Cloud Foundry Environment Variables

Page last updated: September 23, 2015

This page assumes you are using cf CLI v6.

Environment variables are the means by which the Cloud Foundry runtime communicates with a deployed application about its environment. This page describes the environment variables that Droplet Execution Agents (DEAs) and buildpacks set for applications.

For information about setting your own application-specific environment variables, refer to the Set Environment Variable in a Manifest section in the Application Manifests topic.

View Environment Variables

Use the cf env command to view the Cloud Foundry environment variables for your application. cf env displays the following environment variables:

  • The VCAP_SERVICES variables existing in the container environment
  • The user-provided variables set using the cf set-env command
$ cf env my-app
Getting env variables for app my-app in org my-org / space my-space as


  "application_id": "fa05c1a9-0fc1-4fbd-bae1-139850dec7a3",
  "application_name": "my-app",
  "application_uris": [
  "application_version": "fb8fbcc6-8d58-479e-bcc7-3b4ce5a7f0ca",
  "limits": {
  "disk": 1024,
  "fds": 16384,
  "mem": 256
  "name": "my-app",
  "space_id": "06450c72-4669-4dc6-8096-45f9777db68a",
  "space_name": "my-space",
  "uris": [
  "users": null,
  "version": "fb8fbcc6-8d58-479e-bcc7-3b4ce5a7f0ca"


Variables Available to Your Application

The subsections that follow describe the environment variables that Cloud Foundry makes available for your application container.

You can access environment variables programmatically, including variables defined by the buildpack. Refer to the buildpack documentation for Java, Node.js, and Ruby.


Root folder for the deployed application.



The maximum amount of memory that each instance of the application can consume. You specify this value in an application manifest or with the cf CLI when pushing an application. The value is limited by space and org quotas.

If an instance goes over the maximum limit, it will be restarted. If it has to be restarted too often, it will be terminated.



The port on the DEA for communication with the application. The DEA allocates a port to the application during staging. For this reason, code that obtains or uses the application port should reference it using PORT.



Identifies the present working directory, where the buildpack that processed the application ran.



Directory location where temporary and staging files are stored.



The user account under which the DEA runs.



The IP address of the DEA host.



This variable contains the associated attributes for a deployed application. Results are returned in JSON format. The table below lists the attributes that are returned.

Attribute Description
application_id GUID that identifies the application.
application_name or name The name assigned to the application when it was pushed.
application_users or users
application_uris or uris The URI(s) assigned to the application.
application_version or version GUID that identifies a version of the application that was pushed. Each time an application is pushed or restarted, this value is updated.
host IP address of the application instance.
instance_id GUID that identifies the application instance.
instance_index Index number of the instance. You can access this value directly with the CF_INSTANCE_INDEX variable.
limits The memory, disk, and number of files permitted to the instance. Memory and disk limits are supplied when the application is deployed, either on the command line or in the application manifest. The number of files allowed is operator-defined.
port Port of the application instance. You can access this value directly with the PORT variable.
started_at or start The last time the application was started.
started_at_timestamp Timestamp for the last time the application was started.
state_timestamp The timestamp for the time at which the application achieved its current state.

For example:

00:05:29 +0000","started_at_timestamp":1376265929,"start":"2013-08-12 00:05:29


Deprecated name for the PORT variable, defined above.


For bindable services Cloud Foundry will add connection details to the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable when you restart your application, after binding a service instance to your application.

The results are returned as a JSON document that contains an object for each service for which one or more instances are bound to the application. The service object contains a child object for each service instance of that service that is bound to the application. The attributes that describe a bound service are defined in the table below.

The key for each service in the JSON document is the same as the value of the “label” attribute.

Attribute Description
name The name assigned to the service instance by the user
label The name of the service offering
tags An array of strings an app can use to identify a service instance
plan The service plan selected when the service instance was created
credentials A JSON object containing the service-specific credentials needed to access the service instance.

To see the value of VCAP_SERVICES for an application pushed to Cloud Foundry, see View Environment Variable Values.

The example below shows the value of VCAP_SERVICES for bound instances of several services available in the Pivotal Web Services Marketplace.

  "elephantsql": [
      "name": "elephantsql-c6c60",
      "label": "elephantsql",
      "tags": [
      "plan": "turtle",
      "credentials": {
        "uri": "postgres://seilbmbd:[email protected]:5432/seilbmbd"
  "sendgrid": [
      "name": "mysendgrid",
      "label": "sendgrid",
      "tags": [
      "plan": "free",
      "credentials": {
        "hostname": "",
        "username": "QvsXMbJ3rK",
        "password": "HCHMOYluTv"

Application Instance-Specific Variables

Each instance of an application can access a set of variables with the CF_INSTANCE prefix. These variables provide information for a given application instance, including identification of the host DEA by its IP address.


The CF_INSTANCE_IP and CF_INSTANCE_PORT of the app instance in the format particular-DEA-IP:particular-app-instance-port.



The index number of the app instance.



The external IP address of the DEA running the container with the app instance.



The PORT of the app instance.



The external and internal ports allocated to the app instance.


Environment Variable Groups

Environment variable groups are system-wide variables that enable operators to apply a group of environment variables to all running applications and all staging applications separately.

An environment variable group consists of a single hash of name-value pairs that are later inserted into an application container at runtime or at staging. These values can contain information such as HTTP proxy information. The values for variables set in an environment variable group are case-sensitive.

When creating environment variable groups, consider the following:

  • Only the Cloud Foundry operator can set the hash value for each group.
  • All authenticated users can get the environment variables assigned to their application.
  • All variable changes take effect after the operator restarts or restages the applications.
  • Any user-defined variable takes precedence over environment variables provided by these groups.

The table below lists the commands for environment variable groups.

CLI Command Description
running-environment-variable-group or revg Retrieves the contents of the running environment variable group
staging-environment-variable-group or sevg Retrieves the contents of the staging environment variable group
set-staging-environment-variable-group or ssevg Passes parameters as JSON to create a staging environment variable group
set-running-environment-variable-group or srevg Passes parameters as JSON to create a running environment variable group

The following examples demonstrate how to retrieve the environment variables:

$ cf revg
Retrieving the contents of the running environment variable group as
[email protected]...
Variable Name   Assigned Value
HTTP Proxy

$ cf sevg
Retrieving the contents of the staging environment variable group as
[email protected]...
Variable Name   Assigned Value
HTTP Proxy

$ cf apps
Getting apps in org SAMPLE-ORG-NAME / space dev as
[email protected]...

name    requested state   instances   memory   disk   urls
my-app  started           1/1         256M     1G

$ cf env APP-NAME
Getting env variables for app APP-NAME in org SAMPLE-ORG-NAME / space dev as
[email protected]...


  "application_name": "APP-NAME",
  "application_uris": [
  "application_version": "7d0d64be-7f6f-406a-9d21-504643147d63",
  "limits": {
  "disk": 1024,
  "fds": 16384,
  "mem": 256
  "name": "APP-NAME",
  "space_id": "37189599-2407-9946-865e-8ebd0e2df89a",
  "space_name": "dev",
  "uris": [
  "users": null,
  "version": "7d0d64be-7f6f-406a-9d21-504643147d63"

Running Environment Variable Groups:
HTTP Proxy:

Staging Environment Variable Groups:
HTTP Proxy:

The following examples demonstrate how to set environment variables:

$ cf ssevg '{"test":"","test2":""}'
Setting the contents of the staging environment variable group as admin...
$ cf sevg
Retrieving the contents of the staging environment variable group as admin...
Variable Name   Assigned Value

$ cf srevg '{"test3":"2001","test4":"2010"}'
Setting the contents of the running environment variable group as admin...
$ cf revg
Retrieving the contents of the running environment variable group as admin...
Variable Name   Assigned Value
test3           2001
test4           2010