Create a Deployment Manifest for Cloud Foundry on BOSH-Lite

Page last updated: December 22, 2015

This topic describes the process for creating a manifest to deploy Cloud Foundry using BOSH-Lite. It assumes you have already setup BOSH-Lite and targeted the Director.

Create a Deployment Manifest Stub (Optional for Virtualbox)

If you deploy BOSH Lite to an AWS Vagrant VM, you must specify a system domain in a manifest stub. If you are deploying to a local Vagrant VM this step is not necessary.

By default, BOSH Lite uses the system domain, which resolves to the address Update the system domain property to one of the following two values:

  • The domain that you configured to point to the public IP address of the BOSH-Lite box that you previously created.
  • The domain the corresponds to the public IP address given to your BOSH-Lite vagrant box: For more information about, see
      domain: # Replace with your system domain

Clone the cf-release GitHub Repository

$ git clone

Generate the Manifest

  1. Install spiff.

  2. Use the scripts/generate-bosh-lite-dev-manifest command to create a deployment manifest and set it as the current BOSH deployment.

    $ cd cf-release
    $ ./scripts/generate-bosh-lite-dev-manifest
  3. (Optional) If you have deployed your BOSH-Lite to AWS, or have otherwise created any stubs with custom configuration, you should pass them as additional arguments:

    $ ./scripts/generate-bosh-lite-dev-manifest PATH-TO-STUB ...