Diego Components

Page last updated: October 21, 2015

This topic describes the components that make up the Diego container management system for Cloud Foundry (CF).

For an overview of the high-level structure of Diego, see the Diego Architecture topic.

The diagram below illustrates the primary Diego components and how they interact with other Cloud Foundry components.

Diego Overview
Enlarge image

This table describes the major areas in the image above:

Diagram Color Scope of Responsibility Source Code Location Notes
Blue Running and monitoring Tasks and Long Running Processes (LRPs) Diego Release
Red Translating app-specific messages from the Cloud Controller to the Bulletin Board System (BBS) Stager CC-Uploader Nsync TPS
Yellow Supporting streaming logs and routing to containers managed by Diego Diego Release and CF-Release The Lattice open source project distribution includes these components and offers developers an environment for interacting with Diego.

Diego Core Components

Components in the Diego core run and monitor Tasks and Long Running Processes (LRPs). The core consists of the following major areas:

Diego Brain

Diego Brain components distribute Tasks and LRPs to Diego Cells, and correct discrepancies between ActualLRP and DesiredLRP counts to ensure fault-tolerance and long-term consistency. The Diego Brain consists of the Auctioneer and the Converger.


  • Uses the auction package to run Diego Auctions for Tasks and LRPs

  • Communicates with Cell Reps over HTTP

  • Maintains a lock in the BBS that restricts auctions to one Auctioneer at a time

Refer to the Auctioneer repo on GitHub for more information.


  • Uses converge methods from the Runtime Schema to analyze snapshots from the BBS to ensure consistency and fault tolerance for Tasks and LRPs

  • Acts to keep DesiredLRP count and ActualLRP count synchronized in the following ways:

    • If the DesiredLRP count exceeds the ActualLRP count, the Converger requests a start auction from the Auctioneer
    • If the ActualLRP count exceeds the DesiredLRP count, the Converger sends a stop message to the Rep on the Cell hosting an instance
  • Monitors for potentially missed messages, resending them if necessary

  • Maintains a lock in the BBS that limits converge methods to one Converger at a time

Refer to the Converger repo on GitHub for more information.

Diego Cell Components

Diego Cell components manage and maintain Tasks and LRPs.


  • Represents a Cell in Diego Auctions for Tasks and LRPs

  • Mediates all communication between the Cell and the BBS

  • Ensures synchronization between the set of Tasks and LRPs in the BBS with the containers present on the Cell

  • Maintains the presence of the Cell in the BBS

  • Runs Tasks and LRPs by asking the in-process Executor to create a container and RunAction recipes

Refer to the Rep repo on GitHub for more information.


  • Runs as a logical process inside the Rep

  • Implements the generic Executor actions detailed in the API documentation

  • Streams STDOUT and STDERR to the Metron agent running on the Cell

Refer to the Executor repo on GitHub for more information.


  • Provides a platform-independent server and clients to manage Garden containers

  • Defines the garden-linux interface for container implementation

Refer to the Garden repo on GitHub for more information.

Metron Agent

Forwards application logs, errors, and application and Diego metrics to the Loggregator Doppler component

Refer to the Metron repo on GitHub for more information.

Database VMs

Diego Bulletin Board System

  • Maintains a real-time representation of the state of the Diego cluster, including all desired LRPs, running LRP instances, and in-flight Tasks

  • Provides an RPC-style API over HTTP to Diego Core components and external clients, including the SSH Proxy, CC-Bridge, and Route Emitter.

Refer to the Bulletin Board System repo on GitHub for more information.


  • Provides a consistent key-value data store to Diego

Access VMs

File Server

Refer to the File Server repo on GitHub for more information.

SSH Proxy

  • Brokers connections between SSH clients and SSH servers running inside instance containers

Refer to the Diego SSH repo on GitHub for more information.


  • Provides dynamic service registration and load balancing through DNS resolution

  • Provides a consistent key-value store for maintenance of distributed locks and component presence

Refer to the Consul repo on GitHub for more information.


Consuladapter provides a driver for interfacing with etcd.

Refer to the Consuladapter repo on GitHub for more information.

Cloud Controller Bridge Components

The Cloud Controller Bridge (CC-Bridge) components translate app-specific requests from the Cloud Controller to the BBS. These components include the following:


  • Translates staging requests from the Cloud Controller into generic Tasks and LRPs

  • Sends a response to the Cloud Controller when a Task completes

Refer to the Stager repo on GitHub for more information.


  • Mediates uploads from the Executor to the Cloud Controller

  • Translates simple HTTP POST requests from the Executor into complex multipart-form uploads for the Cloud Controller

Refer to the CC-Uploader repo on GitHub for more information.


  • Listens for app requests to update the DesiredLRPs count and updates DesiredLRPs through the BBS

  • Periodically polls the Cloud Controller for each app to ensure that Diego maintains accurate DesiredLRPs counts

Refer to the Nsync repo on GitHub for more information.


  • Provides the Cloud Controller with information about currently running LRPs to respond to cf apps and cf app APP_NAME requests

  • Monitors ActualLRP activity for crashes and reports them the Cloud Controller

Refer to the TPS repo on GitHub for more information.

Platform-specific Components

Garden Backends

Garden contains a set of interfaces that each platform-specific backend must implement. These interfaces contain methods to perform the following actions:

  • Create and delete containers
  • Apply resource limits to containers
  • Open and attach network ports to containers
  • Copy files into and out of containers
  • Run processes within containers
  • Stream STDOUT and STDERR data out of containers
  • Annotate containers with arbitrary metadata
  • Snapshot containers for redeploys without downtime

Refer to the Garden repo on GitHub for more information.

Current Implementations

  • Garden-Linux provides a Linux-specific implementation of a Garden interface.

App Lifecycles

App Lifecycles implement deployment strategies. Each App Lifecycle contains the following three binaries:

  • The Builder, which stages a CF application. The CC-Bridge runs the Builder as a Task on every staging request. The Builder performs static analysis on the application code and does any necessary pre-processing before the application is first run.

  • The Launcher, which runs a CF application. The CC-Bridge sets the Launcher as the Action on the DesiredLRP for the application. The Launcher executes the start command with the correct system context, including working directory and environment variables.

  • The Healthcheck, which performs a status check on running CF application from inside the container. The CC-Bridge sets the Healthcheck as the Monitor action on the DesiredLRP for the application.

Current Implementations

Other Components


  • Monitors DesiredLRP and ActualLRP states, emitting route registration and unregistration messages to the Cloud Foundry router when it detects changes

  • Periodically emits the entire routing table to the Cloud Foundry router

Refer to the Route-Emitter repo on GitHub for more information.