Deploying Cloud Foundry using BOSH

Page last updated: December 22, 2015

This topic describes the process for deploying Cloud Foundry using BOSH. It assumes you have already targeted your BOSH Director, created a manifest, and set it as your deployment.

Upload a Stemcell

  1. Open in a web browser to view a list of publicly available BOSH stemcells.

  2. Choose a BOSH stemcell for your IaaS and click the build number to download.

  3. In a terminal window, run bosh upload stemcell STEMCELL-PATH to upload the stemcell to the BOSH Director.

Build the Cloud Foundry Release

  1. Change into the cf-release directory that you cloned when you created the manifest and run the update script to fetch all the submodules.

    $ cd cf-release
    $ ./scripts/update
  2. Use bosh create release to create a Cloud Foundry release. This command prompts you for a development release name.

Upload the Cloud Foundry Release

Use bosh upload release to upload the generated release to the BOSH Director.


Use bosh deploy to deploy the uploaded Cloud Foundry release.

Verify the Deployment

  1. Run bosh vms. This command provides an overview of the virtual machines that BOSH manages as part of the current deployment. The state of every VM should show as running.

        $ bosh vms
        | Job/index                   | State   | Resource Pool    | IPs           |
        | nfs_server/0                | running | nfs_server       | |
        | ccdb/0                      | running | ccdb             | |
        | cloud_controller/0          | running | cloud_controller | |
        | collector/0                 | running | collector        | |
        | health_manager/0            | running | health_manager   | |
        | nats/0                      | running | nats             | |
        | router/0                    | running | router           | |
        | syslog/0                    | running | syslog           | |
        | uaa/0                       | running | uaa              | |
        | uaadb/0                     | running | uaadb            | |
        | dea/0                       | running | dea              | |
        | saml_login/0                | running | saml_login       | |
  2. Use curl to test the API endpoint of your Cloud Foundry installation.

    $ curl api.subdomain.domain/info

    If curl succeeds, it should return the JSON-formatted information. If curl does not succeeds, check your networking and make sure your domain has an NS record for your subdomain.

  3. You should be able to target your Cloud Foundry installation with the cf Command Line Interface (CLI) and log in as an administrator.

    The user name is admin and the password is specified in the deployment manifest:

          - admin|ADMIN_PASSWORD|...

    For more information about managing organizations, spaces, users, and applications, refer to the cf CLI topic.

Update Cloud Foundry

  • If you make change to your manifest, run bosh deploy to update your Cloud Foundry deployment with these changes.

  • If you make changes to the cf-release directory, run the following commands to update your Cloud Foundry deployment with these changes:

    $ bosh create release && bosh upload release && bosh deploy