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 Typical deployment

A typical deployment has the following components:

  • A nova-consoleauth process. Typically runs on the controller host.

  • One or more nova-novncproxy services. Supports browser-based noVNC clients. For simple deployments, this service typically runs on the same machine as nova-api because it operates as a proxy between the public network and the private compute host network.

  • One or more nova-xvpvncproxy services. Supports the special Java client discussed here. For simple deployments, this service typically runs on the same machine as nova-api because it acts as a proxy between the public network and the private compute host network.

  • One or more compute hosts. These compute hosts must have correctly configured options, as follows.

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Typical deployment - OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide  - current
 Typical deployment

A typical deployment has the following components:

  • A nova-consoleauth process. Typically runs on the controller host.

  • One or more nova-novncproxy services. Supports browser-based noVNC clients. For simple deployments, this service typically runs on the same machine as nova-api because it operates as a proxy between the public network and the private compute host network.

  • One or more nova-xvpvncproxy services. Supports the special Java client discussed here. For simple deployments, this service typically runs on the same machine as nova-api because it acts as a proxy between the public network and the private compute host network.

  • One or more compute hosts. These compute hosts must have correctly configured options, as follows.