Error Codes

Page last updated: August 21, 2015

1000: Invalid Auth Token


  • HTTP Code: 401
  • Error Message: Invalid Auth Token

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to ensure that their credentials are correct.
  2. Ask the customer to run cf logout and cf login.
  3. Ask the customer to rerun the last commands with CF_TRACE=true and send you the output.
  4. Ask the customer to send you the ~/.cf/config.json. Ensure that the access token, authorization end point, and login end point are correct
  5. Ensure that the UAA and Login servers are up.

1001: Message Parse Error


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: Request invalid due to parse error: <parse error>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.
  2. Ensure both the request and response are valid JSON.

1002: Invalid Relation


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: Invalid Relation: <relation error>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.
  2. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.

10000: Not Found


  • HTTP Code: 404
  • Error Message: Unknown request

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.
  2. Ensure that the trace is not requesting an invalid URL
  3. Ensure that the API server is up.
  4. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.

10001: Server Error


  • HTTP Code: 500
  • Error Message: Server error

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.
  2. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.

10002: Not Authenticated


  • HTTP Code: 401
  • Error Message: Authentication error

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to ensure that their credentials are correct.
  2. Ask the customer to run cf logout and cf login.
  3. Ask the customer to rerun the last commands with CF_TRACE=true and send you the output.
  4. Ensure that the UAA and Login servers are up.

10003: Not Authorized


  • HTTP Code: 403
  • Error Message: You are not authorized to perform the requested action

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the customer is allowed to do the request that they want. If not ask them to talk to the Organization or Space manager. 1 Ask the customer to ensure that they are in the correct organization and space they have permissions for.

10004: Invalid Request


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The request is invalid

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.
  2. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.

10005: Bad Query Parameter


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The query parameter is invalid: <invalid query params>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.
  2. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.

10006: Association Not Empty


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: Please delete the <children resources> associations for your <to be deleted resource>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.
  2. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.
    1. If they are doing a cf curl -X DELETE then the url must have the ?recursive=true param, and thus deleting non empty organizations or spaces.

10007: Insufficient Scope


  • HTTP Code: 403
  • Error Message: Your token lacks the necessary scopes to access this resource ## Possible Solutions
  • Ask the customer to send you the ~/.cf/config.json.
  • Run ruby -r 'base64' -e "p Base64.decode64 'ACCESS_TOKEN'" where ACCESS_TOKEN is from the config file.
  • Ensure that the scope is correct for that user.

10008: Unprocessable Entity


  • HTTP Code: 422
  • Error Message: The request is semantically invalid: <request error>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.
  2. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.

10010: Resource Not Found


  • HTTP Code: 404
  • Error Message: <resource>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.
  2. Ensure that the resource exists, e.g. the Organization, Space, App, or Service etc exists.
  3. Ensure that the user has the permissions to access the resource

20002: UaaIdTaken


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The UAA ID is taken: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.
  2. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.

20003: User Not Found


  • HTTP Code: 404
  • Error Message: The user could not be found: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.
  2. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.

30001: Organization Invalid


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The organization info is invalid: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the customer does not have invalid organization name. For example, check to see if the organization name is too long or contains invalid characters.
  2. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.

30002: Organization Name Taken


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The organization name is taken: <organization name>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the organization name is not taken
  2. Ask the customer to run cf orgs and choose a name that isn’t on the list.
  3. The customer may not be able to see all the orgs due to user permissions. Therefore, you may have to help them.

30003: Organization Not Found


  • HTTP Code: 404
  • Error Message: The organization could not be found: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the organization exists, e.g. run cf orgs to see a list of all the organizations.
  2. Ensure that the customer has the correct organization name.
  3. Ensure that the customer has permissions to access the organization.

40001: Space Invalid


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The app space info is invalid: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the customer does not have invalid space name, i.e. the space name is too long or has invalid characters.
  2. Ask the customer to run the command with CF_TRACE=true and send you back the output.

40002: Space Name Taken


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The app space name is taken: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the space name is not taken
  2. Ask the customer to run cf space inside of their specified organization and choose a name that isn’t on the list.
  3. The customer may not be able to see all the spaces due to user permissions. Therefore, you may have to help them.

40003: Space User Not In Org


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The app space and the user are not in the same org: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the customer and the app space is in the correct organization.
  2. Ensure that the customer has the correct permission to access the app space.

40004: Space Not Found


  • HTTP Code: 404
  • Error Message: The app space could not be found: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the app space exists in the organization, e.g. run cf spaces to see a list of all the app spaces.
  2. Ensure that the customer has the correct app space name.
  3. Ensure that the customer has permissions to access the space .

60002: Service Instance Name Taken


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The service instance name is taken: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure the service instance is not already created in the space, e.g. run cf services to see a list of all service instances.

60003: Service Instance Service Binding Wrong Space


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The service instance and the service binding are in different app spaces: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the customer is not running custom cf curl commands.
  2. Ensure that the customer is in the right space.

60004: Service Instance Not Found


  • HTTP Code: 404
  • Error Message: The service instance could not be found: <error message>

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the service instance exists, e.g. run cf services to see a list of all service instances.
  2. Ensure that the customer has the correct service instance name.
  3. Ensure that the customer has permission to access the service instance.

60007: Service Instance Service Plan Not Allowed


  • HTTP Code: 400
  • Error Message: The service instance cannot be created because paid service plans are not allowed.

Possible Solutions

  1. Ensure that the space/organization is allowed to add new paid services
  2. Run cf org <organization name> and see if paid services are allowed.