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 Multiple RPC topics

These options configure the Networking server to send notifications to multiple RPC topics. RPC notifications go to '' and '' queues bound to a topic exchange defined by 'control_exchange' in neutron.conf.

# ============ Notification System Options =====================

# Notifications can be sent when network/subnet/port are create, updated or deleted.
# There are three methods of sending notifications: logging (via the
# log_file directive), rpc (via a message queue) and
# noop (no notifications sent, the default)

# Notification_driver can be defined multiple times
# Do nothing driver
# notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.no_op_notifier
# Logging driver
# notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.log_notifier
# RPC driver
notification_driver = neutron.openstack.common.notifier.rabbit_notifier

# default_notification_level is used to form actual topic names or to set logging level
default_notification_level = INFO

# default_publisher_id is a part of the notification payload
# host =
# default_publisher_id = $host

# Defined in rpc_notifier for rpc way, can be comma separated values.
# The actual topic names will be %s.%(default_notification_level)s
notification_topics = notifications_one,notifications_two
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