Create a Deployment Manifest for Cloud Foundry

Page last updated: December 22, 2015

This topic describes the process for creating a manifest to deploy Cloud Foundry using BOSH. It requires you to have already initialized BOSH.

Target the BOSH Director

Use the bosh target command with the address of the BOSH Director to connect to the BOSH Director. Log in with the default user name and password, admin and admin, or use the user name and password that you set when you installed BOSH.

$ bosh target
Target set to `bosh'
Your username: admin
Enter password: *****
Logged in as 'admin'

Record the BOSH Director UUID

Use the bosh status --uuid command to view information about your BOSH deployment. Record the UUID of the BOSH Director. You use the UUID when customizing the Cloud Foundry deployment manifest stub.

$ bosh status --uuid

Create a Deployment Manifest Stub

Create a manifest stub file named cf-stub.yml and customize it for your environment. Consult the instructions that are specific to your IaaS:

Additionally, you may want to configure blacklists of IP ranges to prevent future apps deployed to your Cloud Foundry installation from attempting to drain syslogs to internal Cloud Foundry components. See Log Drain Blacklist Configuration for further information.

Clone the cf-release GitHub Repository

$ git clone

Generate the Manifest

  1. Install spiff.

  2. On a command line, run scripts/generate_deployment_manifest IAAS MANIFEST-STUB > cf-deployment.yml from the cf-release directory to create a deployment manifest named cf-deployment.yml. Replace IAAS with either aws, openstack, or vsphere. Note that vsphere works for vSphere, vCloud Air, and vCloud Director. Replace MANIFEST-STUB with the location of your cf-stub.yml file. For example:

      $ ./scripts/generate_deployment_manifest vsphere ../cf-stub.yml > cf-deployment.yml

    Note: The scripts/generate_deployment_manifest script can accept a list of stub files. For example, the following command passes two stub files to the script:

    $ ./scripts/generatedeploymentmanifest vsphere cf-stub.yml cf-consul.yml > cf-deployment.yml

  3. Set your deployment to the generated manifest.

    $ bosh deployment cf-deployment.yml