The Battle for Wesnoth  1.13.4+dev
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1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2006 - 2016 by Joerg Hinrichs <[email protected]>
3  wesnoth playlevel Copyright (C) 2003 by David White <[email protected]>
4  Part of the Battle for Wesnoth Project
6  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
10  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  See the COPYING file for more details.
14 */
16 /**
17  * @file
18  * Handle input via mouse & keyboard, events, schedule commands.
19  */
21 #include "play_controller.hpp"
23 #include "actions/create.hpp"
24 #include "actions/heal.hpp"
25 #include "actions/undo.hpp"
26 #include "actions/vision.hpp"
27 #include "ai/manager.hpp"
28 #include "ai/testing.hpp"
29 #include "dialogs.hpp"
30 #include "display_chat_manager.hpp"
31 #include "formula/string_utils.hpp"
32 #include "game_events/manager.hpp"
34 #include "game_events/pump.hpp"
35 #include "game_preferences.hpp"
36 #include "game_state.hpp"
37 #include "hotkey/hotkey_item.hpp"
39 #include "map/label.hpp"
40 #include "gettext.hpp"
43 #include "halo.hpp"
45 #include "log.hpp"
46 #include "pathfind/teleport.hpp"
47 #include "preferences_display.hpp"
48 #include "replay.hpp"
49 #include "reports.hpp"
50 #include "resources.hpp"
51 #include "savegame.hpp"
52 #include "saved_game.hpp"
53 #include "save_blocker.hpp"
56 #include "sound.hpp"
57 #include "soundsource.hpp"
58 #include "statistics.hpp"
59 #include "synced_context.hpp"
60 #include "terrain/type_data.hpp"
61 #include "tooltips.hpp"
62 #include "units/unit.hpp"
63 #include "units/id.hpp"
64 #include "whiteboard/manager.hpp"
65 #include "wml_exception.hpp"
67 #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
68 #include "utils/functional.hpp"
70 static lg::log_domain log_aitesting("aitesting");
71 #define LOG_AIT LOG_STREAM(info, log_aitesting)
72 //If necessary, this define can be replaced with `#define LOG_AIT std::cout` to restore previous behavior
74 static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine");
75 #define LOG_NG LOG_STREAM(info, log_engine)
76 #define DBG_NG LOG_STREAM(debug, log_engine)
78 static lg::log_domain log_display("display");
79 #define ERR_DP LOG_STREAM(err, log_display)
81 static lg::log_domain log_enginerefac("enginerefac");
82 #define LOG_RG LOG_STREAM(info, log_enginerefac)
84 static lg::log_domain log_engine_enemies("engine/enemies");
85 #define DBG_EE LOG_STREAM(debug, log_engine_enemies)
87 /**
88  * Copies [scenario] attributes/tags that are not otherwise stored in C++ structs/clases.
89  */
90 static void copy_persistent(const config& src, config& dst)
91 {
92  typedef boost::container::flat_set<std::string> stringset;
94  static stringset attrs = boost::assign::list_of
95  ("id")
96  ("theme")
97  ("next_scenario")
98  ("description")
99  ("name")
100  ("defeat_music")
101  ("victory_music")
102  ("victory_when_enemies_defeated")
103  ("remove_from_carryover_on_defeat")
104  ("disallow_recall")
105  ("experience_modifier")
106  ("require_scenario")
107  .convert_to_container<stringset>();
109  static stringset tags = boost::assign::list_of
110  ("terrain_graphics")
111  ("lua")
112  .convert_to_container<stringset>();
114  for (const std::string& attr : attrs)
115  {
116  dst[attr] = src[attr];
117  }
119  for (const std::string& tag : tags)
120  {
121  dst.append_children(src, tag);
122  }
123 }
125 static void clear_resources()
126 {
127  resources::controller = nullptr;
128  resources::filter_con = nullptr;
129  resources::gameboard = nullptr;
130  resources::gamedata = nullptr;
131  resources::game_events = nullptr;
132  resources::lua_kernel = nullptr;
133  resources::persist = nullptr;
134  resources::screen = nullptr;
135  resources::soundsources = nullptr;
136  resources::teams = nullptr;
137  resources::tod_manager = nullptr;
138  resources::tunnels = nullptr;
139  resources::undo_stack = nullptr;
140  resources::recorder = nullptr;
141  resources::units = nullptr;
142  resources::whiteboard.reset();
143  resources::classification = nullptr;
144  resources::mp_settings = nullptr;
145 }
148  const config& game_config, const tdata_cache& tdata,
149  CVideo& video, bool skip_replay)
150  : controller_base(game_config, video)
151  , observer()
153  , ticks_(SDL_GetTicks())
154  , tdata_(tdata)
155  , gamestate_()
156  , level_()
157  , saved_game_(state_of_game)
158  , tooltips_manager_()
159  , whiteboard_manager_()
160  , plugins_context_()
161  , labels_manager_()
162  , help_manager_(&game_config)
163  , mouse_handler_(nullptr, *this)
164  , menu_handler_(nullptr, *this, game_config)
165  , hotkey_handler_(new hotkey_handler(*this, saved_game_))
166  , soundsources_manager_()
167  , persist_()
168  , gui_()
169  , xp_mod_(new unit_experience_accelerator(level["experience_modifier"].to_int(100)))
170  , statistics_context_(new statistics::scenario_context(level["name"]))
171  , replay_(new replay(state_of_game.get_replay()))
172  , skip_replay_(skip_replay)
173  , linger_(false)
174  , init_side_done_now_(false)
175  , victory_when_enemies_defeated_(level["victory_when_enemies_defeated"].to_bool(true))
176  , remove_from_carryover_on_defeat_(level["remove_from_carryover_on_defeat"].to_bool(true))
177  , victory_music_()
178  , defeat_music_()
179  , scope_()
180  , ignore_replay_errors_(false)
181  , player_type_changed_(false)
182 {
183  copy_persistent(level, level_);
185  resources::controller = this;
194  // Setup victory and defeat music
195  set_victory_music_list(level_["victory_music"]);
196  set_defeat_music_list(level_["defeat_music"]);
201  try {
202  init(video, level);
203  } catch (...) {
204  clear_resources();
205  throw;
206  }
207 }
210 {
212  clear_resources();
213 }
216 {
217  void operator()(const config&)
218  {
220  }
221 };
224 {
226  gui2::tloadscreen::display(video, [this, &video, &level]() {
227  gui2::tloadscreen::progress("load level");
229  LOG_NG << "initializing game_state..." << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks()) << std::endl;
230  gamestate_.reset(new game_state(level, *this, tdata_));
241  gamestate_->init(level, *this);
244  LOG_NG << "initializing whiteboard..." << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks()) << std::endl;
245  gui2::tloadscreen::progress("init whiteboard");
246  whiteboard_manager_.reset(new wb::manager());
249  LOG_NG << "loading units..." << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks()) << std::endl;
250  gui2::tloadscreen::progress("load units");
253  LOG_NG << "initializing theme... " << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks()) << std::endl;
254  gui2::tloadscreen::progress("init theme");
255  const config& theme_cfg = controller_base::get_theme(game_config_, level["theme"]);
257  LOG_NG << "building terrain rules... " << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks()) << std::endl;
258  gui2::tloadscreen::progress("build terrain");
259  gui_.reset(new game_display(gamestate().board_, video, whiteboard_manager_, *gamestate().reports_, gamestate().tod_manager_, theme_cfg, level));
260  if (!gui_->video().faked()) {
262  gui_->get_theme().modify_label("time-icon", _ ("time left for current turn"));
263  else
264  gui_->get_theme().modify_label("time-icon", _ ("current local time"));
265  }
267  gui2::tloadscreen::progress("init display");
268  mouse_handler_.set_gui(gui_.get());
269  menu_handler_.set_gui(gui_.get());
270  resources::screen = gui_.get();
272  LOG_NG << "done initializing display... " << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks()) << std::endl;
274  LOG_NG << "building gamestate to gui and whiteboard... " << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks()) << std::endl;
275  // This *needs* to be created before the show_intro and show_map_scene
276  // as that functions use the manager state_of_game
277  // Has to be done before registering any events!
279  gui2::tloadscreen::progress("init lua");
282  if(gamestate().first_human_team_ != -1) {
283  gui_->set_team(gamestate().first_human_team_);
284  }
285  else if(is_observer()) {
286  // Find first team that is allowed to be observed.
287  // If not set here observer would be without fog until
288  // the first turn of observable side
289  size_t i;
290  for (i=0;i < gamestate().board_.teams().size();++i)
291  {
292  if (!gamestate().board_.teams()[i].get_disallow_observers())
293  {
294  gui_->set_team(i);
295  }
296  }
297  }
299  init_managers();
300  gui2::tloadscreen::progress("start game");
301  //loadscreen_manager->reset();
303  gamestate().lua_kernel_->initialize(level);
305  plugins_context_.reset(new plugins_context("Game"));
306  plugins_context_->set_callback("save_game", std::bind(&play_controller::save_game_auto, this, std::bind(get_str, std::placeholders::_1, "filename" )), true);
307  plugins_context_->set_callback("save_replay", std::bind(&play_controller::save_replay_auto, this, std::bind(get_str, std::placeholders::_1, "filename" )), true);
308  plugins_context_->set_callback("quit", throw_end_level(), false);
309  });
310  //Do this after the loadingscreen, so that ita happens in the main thread.
311  gui_->join();
312 }
314 void play_controller::reset_gamestate(const config& level, int replay_pos)
315 {
316  resources::gameboard = nullptr;
317  resources::gamedata = nullptr;
318  resources::teams = nullptr;
319  resources::tod_manager = nullptr;
320  resources::units = nullptr;
321  resources::filter_con = nullptr;
322  resources::lua_kernel = nullptr;
323  resources::game_events = nullptr;
324  resources::tunnels = nullptr;
325  resources::undo_stack = nullptr;
327  gamestate_.reset(new game_state(level, *this, tdata_));
337  gamestate_->init(level, *this);
342  gui_->reset_tod_manager(gamestate().tod_manager_);
343  gui_->reset_reports(*gamestate().reports_);
344  gui_->change_display_context(&gamestate().board_);
345  saved_game_.get_replay().set_pos(replay_pos);
347  gamestate().lua_kernel_->initialize(level);
348 }
351 {
352  LOG_NG << "initializing managers... " << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks()) << std::endl;
354  tooltips_manager_.reset(new tooltips::manager(gui_->video()));
358  LOG_NG << "done initializing managers... " << (SDL_GetTicks() - ticks()) << std::endl;
359 }
362 {
363  // Run initialization scripts, even if loading from a snapshot.
364  gamestate().gamedata_.get_variable("turn_number") = int(turn());
365  pump().fire("preload");
366 }
369 {
370  // pre-start events must be executed before any GUI operation,
371  // as those may cause the display to be refreshed.
372  update_locker lock_display(gui_->video());
375  // Fire these right before prestart events, to catch only the units sides
376  // have started with.
377  for (const unit& u : gamestate().board_.units()) {
378  pump().fire("unit placed", map_location(u.get_location()));
379  }
381  pump().fire("prestart");
382  // prestart event may modify start turn with WML, reflect any changes.
383  gamestate().gamedata_.get_variable("turn_number") = int(turn());
384 }
387 {
389  pump().fire("start");
390  // start event may modify start turn with WML, reflect any changes.
391  gamestate().gamedata_.get_variable("turn_number") = int(turn());
393  // prestart and start events may modify the initial gold amount,
394  // reflect any changes.
395  for (team& tm : gamestate().board_.teams_)
396  {
397  tm.set_start_gold(;
398  }
399  gamestate_->init_side_done() = false;
401 }
404 {
405  gui_->begin_game();
406  gui_->update_tod();
407 }
410 {
413  // If we are observers we move to watch next team if it is allowed
414  if ((is_observer() && !current_team().get_disallow_observers())
415  || (current_team().is_local_human() && !this->is_replay()))
416  {
418  }
420  gui_->set_playing_team(size_t(current_side() - 1));
423 }
426 {
427  //
428  // We do side init only if not done yet for a local side when we are not replaying.
429  // For all other sides it is recorded in replay and replay handler has to handle
430  // calling do_init_side() functions.
431  //
432  if (gamestate_->init_side_done() || !current_team().is_local() || gamestate().gamedata_.phase() != game_data::PLAY || is_replay() || !replay_->at_end()) {
433  return;
434  }
437  do_init_side();
438 }
441 {
442  set_scontext_synced sync;
443  log_scope("player turn");
444  // In case we might end up calling sync:network during the side turn events,
445  // and we don't want do_init_side to be called when a player drops.
446  gamestate_->init_side_done() = true;
447  init_side_done_now_ = true;
449  const std::string turn_num = std::to_string(turn());
450  const std::string side_num = std::to_string(current_side());
452  gamestate().gamedata_.get_variable("side_number") = current_side();
454  // We might have skipped some sides because they were empty so it is not enough to check for side_num==1
455  if(!gamestate().tod_manager_.has_turn_event_fired())
456  {
457  pump().fire("turn " + turn_num);
458  pump().fire("new turn");
460  }
462  pump().fire("side turn");
463  pump().fire("side " + side_num + " turn");
464  pump().fire("side turn " + turn_num);
465  pump().fire("side " + side_num + " turn " + turn_num);
467  // We want to work out if units for this player should get healed,
468  // and the player should get income now.
469  // Healing/income happen if it's not the first turn of processing,
470  // or if we are loading a game.
471  if (turn() > 1) {
475  // If the expense is less than the number of villages owned
476  // times the village support capacity,
477  // then we don't have to pay anything at all
478  int expense = gamestate().board_.side_upkeep(current_side()) -
479  current_team().support();
480  if(expense > 0) {
481  current_team().spend_gold(expense);
482  }
485  }
487  // Prepare the undo stack.
490  pump().fire("turn refresh");
491  pump().fire("side " + side_num + " turn refresh");
492  pump().fire("turn " + turn_num + " refresh");
493  pump().fire("side " + side_num + " turn " + turn_num + " refresh");
495  // Make sure vision is accurate.
497  init_side_end();
498  check_victory();
499  sync.do_final_checkup();
500 }
503 {
506  if (current_side() == 1 || !init_side_done_now_)
509  if (!is_skipping_replay()){
510  gui_->invalidate_all();
511  }
513  if (!is_skipping_replay() && current_team().get_scroll_to_leader()){
514  gui_->scroll_to_leader(current_side(), game_display::ONSCREEN,false);
515  }
516  whiteboard_manager_->on_init_side();
517 }
520 {
521  config cfg = level_;
523  cfg["replay_pos"] = saved_game_.get_replay().get_pos();
524  gamestate().write(cfg);
526  gui_->write(cfg.add_child("display"));
528  //Write the soundsources.
529  soundsources_manager_->write_sourcespecs(cfg);
531  gui_->labels().write(cfg);
534  return cfg;
535 }
538 {
539  whiteboard_manager_->on_finish_side_turn(current_side());
541  { //Block for set_scontext_synced
542  set_scontext_synced sync(1);
543  // Ending the turn commits all moves.
544  undo_stack().clear();
546  const std::string turn_num = std::to_string(turn());
547  const std::string side_num = std::to_string(current_side());
549  // Clear shroud, in case units had been slowed for the turn.
552  pump().fire("side turn end");
553  pump().fire("side "+ side_num + " turn end");
554  pump().fire("side turn " + turn_num + " end");
555  pump().fire("side " + side_num + " turn " + turn_num + " end");
556  // This is where we refog, after all of a side's events are done.
558  check_victory();
559  sync.do_final_checkup();
560  }
564  gamestate_->init_side_done() = false;
565 }
568 {
569  set_scontext_synced sync(2);
570  const std::string turn_num = std::to_string(turn());
571  pump().fire("turn end");
572  pump().fire("turn " + turn_num + " end");
573  sync.do_final_checkup();
574 }
577 {
578  // If we aren't using fog/shroud, this is easy :)
579  if(current_team().uses_fog() == false && current_team().uses_shroud() == false)
580  return true;
582  // See if any enemies are visible
583  for (const unit& u : gamestate().board_.units()) {
584  if (current_team().is_enemy(u.side()) && !gui_->fogged(u.get_location())) {
585  return true;
586  }
587  }
589  return false;
590 }
593 {
594  if(menu_handler_.get_textbox().active() == false) {
595  return;
596  }
598  const std::string str = menu_handler_.get_textbox().box()->text();
599  const unsigned int team_num = current_side();
600  events::mouse_handler& mousehandler = mouse_handler_;
602  switch(menu_handler_.get_textbox().mode()) {
603  case gui::TEXTBOX_SEARCH:
606  break;
609  menu_handler_.get_textbox().close(*gui_); //need to close that one after executing do_speak() !
610  break;
614  break;
615  case gui::TEXTBOX_AI:
617  menu_handler_.do_ai_formula(str, team_num, mousehandler);
618  break;
619  default:
621  ERR_DP << "unknown textbox mode" << std::endl;
622  }
623 }
626 {
629  std::set<std::string> dictionary;
630  switch(mode) {
631  case gui::TEXTBOX_SEARCH:
632  {
633  for (const unit& u : gamestate().board_.units()){
634  const map_location& loc = u.get_location();
635  if(!gui_->fogged(loc) &&
636  !(gamestate().board_.teams()[gui_->viewing_team()].is_enemy(u.side()) && u.invisible(loc)))
637  dictionary.insert(;
638  }
639  //TODO List map labels
640  break;
641  }
643  {
644  std::vector<std::string> commands = menu_handler_.get_commands_list();
645  dictionary.insert(commands.begin(), commands.end());
646  // no break here, we also want player names from the next case
647  }
649  {
650  for (const team& t : gamestate().board_.teams()) {
651  if(!t.is_empty())
652  dictionary.insert(t.current_player());
653  }
655  // Add observers
656  for (const std::string& o : gui_->observers()){
657  dictionary.insert(o);
658  }
660  // Add nicks who whispered you
661  for (const std::string& w : gui_->get_chat_manager().whisperers()){
662  dictionary.insert(w);
663  }
665  // Add nicks from friendlist
666  const std::map<std::string, std::string> friends = preferences::get_acquaintances_nice("friend");
668  for(std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator iter = friends.begin(); iter != friends.end(); ++iter){
669  dictionary.insert((*iter).first);
670  }
672  //Exclude own nick from tab-completion.
673  //NOTE why ?
674  dictionary.erase(preferences::login());
675  break;
676  }
678  default:
679  ERR_DP << "unknown textbox mode" << std::endl;
680  } //switch(mode)
682  menu_handler_.get_textbox().tab(dictionary);
683 }
686 {
687  assert(current_side() > 0 && current_side() <= int(gamestate().board_.teams().size()));
688  return gamestate().board_.teams_[current_side() - 1];
689 }
692 {
693  assert(current_side() > 0 && current_side() <= int(gamestate().board_.teams().size()));
694  return gamestate().board_.teams()[current_side() - 1];
695 }
697 /// @returns: the number n in [min, min+mod ) so that (n - num) is a multiple of mod.
698 static int modulo(int num, int mod, int min)
699 {
700  assert(mod > 0);
701  int n = (num - min) % mod;
702  if (n < 0)
703  n += mod;
704  //n is now in [0, mod)
705  n = n + min;
706  return n;
707  // the folowing properties are easy to verify:
708  // 1) For all m: modulo(num, mod, min) == modulo(num + mod*m, mod, min)
709  // 2) For all 0 <= m < mod: modulo(min + m, mod, min) == min + m
710 }
712 bool play_controller::is_team_visible(int team_num, bool observer) const
713 {
714  const team& t = gamestate().board_.teams()[team_num - 1];
715  if(observer) {
716  return !t.get_disallow_observers() && !t.is_empty();
717  }
718  else {
719  return t.is_local_human() && !t.is_idle();
720  }
721 }
724 {
725  assert(current_side() <= int(gamestate().board_.teams().size()));
726  const int num_teams = gamestate().board_.teams().size();
727  const bool is_observer = this->is_observer();
729  for(int i = 0; i < num_teams; i++) {
730  const int team_num = modulo(current_side() - i, num_teams, 1);
731  if(is_team_visible(team_num, is_observer)) {
732  return team_num;
733  }
734  }
735  return 0;
736 }
739 {
740  return mouse_handler_;
741 }
744 {
745  return whiteboard_manager_;
746 }
749 {
750  return saved_game_.mp_settings();
751 }
754 {
755  return saved_game_.classification();
756 }
759 {
760  return *gui_;
761 }
764 {
765  return !menu_handler_.get_textbox().active();
766 }
769 {
770  if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) {
772  } else if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) {
773  tab();
774  } else if(event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN || event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_KP_ENTER) {
775  enter_textbox();
776  }
777 }
780 {
781  if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) {
782  whiteboard_manager_->set_invert_behavior(true);
783  }
784 }
787 {
788  // If the user has pressed 1 through 9, we want to show
789  // how far the unit can move in that many turns
790  if(event.key.keysym.sym >= '1' && event.key.keysym.sym <= '7') {
791  const int new_path_turns = (event.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) ?
792  event.key.keysym.sym - '1' : 0;
794  if(new_path_turns != mouse_handler_.get_path_turns()) {
795  mouse_handler_.set_path_turns(new_path_turns);
799  if(u.valid()) {
800  // if it's not the unit's turn, we reset its moves
801  unit_movement_resetter move_reset(*u, u->side() != current_side());
804  true, gamestate().board_.teams_[gui_->viewing_team()],
807  gui_->highlight_reach(mouse_handler_.current_paths());
808  } else {
810  }
812  }
813  } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) {
814  static CKey keys;
815  if (!keys[SDLK_TAB]) {
816  whiteboard_manager_->set_invert_behavior(false);
817  }
818  }
819 }
822 {
825  scoped_savegame_snapshot snapshot(*this);
827  save.save_game_interactive(gui_->video(), "", gui::OK_CANCEL);
828  } else {
830  }
831 }
834 {
838  scoped_savegame_snapshot snapshot(*this);
840  save.save_game_automatic(gui_->video(), false, filename);
841  }
842 }
845 {
849  save.save_game_interactive(gui_->video(), "", gui::OK_CANCEL);
850  } else {
852  }
853 }
856 {
860  save.save_game_automatic(gui_->video(), false, filename);
861  }
862 }
865 {
869  } else {
871  }
872 }
875 {
877  load.load_game();
878 }
881 {
883  undo_stack().undo();
884 }
887 {
889  undo_stack().redo();
890 }
893 {
895 }
898 {
900 }
902 namespace {
903  static const std::string empty_str = "";
904 }
907 {
908  if(victory_music_.empty())
909  return empty_str;
910  return victory_music_[rand() % victory_music_.size()];
911 }
914 {
915  if(defeat_music_.empty())
916  return empty_str;
917  return defeat_music_[rand() % defeat_music_.size()];
918 }
921 {
923  if(victory_music_.empty())
925 }
928 {
929  defeat_music_ = utils::split(list);
930  if(defeat_music_.empty())
932 }
935 {
936  if(linger_)
937  {
938  return;
939  }
941  if (is_regular_game_end()) {
942  return;
943  }
944  bool continue_level, found_player, found_network_player, invalidate_all;
945  std::set<unsigned> not_defeated;
947  gamestate().board_.check_victory(continue_level, found_player, found_network_player, invalidate_all, not_defeated, remove_from_carryover_on_defeat_);
949  if (invalidate_all) {
950  gui_->invalidate_all();
951  }
953  if (continue_level) {
954  return ;
955  }
957  if (found_player || found_network_player) {
958  pump().fire("enemies defeated");
959  if (is_regular_game_end()) {
960  return;
961  }
962  }
964  DBG_EE << "victory_when_enemies_defeated: " << victory_when_enemies_defeated_ << std::endl;
965  DBG_EE << "found_player: " << found_player << std::endl;
966  DBG_EE << "found_network_player: " << found_network_player << std::endl;
968  if (!victory_when_enemies_defeated_ && (found_player || found_network_player)) {
969  // This level has asked not to be ended by this condition.
970  return;
971  }
973  if (gui_->video().non_interactive()) {
974  LOG_AIT << "winner: ";
975  for (unsigned l : not_defeated) {
977  if (ai.empty()) ai = "default ai";
978  LOG_AIT << l << " (using " << ai << ") ";
979  }
980  LOG_AIT << std::endl;
981  ai_testing::log_victory(not_defeated);
982  }
984  DBG_EE << "throwing end level exception..." << std::endl;
985  //Also proceed to the next scenario when another player survived.
986  end_level_data el_data;
987  el_data.proceed_to_next_level = found_player || found_network_player;
988  el_data.is_victory = found_player;
989  set_end_level_data(el_data);
990 }
993 {
994  if (gui_->video().non_interactive()) {
995  throw game::game_error(msg);
996  }
999  std::stringstream message;
1000  message << _("The game is out of sync. It might not make much sense to continue. Do you want to save your game?");
1001  message << "\n\n" << _("Error details:") << "\n\n" << msg;
1003  scoped_savegame_snapshot snapshot(*this);
1005  save.save_game_interactive(gui_->video(), message.str(), gui::YES_NO); // can throw quit_game_exception
1006 }
1008 void play_controller::update_gui_to_player(const int team_index, const bool observe)
1009 {
1010  gui_->set_team(team_index, observe);
1011  gui_->recalculate_minimap();
1012  gui_->invalidate_all();
1013  gui_->draw(true,true);
1014 }
1017 {
1018  scoped_savegame_snapshot snapshot(*this);
1021 }
1024 {
1025  scoped_savegame_snapshot snapshot(*this);
1027  save.save_game_automatic(gui_->video(), true, filename);
1028 }
1031 {
1032  //note: this writes to level_ if this is not a replay.
1034 }
1037 {
1038  return gamestate().events_manager_->pump();
1039 }
1042 {
1043  return ticks_;
1044 }
1047 {
1048  return soundsources_manager_.get();
1049 }
1052 {
1053  return plugins_context_.get();
1054 }
1057 {
1058  return hotkey_handler_.get();
1059 }
1062 {
1063  if(linger_ || !gamestate_->init_side_done() || gamestate().gamedata_.phase() != game_data::PLAY) {
1064  return true;
1065  }
1066  const team& t = current_team();
1067  return !t.is_local_human() || !t.is_proxy_human();
1068 }
1071 {
1073  return;
1074  }
1075  try
1076  {
1077  play_slice();
1078  }
1079  catch(const return_to_play_side_exception&)
1080  {
1081  assert(should_return_to_play_side());
1082  }
1083 }
1086 {
1087  fire_preload();
1089  if(!gamestate().start_event_fired_)
1090  {
1091  gamestate().start_event_fired_ = true;
1095  set_scontext_synced sync;
1097  fire_prestart();
1098  if (is_regular_game_end()) {
1099  return;
1100  }
1102  for ( int side = gamestate().board_.teams().size(); side != 0; --side )
1103  actions::clear_shroud(side, false, false);
1105  init_gui();
1106  LOG_NG << "first_time..." << (is_skipping_replay() ? "skipping" : "no skip") << "\n";
1109  fire_start();
1110  if (is_regular_game_end()) {
1111  return;
1112  }
1113  sync.do_final_checkup();
1114  gui_->recalculate_minimap();
1115  // Initialize countdown clock.
1116  for (const team& t : gamestate().board_.teams())
1117  {
1119  t.set_countdown_time(1000 * saved_game_.mp_settings().mp_countdown_init_time);
1120  }
1121  }
1122  }
1123  else
1124  {
1125  init_gui();
1128  gui_->recalculate_minimap();
1129  }
1130 }
1133 {
1134  const team& viewing_team = get_teams_const()[gui_->viewing_team()];
1135  return gui_->viewing_team() == gui_->playing_team() && !events::commands_disabled && viewing_team.is_local_human() && !is_lingering() && !is_browsing();
1136 }
1138 std::set<std::string> play_controller::all_players() const
1139 {
1140  std::set<std::string> res = gui_->observers();
1141  for (const team& t : get_teams_const())
1142  {
1143  if (t.is_human()) {
1144  res.insert(t.current_player());
1145  }
1146  }
1147  return res;
1148 }
1151 {
1152  //check for team-specific items in the scenario
1153  gui_->parse_team_overlays();
1154  do {
1156  {
1157  save_blocker blocker;
1159  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
1160  return;
1161  }
1162  }
1163  // This flag can be set by derived classes (in overridden functions).
1164  player_type_changed_ = false;
1166  statistics::reset_turn_stats(gamestate().board_.teams()[current_side() - 1].save_id());
1168  play_side_impl();
1170  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
1171  return;
1172  }
1174  } while (player_type_changed_);
1175  // Keep looping if the type of a team (human/ai/networked)
1176  // has changed mid-turn
1177  sync_end_turn();
1178 }
1181 {
1182  whiteboard_manager_->on_gamestate_change();
1183  gui_->new_turn();
1184  gui_->invalidate_game_status();
1187  LOG_NG << "turn: " << turn() << "\n";
1189  if(gui_->video().non_interactive()) {
1190  LOG_AIT << "Turn " << turn() << ":" << std::endl;
1191  }
1193  for (; gamestate_->player_number_ <= int(gamestate().board_.teams().size()); ++gamestate_->player_number_)
1194  {
1195  // If a side is empty skip over it.
1196  if (current_team().is_empty()) {
1197  continue;
1198  }
1199  init_side_begin();
1200  if(gamestate_->init_side_done()) {
1201  // This is the case in a reloaded game where the side was initialized before saving the game.
1202  init_side_end();
1203  }
1206  play_side();
1207  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
1208  return;
1209  }
1210  finish_side_turn();
1211  if(is_regular_game_end()) {
1212  return;
1213  }
1214  if(gui_->video().non_interactive()) {
1215  LOG_AIT << " Player " << current_side() << ": " <<
1216  current_team().villages().size() << " Villages" <<
1217  std::endl;
1219  }
1220  }
1221  // If the loop exits due to the last team having been processed.
1222  gamestate_->player_number_ = gamestate().board_.teams().size();
1224  finish_turn();
1226  // Time has run out
1227  check_time_over();
1228 }
1231 {
1232  const bool time_left = gamestate().tod_manager_.next_turn(&gamestate().gamedata_);
1234  if(!time_left) {
1235  LOG_NG << "firing time over event...\n";
1237  pump().fire("time over");
1238  LOG_NG << "done firing time over event...\n";
1239  // If turns are added while handling 'time over' event.
1240  if (gamestate().tod_manager_.is_time_left()) {
1241  return;
1242  }
1244  if(gui_->video().non_interactive()) {
1245  LOG_AIT << "time over (draw)\n";
1247  }
1249  check_victory();
1250  if (is_regular_game_end()) {
1251  return;
1252  }
1253  end_level_data e;
1254  e.proceed_to_next_level = false;
1255  e.is_victory = false;
1256  set_end_level_data(e);
1257  }
1258 }
1261  : controller_(controller)
1262 {
1264 }
1267 {
1268  controller_.saved_game_.remove_snapshot();
1269 }
static const config & get_theme(const config &game_config, std::string theme_name)
void clear()
Clears the stack of undoable (and redoable) actions.
Definition: undo.cpp:226
play_controller * controller
Definition: resources.cpp:21
play_controller(const config &level, saved_game &state_of_game, const config &game_config, const tdata_cache &tdata, CVideo &video, bool skip_replay)
void do_search(const std::string &new_search)
bool is_local() const
Definition: team.hpp:261
void set_current_paths(const pathfind::paths &new_paths)
events::mouse_handler & get_mouse_handler_base()
Get a reference to a mouse handler member a derived class uses.
static void log_turn_start(unsigned int side)
Definition: testing.cpp:35
static void log_turn_end(unsigned int side)
Definition: testing.cpp:40
void set_preference_display_settings()
::tod_manager * tod_manager
Definition: resources.cpp:31
PHASE phase() const
Definition: game_data.hpp:78
bool is_team_visible(int team_num, bool observer) const
static lg::log_domain log_engine_enemies("engine/enemies")
int ticks() const
map_location last_selected
the last location where a select event fired.
Definition: game_data.hpp:85
int get_path_turns() const
The class for loading a savefile.
Definition: savegame.hpp:36
void save_replay_auto(const std::string &filename)
Definition: unit.hpp:95
bool victory_when_enemies_defeated_
While any instance of this class exists, attempts to save the game via any call to play_controller wi...
game_classification * classification
Definition: resources.cpp:37
GLint level
Definition: glew.h:1220
bool can_redo() const
Various functions implementing vision (through fog of war and shroud).
const mp_game_settings & get_mp_settings()
void do_final_checkup(bool dont_throw=false)
boost::scoped_ptr< plugins_context > plugins_context_
events::mouse_handler mouse_handler_
static void copy_persistent(const config &src, config &dst)
Copies [scenario] attributes/tags that are not otherwise stored in C++ structs/clases.
const mp_game_settings * mp_settings
Definition: resources.cpp:38
virtual void process_oos(const std::string &msg) const
Asks the user whether to continue on an OOS error.
Add a special kind of assert to validate whether the input from WML doesn't contain any problems that...
bool get_disallow_observers() const
Definition: team.hpp:337
const time_of_day & get_time_of_day(int for_turn=0) const
Returns global time of day for the passed turn.
Definition: tod_manager.hpp:56
replay_recorder_base & get_replay()
Definition: saved_game.hpp:116
Definition: video.hpp:58
std::string default_victory_music
Definition: game_config.cpp:68
Class for autosaves.
Definition: savegame.hpp:219
void set_scope_active(scope s, bool set)
game_display * screen
Definition: resources.cpp:27
static void log_victory(std::set< unsigned int > teams)
Definition: testing.cpp:81
static void on_unblock(play_controller *controller, void(play_controller::*callback)())
std::string sounds
List of "ambient" sounds associated with this time_of_day, Played at the beginning of turn...
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:95
bool is_enemy(int n) const
Definition: team.hpp:247
bool save_game_interactive(CVideo &video, const std::string &message, gui::DIALOG_TYPE dialog_type)
Save a game interactively through the savegame dialog.
Definition: savegame.cpp:366
void do_command(const std::string &str)
virtual void update_viewing_player()=0
gui::floating_textbox & get_textbox()
void new_turn()
Definition: team.hpp:209
void set_gui(game_display *gui)
Definition: menu_events.hpp:50
void undo()
Undoes the top action on the undo stack.
Definition: undo.cpp:362
bool can_use_synced_wml_menu() const
void process_focus_keydown_event(const SDL_Event &event)
Process keydown (only when the general map display does not have focus).
static lg::log_domain log_aitesting("aitesting")
Gather statistics important for AI testing and output them.
boost::scoped_ptr< pathfind::manager > pathfind_manager_
Definition: game_state.hpp:51
bool fire(const std::string &event, const entity_location &loc1=entity_location::null_entity, const entity_location &loc2=entity_location::null_entity, const config &data=config())
Function to fire an event.
Definition: pump.cpp:471
void play_slice(bool is_delay_enabled=true)
#define LOG_AIT
boost::scoped_ptr< hotkey_handler > hotkey_handler_
void new_side_turn(int side)
Performs some initializations and error checks when starting a new side-turn.
Definition: undo.cpp:268
static lg::log_domain log_engine("engine")
virtual const std::vector< team > & teams() const
Definition: game_board.hpp:97
Class for "normal" midgame saves.
Definition: savegame.hpp:188
Replay control code.
persist_manager * persist
Definition: resources.cpp:26
void check_victory()
Checks to see if a side has won.
boost::scoped_ptr< soundsource::manager > soundsources_manager_
GLenum src
Definition: glew.h:2392
config & set_snapshot(config snapshot)
Definition: saved_game.cpp:451
bool is_skipping_replay() const
void append_children(const config &cfg)
Adds children from cfg.
Definition: config.cpp:540
void init(CVideo &video, const config &level)
static void log_draw()
Definition: testing.cpp:75
static lg::log_domain log_display("display")
void write_music_play_list(config &snapshot)
Definition: sound.cpp:644
#define DBG_EE
bool is_proxy_human() const
Definition: team.hpp:283
GLenum mode
Definition: glew.h:2390
static void clear_resources()
This file implements all the hotkey handling and menu details for play controller.
GLdouble GLdouble t
Definition: glew.h:1366
void select_hex(const map_location &hex, const bool browse, const bool highlight=true, const bool fire_event=true)
persist_manager persist_
const std::string & select_victory_music() const
const tdata_cache & tdata_
bool can_undo() const
True if there are actions that can be undone.
Definition: undo.hpp:91
void reset_turn_stats(const std::string &save_id)
Definition: statistics.cpp:522
void process_keydown_event(const SDL_Event &event)
Process keydown (always).
map_location get_selected_hex() const
#define ERR_DP
game_data * gamedata
Definition: resources.cpp:22
config::attribute_value & get_variable(const std::string &varname)
throws invalid_variablename_exception if varname is no valid variable name.
Definition: game_data.cpp:70
events::menu_handler menu_handler_
GLdouble l
Definition: glew.h:6966
void play_sound(const std::string &files, channel_group group, unsigned int repeats)
Definition: sound.cpp:818
void process_keyup_event(const SDL_Event &event)
Process keyup (always).
bool enemies_visible() const
void set_phase(PHASE phase)
Definition: game_data.hpp:79
boost::scoped_ptr< game_lua_kernel > lua_kernel_
Definition: game_state.hpp:53
An exception-safe means of making sure that unblock() gets called after try_block().
int side_upkeep(int side_num) const
void do_consolesave(const std::string &filename)
Object which defines a time of day with associated bonuses, image, sounds etc.
Definition: time_of_day.hpp:48
saved_game & saved_game_
std::vector< std::string > defeat_music_
unit_map units_
Definition: game_board.hpp:63
game_events::t_pump & pump()
This class stores all the data for a single 'side' (in game nomenclature).
Definition: team.hpp:50
A small explanation about what's going on here: Each action has access to two game_info objects First...
Definition: actions.cpp:57
scoped_savegame_snapshot(const play_controller &controller)
void init_side()
Definition: replay.cpp:218
std::string default_defeat_music
Definition: game_config.cpp:68
static UNUSEDNOWARN std::string _(const char *str)
Definition: gettext.hpp:82
static int modulo(int num, int mod, int min)
void throw_quit_game_exception()
void save_game_auto(const std::string &filename)
int current_side() const
Returns the number of the side whose turn it is.
bool add_start_if_not_there_yet()
Definition: replay.cpp:638
std::vector< team > * teams
Definition: resources.cpp:29
std::vector< team > teams_
Definition: game_board.hpp:58
bool is_regular_game_end() const
void update_savegame_snapshot() const
void set_path_turns(const int path_turns)
virtual void check_time_over()
Implements a quit confirmation dialog.
filter_context * filter_con
Definition: resources.cpp:23
boost::scoped_ptr< game_events::manager > events_manager_
Definition: game_state.hpp:54
GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte GLubyte w
Definition: glew.h:1858
size_t turn() const
void add_color_info(const config &v)
virtual bool should_return_to_play_side()
bool ignore_replay_errors
Definition: game_config.cpp:63
GLenum GLenum dst
Definition: glew.h:2392
game_board * gameboard
Definition: resources.cpp:20
This class is the frontend of the whiteboard framework for the rest of the Wesnoth code...
Definition: manager.hpp:43
void recalculate_fog(int side)
Function that recalculates the fog of war.
Definition: vision.cpp:705
GLuint num
Definition: glew.h:2552
config & add_child(const std::string &key)
Definition: config.cpp:743
virtual void init_gui()
void maybe_do_init_side()
Called by turn_info::process_network_data() or init_side() to call do_init_side() if necessary...
tod_manager tod_manager_
Definition: game_state.hpp:50
bool is_local_human() const
Definition: team.hpp:267
Object which temporarily resets a unit's movement.
Definition: unit.hpp:561
Managing the AIs lifecycle - headers.
replay * recorder
Definition: resources.cpp:30
bool is_lingering() const
void check_victory(bool &, bool &, bool &, bool &, std::set< unsigned > &, bool)
Definition: game_board.cpp:101
void set_gui(game_display *gui)
void spend_gold(const int amount)
Definition: team.hpp:213
bool is_observer() const
std::set< std::string > all_players() const
static const map_location & null_location()
Definition: location.hpp:195
bool can_redo() const
True if there are actions that can be redone.
Definition: undo.hpp:93
Error used for any general game error, e.g.
Definition: game_errors.hpp:46
const std::set< map_location > & villages() const
Definition: team.hpp:189
static void display(CVideo &video, std::function< void()> f)
Definition: loadscreen.cpp:181
game_events::manager * game_events
Definition: resources.cpp:24
bool is_browsing() const override
void deactivate_all_scopes()
void raise_draw_event()
Definition: events.cpp:565
virtual plugins_context * get_plugins_context()
Get (optionally) a plugins context a derived class uses.
hotkey::command_executor * get_hotkey_command_executor()
Get (optionally) a command executor to handle context menu events.
void update_gui_to_player(const int team_index, const bool observe=false)
Changes the UI for this client to the passed side index.
void do_init_side()
Called by replay handler or init_side() to do actual work for turn change.
Encapsulates the map of the game.
Definition: location.hpp:38
void calculate_healing(int side, bool update_display)
Calculates healing for all units for the given side.
Definition: heal.cpp:294
std::string login()
virtual ~play_controller()
Various functions related to the creation of units (recruits, recalls, and placed units)...
void set_end_level_data(const end_level_data &data)
GLuint res
Definition: glew.h:9258
static void progress(const char *stage_name=nullptr)
Definition: loadscreen.cpp:128
void end_turn(int pnum)
Definition: game_board.cpp:77
void write(config &cfg) const
Definition: game_state.cpp:229
soundsource::manager * soundsources
Definition: resources.cpp:28
void redo()
Redoes the top action on the redo stack.
Definition: undo.cpp:413
Game configuration data as global variables.
Definition: build_info.cpp:38
unit_map::iterator selected_unit()
static std::string get_active_ai_identifier_for_side(side_number side)
Gets AI algorithm identifier for active AI of the given side.
Definition: manager.cpp:744
const config & game_config_
void operator()(const config &)
void reset_gamestate(const config &level, int replay_pos)
Define the game's event mechanism.
void encounter_all_content(const game_board &gameboard_)
#define log_scope(description)
Definition: log.hpp:185
const util::scoped_ptr< gui::textbox > & box() const
size_t i
Definition: function.cpp:1057
void tab(const std::set< std::string > &dictionary)
static void msg(const char *act, debug_info &i, const char *to="", const char *result="")
Definition: debugger.cpp:112
bool proceed_to_next_level
whether to proceed to the next scenario, equals is_victory in sp.
const std::vector< team > & get_teams_const() const
boost::scoped_ptr< tooltips::manager > tooltips_manager_
void turn_event_fired()
game_data gamedata_
Definition: game_state.hpp:48
Additional information on the game outcome which can be provided by WML.
int support() const
Calculate total support capacity, based on support_per_village.
Definition: team.hpp:208
actions::undo_list & undo_stack()
std::map< std::string, std::string > get_acquaintances_nice(const std::string &filter)
void set_defeat_music_list(const std::string &list)
static void save(LexState *ls, int c)
Definition: llex.cpp:51
static lg::log_domain log_enginerefac("enginerefac")
std::string observer
Definition: game_config.cpp:84
Class for replay saves (either manually or automatically).
Definition: savegame.hpp:206
compression::format save_compression_format()
const game_classification & get_classification()
bool clear_shroud(int side, bool reset_fog, bool fire_events)
Function that will clear shroud (and fog) based on current unit positions.
Definition: vision.cpp:754
static bool try_block()
boost::scoped_ptr< game_state > gamestate_
void set_game_display(game_display *)
Definition: game_state.cpp:224
GLclampd n
Definition: glew.h:5903
boost::shared_ptr< wb::manager > get_whiteboard()
n_unit::id_manager & unit_id_manager()
Definition: game_board.hpp:91
game_state & gamestate()
bool is_empty() const
Definition: team.hpp:259
Various functions that implement healing of units (when a side turn starts).
cl_event event
Definition: glew.h:3070
game_classification & classification()
Definition: saved_game.hpp:54
bool have_keyboard_focus()
Derived classes should override this to return false when arrow keys should not scroll the map...
game_board board_
Definition: game_state.hpp:49
boost::shared_ptr< wb::manager > whiteboard_manager_
config to_config() const
Builds the snapshot config from members and their respective configs.
Various functions that implement the undoing (and redoing) of in-game commands.
bool is_idle() const
Definition: team.hpp:285
virtual bool is_replay()
Standard logging facilities (interface).
void autosave(const bool disable_autosave, const int autosave_max, const int infinite_autosaves)
Definition: savegame.cpp:586
game_display & get_display()
Get a reference to a display member a derived class uses.
const std::function< std::string(const config &, const std::string &) > get_str
Definition: context.cpp:121
Object which contains all the possible locations a unit can move to, with associated best routes to t...
Definition: pathfind.hpp:71
game_lua_kernel * lua_kernel
Definition: resources.cpp:25
config * get_next_action()
Definition: replay.cpp:598
GLsizei GLenum GLuint GLuint GLsizei char * message
Definition: glew.h:2499
void fire_preload()
preload events cannot be synced
void new_turn(int pnum)
Definition: game_board.cpp:69
void set_victory_music_list(const std::string &list)
void reset_fake()
Definition: id.cpp:56
boost::shared_ptr< wb::manager > whiteboard
Definition: resources.cpp:36
boost::scoped_ptr< game_display > gui_
std::vector< std::string > split(std::string const &val, const char c, const int flags)
Splits a (comma-)separated string into a vector of pieces.
#define e
std::vector< std::string > victory_music_
actions::undo_list * undo_stack
Definition: resources.cpp:34
const std::string & select_defeat_music() const
bool valid() const
Definition: map.hpp:229
void set_side(int side_number)
virtual soundsource::manager * get_soundsource_man()
Get (optionally) a soundsources manager a derived class uses.
bool next_turn(game_data *vars)
Function to move to the next turn.
A config object defines a single node in a WML file, with access to child nodes.
Definition: config.hpp:83
Class that keeps track of all the keys on the keyboard.
Definition: key.hpp:27
const pathfind::paths & current_paths() const
mp_game_settings & mp_settings()
Multiplayer parameters for this game.
Definition: saved_game.hpp:58
void delete_all_wml_hotkeys()
deletes all wml hotkeys, should be called after a game has ended
std::vector< std::string > get_commands_list()
void close(game_display &gui)
pathfind::manager * tunnels
Definition: resources.cpp:33
GLsizei const GLcharARB ** string
Definition: glew.h:4503
bool save_game_automatic(CVideo &video, bool ask_for_overwrite=false, const std::string &filename="")
Saves a game without user interaction, unless the file exists and it should be asked to overwrite it...
Definition: savegame.cpp:350
unit_map * units
Definition: resources.cpp:35
virtual void check_objectives()=0
bool can_undo() const
int find_last_visible_team() const
returns 0 if no such team was found.
virtual void play_side_impl()
bool start_event_fired_
Definition: game_state.hpp:64
boost::scoped_ptr< replay > replay_
bool init_side_done_now_
Whether we did init sides in this session (false = we did init sides before we reloaded the game)...
bool remove_from_carryover_on_defeat_
TEXTBOX_MODE mode() const
void do_ai_formula(const std::string &str, int side_num, mouse_handler &mousehandler)
#define LOG_NG
virtual void sync_end_turn()