Access Control

Page last updated: December 24, 2015

By default, all new service plans are private. This means that when adding a new broker, or when adding a new plan to an existing broker’s catalog, new service plans won’t immediately be available to end users. This enables an admin to control which service plans are available to end users, and to manage limited availability.

Using the CLI

If your CLI and/or deployment of cf-release do not meet the following prerequisites, you can manage access control with cf curl.


  • CLI v6.4.0
  • Cloud Controller API v2.9.0 (cf-release v179)
  • Admin user access; the following commands can be run only by an admin user

To determine your API version, curl /v2/info and look for api_version.

$ cf curl /v2/info
   "name": "vcap",
   "build": "2222",
   "support": "",
   "version": 2,
   "description": "Cloud Foundry sponsored by Pivotal",
   "authorization_endpoint": "",
   "token_endpoint": "",
   "api_version": "2.13.0",
   "logging_endpoint": "wss://"

Display Access to Service Plans

The service-access CLI command enables an admin to see the current access control setting for every service plan in the marketplace, across all service brokers.

$ cf service-access
getting service access as admin...
broker: p-riakcs
   service    plan        access    orgs
   p-riakcs   developer   limited

broker: p-mysql
   service   plan        access   orgs
   p-mysql   100mb-dev   all

The access column has values all, limited, or none. all means a service plan is available to all users of the Cloud Foundry instance; this is what we mean when we say the plan is “public”. none means the plan is not available to anyone; this is what we mean when we say the plan is “private”. limited means that the service plan is available to users of one or more select organizations. When a plan is limited, organizations that have been granted access are listed.

Flags provide filtering by broker, service, and organization.

$ cf help service-access
   service-access - List service access settings

   cf service-access [-b BROKER] [-e SERVICE] [-o ORG]

   -b   access for plans of a particular broker
   -e   access for plans of a particular service offering
   -o   plans accessible by a particular organization

Enable Access to Service Plans

Service access is managed at the granularity of service plans, though CLI commands allow an admin to modify all plans of a service at once.

Enabling access to a service plan for organizations allows users of those organizations to see the plan listed in the marketplace (cf marketplace), and if users have the Space Developer role in a targeted space, to provision instances of the plan.

$ cf enable-service-access p-riakcs
Enabling access to all plans of service p-riakcs for all orgs as admin...

$ cf service-access
getting service access as admin...
broker: p-riakcs
   service    plan        access   orgs
   p-riakcs   developer   all

An admin can use enable-service-access to:

  • Enable access to all plans of a service for users of all orgs (access:all)
  • Enable access to one plan of a service for users of all orgs (access:all)
  • Enable access to all plans of a service for users of a specified organization (access: limited)
  • Enable access to one plan of a service for users of a specified organization (access: limited)
$ cf help enable-service-access
   enable-service-access - Enable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs

   cf enable-service-access SERVICE [-p PLAN] [-o ORG]

   -p   Enable access to a particular service plan
   -o   Enable access to a particular organization

Disable Access to Service Plans

$ cf disable-service-access p-riakcs
Disabling access to all plans of service p-riakcs for all orgs as admin...

$ cf service-access
getting service access as admin...
broker: p-riakcs
   service    plan        access   orgs
   p-riakcs   developer   none

An admin can use the disable-service-access command to:

  • Disable access to all plans of a service for users of all orgs (access:all)
  • Disable access to one plan of a service for users of all orgs (access:all)
  • Disable access to all plans of a service for users of select orgs (access: limited)
  • Disable access to one plan of a service for users of select orgs (access: limited)
$ cf help disable-service-access
   disable-service-access - Disable access to a service or service plan for one or all orgs

   cf disable-service-access SERVICE [-p PLAN] [-o ORG]

   -p   Disable access to a particular service plan
   -o   Disable access to a particular organization


  • You cannot disable access to a service plan for an organization if the plan is currently available to all organizations. You must first disable access for all organizations; then you can enable access for a particular organization.

Using cf curl

The following commands must be run as a system admin user.

Enable Access to Service Plans

Access can be enabled for users of all organizations, or for users of particular organizations. Service plans which are available to all users are said to be “public”. Plans that are available to no organizations, or to particular organizations, are said to be “private”.

Enable access to a plan for all organizations

Once made public, the service plan can be seen by all users in the list of available services. See Managing Services for more information.

To make a service plan public, you need the service plan GUID. To find the service plan GUID, run:

cf curl /v2/service_plans -X 'GET'

This command returns a filtered JSON response listing every service plan. Data about each plan shows in two sections: metadata and entity. The metadata section shows the service plan GUID, while the entity section lists the name of the plan. Note: Because metadata is listed before entity for each service plan, the GUID of a plan is shown six lines above the name.


$ cf curl /v2/service_plans
    "metadata": {
        "guid": "1afd5050-664e-4be2-9389-6bf0c967c0c6",
        "url": "/v2/service_plans/1afd5050-664e-4be2-9389-6bf0c967c0c6",
        "created_at": "2014-02-12T06:24:04+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2014-02-12T18:46:52+00:00"
    "entity": {
        "name": "plan-name-1",
        "free": true,
        "description": "plan-desc-1",
        "service_guid": "d9011411-1463-477c-b223-82e04996b91f",
        "extra": "{\"bullets\":[\"bullet1\",\"bullet2\"]}",
        "unique_id": "plan-id-1",
        "public": false,
        "service_url": "/v2/services/d9011411-1463-477c-b223-82e04996b91f",
        "service_instances_url": "/v2/service_plans/1afd5050-664e-4be2-9389-6bf0c967c0c6/service_instances"

In this example, the GUID of plan-name-1 is 1afd5050-664e-4be2-9389-6bf0c967c0c6.

To make a service plan public, run: cf curl /v2/service_plans/SERVICE_PLAN_GUID -X 'PUT' -d '{"public":true}'

As verification, the “entity” section of the JSON response shows the "public":true key-value pair.

$ cf curl /v2/service_plans/1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111 -X 'PUT' -d '{"public":true}'

    "metadata": {
        "guid": "1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111",
        "url": "/v2/service_plans/1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111",
        "created_at": "2014-02-12T06:24:04+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2014-02-12T20:55:10+00:00"
    "entity": {
        "name": "plan-name-1",
        "free": true,
        "description": "plan-desc-1",
        "service_guid": "d9011411-1463-477c-b223-82e04996b91f",
        "extra": "{\"bullets\":[\"bullet1\",\"bullet2\"]}",
        "unique_id": "plan-id-1",
        "public": true,
        "service_url": "/v2/services/d9011411-1463-477c-b223-82e04996b91f",
        "service_instances_url": "/v2/service_plans/1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111/service_instances"

Enable access to a private plan for a particular organization

Users have access to private plans that have been enabled for an organization only when targeting a space of that organization. See Managing Services for more information.

To make a service plan available to users of a specific organization, you need the GUID of both the organization and the service plan. To get the GUID of the service plan, run the same command described above for enabling access to a plan for all organizations:

cf curl -X 'GET' /v2/service_plans

To find the organization GUIDs, run:

cf curl /v2/organizations?q=name:YOUR-ORG-NAME

The metadata section shows the organization GUID, while the entity section lists the name of the organization. Note: Because metadata is listed before entity for each organization, the GUID of an organization is shown six lines above the name.


$ cf curl /v2/organizations?q=name:my-org

    "metadata": {
        "guid": "c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc",
        "url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc",
        "created_at": "2013-05-06T16:34:56+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2013-09-25T18:44:35+00:00"
    "entity": {
        "name": "my-org",
        "billing_enabled": true,
        "quota_definition_guid": "52c5413c-869f-455a-8873-7972ecb85ca8",
        "status": "active",
        "quota_definition_url": "/v2/quota_definitions/52c5413c-869f-455a-8873-7972ecb85ca8",
        "spaces_url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc/spaces",
        "domains_url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc/domains",
        "private_domains_url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc/private_domains",
        "users_url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc/users",
        "managers_url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc/managers",
        "billing_managers_url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc/billing_managers",
        "auditors_url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc/auditors",
        "app_events_url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc/app_events"

In this example, the GUID of my-org is c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc.

To make a private plan available to a specific organization, run:

cf curl /v2/service_plan_visibilities -X POST -d '{"service_plan_guid":"SERVICE_PLAN_GUID","organization_guid":"ORG_GUID"}'


$ cf curl /v2/service_plan_visibilities -X 'POST' -d '{"service_plan_guid":"1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111","organization_guid":"aaaa1234-da91-4f12-8ffa-b51d0336aaaa"}'

    "metadata": {
        "guid": "99993789-a368-483e-ae7c-ebe79e199999",
        "url": "/v2/service_plan_visibilities/99993789-a368-483e-ae7c-ebe79e199999",
        "created_at": "2014-02-12T21:03:42+00:00",
        "updated_at": null
    "entity": {
        "service_plan_guid": "1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111",
        "organization_guid": "aaaa1234-da91-4f12-8ffa-b51d0336aaaa",
        "service_plan_url": "/v2/service_plans/1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111",
        "organization_url": "/v2/organizations/c54bf317-d791-4d12-89f0-b56d0936cfdc"

Members of my-org can now see the plan-name-1 service plan in the list of available services when a space of my-org is targeted.

Note: The guid field in the metadata section of this JSON response is the id of the “service plan visibility”, and can be used to revoke access to the plan for the organization as described below.

Disable Access to Service Plans

Disable access to a plan for all organizations

To make a service plan private, follow the instructions above for Enable Access, but replace "public":true with "public":false.

Note: organizations that have explicitly been granted access will retain access once a plan is private. To be sure access is removed for all organizations, access must be explicitly revoked for organizations to which access has been explicitly granted. For details see below.

Example making plan-name-1 private:

$ cf curl /v2/service_plans/1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111 -X 'PUT' -d '{"public":false}'

    "metadata": {
        "guid": "1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111",
        "url": "/v2/service_plans/1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111",
        "created_at": "2014-02-12T06:24:04+00:00",
        "updated_at": "2014-02-12T20:55:10+00:00"
    "entity": {
        "name": "plan-name-1",
        "free": true,
        "description": "plan-desc-1",
        "service_guid": "d9011411-1463-477c-b223-82e04996b91f",
        "extra": "{\"bullets\":[\"bullet1\",\"bullet2\"]}",
        "unique_id": "plan-id-1",
        "public": false,
        "service_url": "/v2/services/d9011411-1463-477c-b223-82e04996b91f",
        "service_instances_url": "/v2/service_plans/1113aa0-124e-4af2-1526-6bfacf61b111/service_instances"

Disable access to a private plan for a particular organization

To revoke access to a service plan for a particular organization, run:

cf curl /v2/service_plan_visibilities/SERVICE_PLAN_VISIBILITIES_GUID -X 'DELETE'


$ cf curl /v2/service_plan_visibilities/99993789-a368-483e-ae7c-ebe79e199999 -X DELETE