Deploying a Nozzle to the Loggregator Firehose

Page last updated: November 25, 2015

This topic will walk through the procedure for deploying a ‘nozzle’ application to the Cloud Foundry Loggregator Firehose. The Loggregator team has prepared an example nozzle application for use with this tutorial.

The procedure described here will deploy this example nozzle to the Firehose of a Cloud Foundry deployed locally, with BOSH Lite. This is generally the easiest point of entry into Cloud Foundry operations.


Note: Even using the automated provision_cf script, Deploying Cloud Foundry can take up to several hours, depending on your internet bandwith.

Step 1: Download Your Cloud Foundry BOSH Manifest

  1. Run bosh deployments to identify the name of the current BOSH deployment:

    $ bosh deployments
    | Name            | Release(s)               | Stemcell(s)                                     |
    | cf-example      | cf-mysql/10              | bosh-vsphere-esxi-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent/2690.3 |
    |                 | cf/183.2                 |                                                 |

  2. Run bosh download manifest DEPLOYMENT-NAME LOCAL-SAVE-NAME to download and save the current BOSH deployment manifest. You need this manifest to locate information about your databases. Replace DEPLOYMENT-NAME with the name of the current BOSH deployment. For this procedure, use cf.yml as the LOCAL-SAVE-NAME.

        $ bosh download manifest cf-example cf.yml
        Deployment manifest saved to `cf.yml'

Step 2: Add UAA client

You must authorize the example nozzle as a UAA client for your CF deployment. To do this, add an entry for the example nozzle as client for uaa under properties key in your CF deployment manifest. You must enter the example nozzle object in the right location in the manifest, and with the correct indentation, as described below.

Deployment manifests have the .yml extension, and are therefore YAML files. Visit YAML on the web to learn about YAML syntax.

  1. Find the properties key that is at 0 indentation (left aligned).
  2. Under that properties key, find uaa at the next level of indentation.
  3. Under that uaa key, find the clients key at the next level of indentation.
  4. Enter properties for the example-nozzle at the next level of indentation, exactly as below. The ... in the figure below indicate that other properties may populate the manifest at each level in the hierarchy.

            access-token-validity: 1209600
            authorized-grant-types: authorization_code,client_credentials,refresh_token
            override: true
            secret: example-nozzle
            scope: openid,oauth.approvals,doppler.firehose
            authorities: oauth.login,doppler.firehose
  5. Save the manifest file cf.yml.

Step 3: Redeploy Cloud Foundry

  1. Select cf.yml as the manifest for your deployment.

    $ bosh deployment cf.yml
    Deployment set to `/Users/example_user/workspace/bosh-lite/cf.yml'

  2. Deploy your Cloud Foundry with BOSH.

    $ bosh deploy
    Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'cf-warden' on 'Bosh Lite Director'
    Getting deployment properties from director...
    Detecting deployment changes \---------------------------- Releases No changes Compilation No changes Update No changes Resource pools No changes Disk pools No changes Networks No changes Jobs No changes Properties uaa clients example-nozzle + access-token-validity: 1209600 + authorized-grant-types: authorization_code,client_credentials,refresh_token + override: true + secret: example-nozzle + scope: openid,oauth.approvals,doppler.firehose + authorities: oauth.login,doppler.firehose Meta No changes Please review all changes carefully Deploying --------- Are you sure you want to deploy? (type 'yes' to continue):

Step 4: Clone example release

The Loggregator team has prepared an example nozzle application for use with this tutorial.

  1. Run git clone to clone the main release repository from GitHub.

    $ git clone [email protected]:cloudfoundry-incubator/example-nozzle-release.git
    Cloning into 'example-nozzle-release'...

  2. Run git submodule update --init --recursive to update all the included submodules.

    $ git submodule update --init --recursive
    Submodule 'src/' ([email protected]:cloudfoundry-incubator/example-nozzle.git) registered for path 'src/'
    Submodule 'src/' ([email protected]:cloudfoundry-incubator/uaago.git) registered for path 'src/'
    Cloning into 'src/'...

  3. cd into the example-release directory.

    $ cd example-nozzle-release

Step 5: Prepare the nozzle manifest

There are two options for preparing the nozzle deployment manifest:

  • (Quicker option) Our engineers have included a script to prepare the manifest in a single step. To use this option simply run the following in the terminal:

    $ scripts/make_manifest_spiff_bosh_lite

  • (Recommended, in order to fully understand the deployment procedure) Complete the following steps:

  1. Inside example-nozzle-release, change into the templates directory.

    $ cd templates
    There are two yaml files inside:

    • template.yml is template for the manifest we will use to deploy the nozzle.
    • bosh-lite-stub.yml contains the values that will populate the missing information in the manifest template to complete our deployment manifest.
  2. Make a tmp directory to house our compiled manifest.

  3. Use spiff to compile a deployment manifest from the template and stub, and save this manifest.

    $ spiff merge templates/template.yml templates/bosh-lite-stub.yml > tmp/manifest_bosh_lite.yml

  4. Get your BOSH director UUID by running:

    $ bosh status --uuid

  5. In the compiled nozzle deployment manifest, find the director_uuid property and replace its value of PLACEHOLDER-DIRECTOR-UUID with your BOSH director UUID.

    name: default
  network: example-nozzle-net
  reuse_compilation_vms: true
  workers: 1

Step 6: Select the new manifest as the deployment manifest for the nozzle

$ bosh deployment tmp/manifest_bosh_lite.yml
Deployment set to `/Users/example_user/workspace/example-nozzle-release/templates/tmp/manifest_bosh_lite.yml'

Step 7: Create a BOSH release for the nozzle

Run the following terminal command, using the name example-nozzle, which matches the UAA client created earlier in the CF deployment manifest:

$ bosh create release --name example-nozzle
Syncing blobs...

Step 8: Upload the BOSH release

Run the following terminal command:

$ bosh upload release
Acting as user 'admin' on 'Bosh Lite Director'

Copying packages ---------------- example-nozzle golang1.4
Copying jobs ------------ example-nozzle
Generated /var/folders/4n/qs1rjbmd1c5gfb78m3_06j6r0000gn/T/d20151009-71219-17a5m49/d20151009-71219-rts928/release.tgz Release size: 59.2M
Verifying release... ... Release info ------------ Name: nozzle-test Version: 0+dev.2
Packages - example-nozzle (b0944f95eb5a332e9be2adfb4db1bc88f9755894) - golang1.4 (b68dc9557ef296cb21e577c31ba97e2584a5154b)
Jobs - example-nozzle (112e01c6ee91e8b268a42239e58e8e18e0360f58)
License - none

Uploading release

Step 9: Deploy the nozzle

Run the following terminal command:

$ bosh deploy
Acting as user 'admin' on deployment 'example-nozzle-lite' on 'Bosh Lite Director'
Getting deployment properties from director...
Unable to get properties list from director, trying without it...
Cannot get current deployment information from director, possibly a new deployment
Please review all changes carefully

Deploying --------- Are you sure you want to deploy? (type 'yes' to continue):

Step 10: View the nozzle output

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed a Loggregator firehose nozzle.

The example nozzle simply dumps all of the data coming from the firehose to its log files. To view this data, SSH into the example-nozzle VM and examine the logs.

  1. Run bosh ssh to access the nozzle VM at the IP configured in the nozzle’s manifest template stub ./templates/bosh-lite-stub.yml.

    bosh ssh example-nozzle --strict_host_key_checking no
    Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-25-generic x86_64)
    Last login: Wed Sep 23 21:29:50 2015 from
  2. Use the cat command to output the stdout log file.

    $ cat /var/vcap/sys/log/example-nozzle/example-nozzle.stdout.log
    ===== Streaming Firehose (will only succeed if you have admin credentials)
    origin:"DopplerServer" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046217700750747 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"MetronAgent" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046218910193187 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"loggregator_trafficcontroller_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"MetronAgent" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046218910360012 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"loggregator_trafficcontroller_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"MetronAgent" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046218910252169 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"loggregator_trafficcontroller_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"MetronAgent" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046218910294255 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"loggregator_trafficcontroller_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"MetronAgent" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046218910318582 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"loggregator_trafficcontroller_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"MetronAgent" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046218910339088 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"loggregator_trafficcontroller_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"MetronAgent" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046218910379199 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"loggregator_trafficcontroller_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"MetronAgent" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046218910394886 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"loggregator_trafficcontroller_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"router__0" eventType:HttpStartStop timestamp:1443046219105062148 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"router_z1" index:"0" ip:"" httpStartStop: peerType:Client method:POST uri:"" remoteAddress:"" userAgent:"" statusCode:200 contentLength:-1 >
    origin:"api_z1_0" eventType:HttpStartStop timestamp:1443046219109842455 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"api_z1" index:"0" ip:"" httpStartStop: peerType:Server method:GET uri:"" remoteAddress:"" userAgent:"Go 1.1 package http" statusCode:200 contentLength:108 >
    origin:"router__0" eventType:HttpStartStop timestamp:1443046219110064368 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"router_z1" index:"0" ip:"" httpStartStop: peerType:Client method:GET uri:"" remoteAddress:"" userAgent:"" statusCode:200 contentLength:108 >
    origin:"syslog_drain_binder" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046219177165446 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"syslog_drain_binder" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046219177288325 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"syslog_drain_binder" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046219177346726 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"syslog_drain_binder" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046219177274975 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"syslog_drain_binder" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046219177310389 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"syslog_drain_binder" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046219177330214 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"syslog_drain_binder" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046219177353454 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"syslog_drain_binder" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046219177360052 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"syslog_drain_binder" eventType:ValueMetric timestamp:1443046219177481456 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" valueMetric:
    origin:"DopplerServer" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046219880585603 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"DopplerServer" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046219880895040 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"DopplerServer" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046219881017888 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"DopplerServer" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046219881011670 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"DopplerServer" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046219880929574 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"DopplerServer" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046219881004417 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"DopplerServer" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046219880929568 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"doppler_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent:
    origin:"MetronAgent" eventType:CounterEvent timestamp:1443046220058280679 deployment:"cf-warden" job:"api_z1" index:"0" ip:"" counterEvent: