Overview of Deploying Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry is designed to be configured, deployed, managed, scaled, and upgraded on any cloud IaaS provider. This is achieved by leveraging BOSH, an open source tool for release engineering, deployment, lifecycle management, and monitoring of distributed systems.

At a high level, the steps are the same regardless of IaaS:

  1. Set up all external dependencies, such as IaaS account, external load balancers, DNS records, and any additional components.
  2. Create a manifest to deploy a BOSH Director.
  3. Deploy the BOSH Director.
  4. Create a manifest to deploy Cloud Foundry.
  5. Deploy Cloud Foundry.

We also offer an easy vagrant up solution for steps 1-3 so you can get straight to pushing apps or hacking on Cloud Foundry itself.

Select one of the core supported infrastructures below to get started:

Or if you just want the vagrant up experience, choose: