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 Manual recovery

To recover a KVM/libvirt compute node, see the previous section. Use the following procedure for all other hypervisors.


Procedure 4.7. Review host information

  1. Identify the VMs on the affected hosts, using tools such as a combination of nova list and nova show or euca-describe-instances. For example, the following output displays information about instance i-000015b9 that is running on node np-rcc54:

    $ euca-describe-instances
    i-000015b9 at3-ui02 running nectarkey (376, np-rcc54) 0 m1.xxlarge 2012-06-19T00:48:11.000Z
  2. Review the status of the host by querying the Compute database. Some of the important information is highlighted below. The following example converts an EC2 API instance ID into an OpenStack ID; if you used the nova commands, you can substitute the ID directly. You can find the credentials for your database in /etc/nova.conf.

    mysql> SELECT * FROM instances WHERE id = CONV('15b9', 16, 10) \G;
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
                  created_at: 2012-06-19 00:48:11
                  updated_at: 2012-07-03 00:35:11
                  deleted_at: NULL
                          id: 5561
                 power_state: 5
                    vm_state: shutoff
                    hostname: at3-ui02
                        host: np-rcc54
                        uuid: 3f57699a-e773-4650-a443-b4b37eed5a06
                  task_state: NULL

Procedure 4.8. Recover the VM

  1. After you have determined the status of the VM on the failed host, decide to which compute host the affected VM should be moved. For example, run the following database command to move the VM to np-rcc46:

    mysql> UPDATE instances SET host = 'np-rcc46' WHERE uuid = '3f57699a-e773-4650-a443-b4b37eed5a06';
  2. If using a hypervisor that relies on libvirt (such as KVM), it is a good idea to update the libvirt.xml file (found in /var/lib/nova/instances/[instance ID]). The important changes to make are:

    • Change the DHCPSERVER value to the host IP address of the compute host that is now the VM's new home.

    • Update the VNC IP, if it isn't already updated, to:

  3. Reboot the VM:

    $ nova reboot --hard 3f57699a-e773-4650-a443-b4b37eed5a06

In theory, the above database update and nova reboot command are all that is required to recover a VM from a failed host. However, if further problems occur, consider looking at recreating the network filter configuration using virsh, restarting the Compute services or updating the vm_state and power_state in the Compute database.

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