for assigned GM Events. More...
class  GuildAwardResponseOp
 This script operation makes an npc do an action, like greet or bow, as part of his response to a player event. More...
class  HireResponseOp
 This script operation makes an npc manage hires as part of his response to a player event. More...
class  iCancelAction
 iCancelAction More...
class  IntroduceResponseOp
 This script operation introduces an npc. More...
class  InventoryTransaction
class  MoneyResponseOp
 This script operation makes an npc give money to the player. More...
class  NPCCmdResponseOp
 This script operation send a perception/command to the npc client. More...
class  NPCDialogDict
class  NpcDialogMenu
 Holds the trigger menu, if it exists, for a given location in a dialog. More...
class  NpcResponse
 This class holds several possible responses and an action script for the npc to run whenever an appropriate trigger is triggered. More...
class  NpcTerm
 A phrase recognized by the dialog system. More...
class  NpcTrigger
class  NpcTriggerGroupEntry
class  NpcTriggerOrdering< K, K2 >
class  OfferRewardResponseOp
 This script operation makes an npc offer a list of possible rewards that the player can chose from (upon quest completion). More...
class  OverridableRace
class  psActionLocation
 This huge class stores all the properties of any object a player can have in the game. More...
class  psBuddyManager
 Class to handle buddies. More...
class  psCharacter
class  psCharacterInventory
 This class handles the details behind a character's inventory system. More...
class  psCharacterLoader
 This class controls loading and saving Characters and Character specific data to and from an iDatabase. More...
class  psGuildAlliance
 A guild alliance between 2+ guilds. More...
class  psGuildInfo
 Holds data for a guild. More...
struct  psGuildLevel
 Defines a level inside a guild. More...
class  psGuildMember
 Defines a guild member in a guild. More...
class  psInventoryCacheServer
 The psInventoryCacheServer class implements the inventory cache on the server. More...
class  psItem
 This class embodies item instances in the game. More...
struct  psItemCategory
class  psMerchantInfo
class  psPrereqOpAttackType
 Weapon requirement operator. More...
class  psPrereqOpStance
 Stance requirement operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOp
 Pure virtual base quest prerequisite operator class. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpActiveMagic
 Active magic prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpAdvisorPoints
 advisor points prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpAnd
 And Prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpFaction
 Faction prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpGender
 Gender prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpGuild
 Guild prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpItem
 Inventory prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpKnownSpell
 Spell knownledge prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpList
 Basis list prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpMarriage
 Marriage prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpNot
 Not prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpOr
 Or prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpQuestAssigned
 Quest assigned prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpQuestCompleted
 Quest Completed prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpQuestCompletedCategory
 Quest Completed Category operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpRace
 race prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpRequire
 Require prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpSkill
 Skill prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpTimeOfDay
 Time of day prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpTimeOnline
 Time online time prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpTrait
 Trait prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpVariable
 Variable set prerequisite operator. More...
class  psQuestPrereqOpXor
 Xor prerequisite operator. More...
class  psSaveCharEvent
 This is an event that schedules regular saving of character data. More...
class  psScheduledItem
class  psSpell
 Represents a spell. More...
class  psSpellCastGameEvent
 This event actually triggers a spell, after the casting wait time. More...
struct  psSpellCost
class  psTradeCombinations
 This class holds the master list of all trade combinations possible in the game. More...
class  psTradePatterns
 This class holds the master list of all trade patterns possible in the game. More...
class  psTradeProcesses
 This class holds the master list of all trade processes possible in the game. More...
class  psTradeTransformations
 This class holds the master list of all trade transformatations possible in the game. More...
struct  psWay
struct  QuestRewardItem
class  RandomizedOverlay
 Stores the randomized stats from the loot randomizer, it could be used to apply any global special effect which is able to change various properties of the item: cost, mesh, name... More...
class  ResponseOperation
 Possible actions scriptable in the quest engine all inherit from this class. More...
class  RunScriptResponseOp
 This script operation invokes the progression manager to run a script, as part of his response to a player event. More...
class  SayResponseOp
 This script operation chooses randomly between the responses specified in the response columns and causes the server to say one of them to the player. More...
class  SetVariableResponseOp
 This script operation is used to set character variables from npc dialogs. More...
struct  Skill
 A structure that holds the knowledge/practice/rank of each player skill. More...
class  SkillSet
 A list of skills. More...
class  SkillStatBuffable
struct  Stance
class  StatSet
class  TrainResponseOp
 This script operation invokes the progression manager to start training as part of his response to a player event. More...
class  UncompleteQuestResponseOp
 This script operation makes an npc uncomplete a quest for a player, as part of his response to a player event. More...
class  UnSetVariableResponseOp
 This script operation is used to unset character variables from npc dialogs. More...
class  VerifyQuestAssignedResponseOp
 This script operation checks to make sure a named quest has been assigned to a player, and stops the script if not, issuing the specified error_msg dialog. More...
class  VerifyQuestCompletedResponseOp
 This script operation checks to make sure a named quest has been completed by a player, and stops the script if not, issuing the specified error_msg dialog. More...
class  VerifyQuestNotAssignedResponseOp
 This script operation checks to make sure a named quest has not been assigned to a player, and stops the script if not, issuing the specified error_msg dialog. More...


#define ID_DONT_SAVE_ITEM   0xffffffff
 This indicates that the item has been deleted from the database and should not be updated.
#define KEY_SKELETON   ((unsigned int)-2)
#define MAX_RESP   5
#define MAX_STACK_COUNT   65
 Set if this slot can attack even when empty - requires that a default psItem be set in default_if_empty.
 Set if this slot can attack even when empty - requires that a default psItem be set in default_if_empty.
 Set if this slot should continuously attack while in combat.
 Set if this slot should continuously attack while in combat.
 Set if this slot can attack when the client specifically requests (and only when the client specifically requests)
 Set if this slot can attack when the client specifically requests (and only when the client specifically requests)
#define PSITEM_FLAG_ACTIVE   0x00010000
 Flag defines if item can be used while equipped.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_CRAFTER_ID_IS_VALID   0x00000001
 The crafter ID field contains the id of the character that made this item.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_GUILD_ID_IS_VALID   0x00000002
 The guild ID field contains the id of a guild that certified this item.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_IDENTIFIABLE   0x00200000
 Flag for identifiable item (not yet identified)
#define PSITEM_FLAG_KEY   0x00000200
 Flag defines any item as a key to a locked object.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_LOCKABLE   0x00000080
 Flag to allow locking/unlocking of the item. It will add the "lock/unlock" icon in the context menu of the item.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_LOCKED   0x00000040
 Flags for locked status (as in a locked container). If locked it can be opened only with lockpick or key.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_MASTERKEY   0x00004000
 Flag defines any item as a key to a locked object that can be used to make a copy of the key.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_NOPICKUP   0x00000100
 Flag for an un-pickupable item (remains fixed)
#define PSITEM_FLAG_NOPICKUPWEAK   0x00100000
 Flag for an un-pickupable item (remains fixed) - weak variant.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_NPCOWNED   0x00002000
 Flag to indicate that players shouldn't be able to put items into this container.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_PURIFIED   0x00000010
 Flags used for glyphs.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_PURIFYING   0x00000020
#define PSITEM_FLAG_SECURITYLOCK   0x00001000
 Flag to indicate that lock is a security lock that stays locked.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_SETTINGITEM   0x00080000
 Flag defines if item is done by setting (unused by the server, it's more for ordering in the db)
#define PSITEM_FLAG_STACKABLE   0x00040000
 Flag defines if item can be stacked.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_TRANSIENT   0x00000400
 Transient items are removed from the world approx 3hrs after creation, if not picked up by someone.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_UNIQUE_ITEM   0x00000004
 This item uses its own unique psItemStats data (in the database), and modifications to the data are OK as they will reflect solely on this item.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_UNPICKABLE   0x00000800
 Flag to indicate that lock is unpickable.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_UNSTACKABLE   0x00020000
 Flag defines if item can *not* be stacked.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_USE_CD   0x00008000
 Flag defines if CD should be used on this item.
#define PSITEM_FLAG_USES_BASIC_ITEM   0x00000008
 This item is solely based on a basic item template.
 The maximum number of modifiers that can be applied to a single instance of an item on top of the base item.
 These two define how long an item will stay in the world before being auto-removed, in seconds.
#define SAVE_DEBUG   0
 Enable this to be notified of all item saving activity.
#define SAVE_TRACER   0
 Enable this to keep track of the initial caller of Save() (when used with SAVE_DEBUG, will print full trace)


typedef csArray< psItemStats * > glyphList_t
typedef unsigned int PSITEM_FLAGS
typedef SkillStatBuffable SkillRank



Privileges that may be specifically given/taken from members of a guild.


enum containing the notification status (a bitfield)


This enumeration and structure tracks the players trade skill efforts.



csString NormalizeCharacterName (const csString &name)
 "Normalizes" name of character i.e.

Detailed Description


Copyright (C) 2006 Atomic Blue ([email protected],

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (version 2 of the License) This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

Server-side of the inventory cache handling.

Define Documentation


Definition at line 557 of file pscharacter.h.

#define ID_DONT_SAVE_ITEM   0xffffffff

This indicates that the item has been deleted from the database and should not be updated.

Definition at line 74 of file psitem.h.

#define KEY_SKELETON   ((unsigned int)-2)

Definition at line 144 of file psitem.h.

#define MAX_RESP   5

Definition at line 64 of file dictionary.h.

#define MAX_STACK_COUNT   65

Definition at line 146 of file psitem.h.


Definition at line 105 of file pscharacter.h.


Definition at line 104 of file pscharacter.h.


Set if this slot can attack even when empty - requires that a default psItem be set in default_if_empty.

Definition at line 64 of file pscharinventory.h.


Set if this slot can attack even when empty - requires that a default psItem be set in default_if_empty.

Definition at line 188 of file pscharacter.h.


Set if this slot should continuously attack while in combat.

Definition at line 184 of file pscharacter.h.


Set if this slot should continuously attack while in combat.

Definition at line 60 of file pscharinventory.h.


Set if this slot can attack when the client specifically requests (and only when the client specifically requests)

Definition at line 62 of file pscharinventory.h.


Set if this slot can attack when the client specifically requests (and only when the client specifically requests)

Definition at line 186 of file pscharacter.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_ACTIVE   0x00010000

Flag defines if item can be used while equipped.

Definition at line 127 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_CRAFTER_ID_IS_VALID   0x00000001

The crafter ID field contains the id of the character that made this item.

Definition at line 77 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_GUILD_ID_IS_VALID   0x00000002

The guild ID field contains the id of a guild that certified this item.

Definition at line 79 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_IDENTIFIABLE   0x00200000

Flag for identifiable item (not yet identified)

Definition at line 142 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_KEY   0x00000200

Flag defines any item as a key to a locked object.

Definition at line 106 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_LOCKABLE   0x00000080

Flag to allow locking/unlocking of the item. It will add the "lock/unlock" icon in the context menu of the item.

Definition at line 100 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_LOCKED   0x00000040

Flags for locked status (as in a locked container). If locked it can be opened only with lockpick or key.

Definition at line 97 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_MASTERKEY   0x00004000

Flag defines any item as a key to a locked object that can be used to make a copy of the key.

Definition at line 121 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_NOPICKUP   0x00000100

Flag for an un-pickupable item (remains fixed)

Definition at line 103 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_NOPICKUPWEAK   0x00100000

Flag for an un-pickupable item (remains fixed) - weak variant.

Definition at line 139 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_NPCOWNED   0x00002000

Flag to indicate that players shouldn't be able to put items into this container.

Definition at line 118 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_PURIFIED   0x00000010

Flags used for glyphs.

Definition at line 93 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_PURIFYING   0x00000020

Definition at line 94 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_SECURITYLOCK   0x00001000

Flag to indicate that lock is a security lock that stays locked.

Definition at line 115 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_SETTINGITEM   0x00080000

Flag defines if item is done by setting (unused by the server, it's more for ordering in the db)

Definition at line 136 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_STACKABLE   0x00040000

Flag defines if item can be stacked.

Definition at line 133 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_TRANSIENT   0x00000400

Transient items are removed from the world approx 3hrs after creation, if not picked up by someone.

Definition at line 109 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_UNIQUE_ITEM   0x00000004

This item uses its own unique psItemStats data (in the database), and modifications to the data are OK as they will reflect solely on this item.

Definition at line 81 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_UNPICKABLE   0x00000800

Flag to indicate that lock is unpickable.

Definition at line 112 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_UNSTACKABLE   0x00020000

Flag defines if item can *not* be stacked.

Definition at line 130 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_USE_CD   0x00008000

Flag defines if CD should be used on this item.

Definition at line 124 of file psitem.h.

#define PSITEM_FLAG_USES_BASIC_ITEM   0x00000008

This item is solely based on a basic item template.

It has no modifiers. When this flag is set and all effects on this item expire, if the current_stats is not the same as the base_stats pointer, then the object referenced by current_stats is deleted and current_stats is set to point at the base_stats pointer. This allows item stats for base items to use a single area in memory most of the time. When effects are applied a new copy of the base stats can be made and modified with the effect data. When all effects fade the new copy can be released back to the pool. This flag is not intended to be directly manipulated. All objects starting from a basic item will have this set to begin with. If a modifier is applied, or if the item is forced to take over unique status, this flag is cleared.

Definition at line 91 of file psitem.h.


The maximum number of modifiers that can be applied to a single instance of an item on top of the base item.

Definition at line 151 of file psitem.h.


Definition at line 71 of file psitem.h.


These two define how long an item will stay in the world before being auto-removed, in seconds.

Definition at line 70 of file psitem.h.

#define SAVE_DEBUG   0

Enable this to be notified of all item saving activity.

Definition at line 63 of file psitem.h.

#define SAVE_TRACER   0

Enable this to keep track of the initial caller of Save() (when used with SAVE_DEBUG, will print full trace)

Definition at line 66 of file psitem.h.


Definition at line 558 of file pscharacter.h.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 66 of file psspell.h.

Definition at line 148 of file psitem.h.

Definition at line 302 of file pscharacter.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Privileges that may be specifically given/taken from members of a guild.

There are no restrictions on operations done by the MAX_GUILD_LEVEL member. The member at MAX_GUILD_LEVEL (leader) can promote other members to MAX_GUILD_LEVEL which in turn demotes the leader to one below MAX_GUILD_LEVEL. A leader cannot simply demote his/herself. A leader cannot leave a guild. Consequently each guild has just one MAX_GUILD_LEVEL member.


User can view guild chat (command /guild)


User can send guild chat messages (command /guild)


User can invite players to guild.


User can remove player of lower level from guild.


User can promote/demote players of lower level to another lower level.


User can change privileges of lower guild levels.


User can change guild points of players of lower level.


User can change guild name, guild secrecy, guild web page, max guild points < and can disband the guild.


User can edit public notes of players with a lower level. < Public notes are visible to all guild members.


User can view and edit private notes of players with a lower level. < Private notes are only visible to people with this flag.


User can view alliance chat (command /alliance /a)


User can send alliace chat messages (command /alliace /a)


User can use guild bank.

Definition at line 61 of file psguildinfo.h.


Definition at line 136 of file pscharacter.h.

enum containing the notification status (a bitfield)


Definition at line 147 of file pscharacter.h.


Definition at line 119 of file pscharacter.h.


Definition at line 93 of file pscharacter.h.

This enumeration and structure tracks the players trade skill efforts.


Definition at line 174 of file pscharacter.h.

Function Documentation

csString NormalizeCharacterName ( const csString &  name)

"Normalizes" name of character i.e.

makes the first letter uppercase and all the rest downcase