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 VNC configuration options

To customize the VNC console, use the following configuration options:

Table 4.7. Description of configuration options for vnc
Configuration option = Default value Description
novncproxy_base_url = (StrOpt) Location of VNC console proxy, in the form ""
vnc_enabled = True (BoolOpt) Enable VNC related features
vnc_keymap = en-us (StrOpt) Keymap for VNC
vncserver_listen = (StrOpt) IP address on which instance vncservers should listen
vncserver_proxyclient_address = (StrOpt) The address to which proxy clients (like nova-xvpvncproxy) should connect
vnc_port = 5900 (IntOpt) VNC starting port
vnc_port_total = 10000 (IntOpt) Total number of VNC ports


To support live migration, you cannot specify a specific IP address for vncserver_listen, because that IP address does not exist on the destination host.


  • The vncserver_proxyclient_address defaults to, which is the address of the compute host that Compute instructs proxies to use when connecting to instance servers.

  • For all-in-one XenServer domU deployments, set this to

  • For multi-host XenServer domU deployments, set to a dom0 management IP on the same network as the proxies.

  • For multi-host libvirt deployments, set to a host management IP on the same network as the proxies.

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