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 Configure Ryu plug-in

Procedure 7.8. To use the Ryu plug-in with OpenStack Networking

  1. Install the Ryu plug-in, as follows:

    # apt-get install neutron-plugin-ryu 
  2. Edit /etc/neutron/neutron.conf and set:

    core_plugin = neutron.plugins.ryu.ryu_neutron_plugin.RyuNeutronPluginV2
  3. Edit the /etc/neutron/plugins/ryu/ryu.ini file and update these options in the [ovs] section for the ryu-neutron-agent:

    • openflow_rest_api. Defines where Ryu is listening for REST API. Substitute ip-address and port-no based on your Ryu setup.

    • ovsdb_interface. Enables Ryu to access the ovsdb-server. Substitute eth0 based on your setup. The IP address is derived from the interface name. If you want to change this value irrespective of the interface name, you can specify ovsdb_ip. If you use a non-default port for ovsdb-server, you can specify ovsdb_port.

    • tunnel_interface. Defines which IP address is used for tunneling. If you do not use tunneling, this value is ignored. The IP address is derived from the network interface name.

    For database configuration, see Install Networking Services in Installation Guide.

    You can use the same configuration file for many compute nodes by using a network interface name with a different IP address:

    openflow_rest_api = <ip-address>:<port-no> ovsdb_interface = <eth0> tunnel_interface = <eth0>
  4. Restart neutron-server to apply the new settings:

    # service neutron-server restart
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