An NetBeans module, also known as 'plugin', is group of Java classes that provides an application with a specific feature. By developing your own NetBeans modules, you can extend an application's functionality with new features. For example, you can write modules that make your favorite cutting-edge technologies available to the NetBeans IDE. Alternatively, you might miss some low-level functionality in the Source Editor and create a module to provide it. On a higher level, you can use the core of NetBeans as a platform on top of which you develop rich-client Swing applications, out of NetBeans modules. You can save a lot of development time by reusing features readily available in the platform.
This page provides links to some of the NetBeans documents and resources that can help you learn about NetBeans modules and rich-client applications with NetBeans IDE 6.0.
Tutorials for Swing Applications Built on top the NetBeans Platform NetBeans APIs for Developing or Extending an Editor |
NetBeans APIs for Selection Management
Miscellaneous NetBeans APIs |
For the complete list of NetBeans IDE 6.0 documents about NetBeans Platform development, see the NetBeans Platform index page. |
Community-Powered |
Professional-Powered |
Other Resources |
TrainingThe following NetBeans course covers the NetBeans Platform: |