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 Configure PLUMgrid plug-in

Procedure 7.7. To use the PLUMgrid plug-in with OpenStack Networking

  1. Edit /etc/neutron/neutron.conf and set:

    core_plugin = neutron.plugins.plumgrid.plumgrid_plugin.plumgrid_plugin.NeutronPluginPLUMgridV2
  2. Edit /etc/neutron/plugins/plumgrid/plumgrid.ini under the [PLUMgridDirector] section, and specify the IP address, port, admin user name, and password of the PLUMgrid Director:

    director_server = "PLUMgrid-director-ip-address"
    director_server_port = "PLUMgrid-director-port"
    username = "PLUMgrid-director-admin-username"
    password = "PLUMgrid-director-admin-password"

    For database configuration, see Install Networking Services in the Installation Guide.

  3. Restart neutron-server to apply the new settings:

    # service neutron-server restart
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