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class in UnityEngine.Networking.Match


Inherits from: Networking.Match.CreateMatchRequest

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JSON object to join an ongoing match or to create a new one if it doesn't exist.


CreateOrJoinMatchRequestConstructor for CreateOrJoinMatchRequest class.

Inherited members


advertiseBool to describe if the created match should be advertised.
eloScoreThe optional game defined Elo score for the client making the request. The Elo score is averaged against all clients in a match and that value is used to produce better search results when listing available matches. If the Elo is provided the result set will be ordered according to the magnitude of the absoloute value of the difference of the a client searching for a match and the network average for all clients in each match. If the Elo score is not provided (and therefore 0 for all matches) the Elo score will not affect the search results. Each game can calculate this value as they wish according to whatever scale is best for that game.
matchAttributesMatch attributes describing game specific features for this match. Each attribute is a key/value pair of a string key with a long value. Each match may have up to 10 of these values. The game is free to use this as desired to assist in finding better match results when clients search for matches to join.
nameName of the match to create.
passwordPassword for the match to create. Leave blank for no password. Cannot be null.
privateAddressThe (optional) private network address for the client making the request. This is the local network available private address another client on the same network could use to connect directly to the client making the request and may be used to better connect multiple clients. If it is not supplied the networking layer will still be completely functional.
publicAddressThe (optional) public network address for the client making the request. This is the internet available public address another client on the internet (but not the local network) could use to connect directly to the client making the request and may be used to better connect multiple clients. If it is not supplied the networking layer will still be completely functional.
sizeMax number of clients that may join the match to create, including the host.
accessTokenStringThe JSON encoded binary access token this client uses to authenticate its session for future commands.
appIdAppID for the current game, required in every request. This is generated from the Cloud API.
domainDomain for the request. All commands will be sandboxed to their own domain; For example no clients with domain 1 will see matches with domain 2. This can be used to prevent incompatible client versions from communicating.
projectIdThe Cloud Project Id for this game, required in every request. This is used to match games of the same type.
sourceIdSourceID for the current client, required in every request. This is generated from the Cloud API.
versionMatchmaker protocol version info.

Public Functions

IsValidAccessor to verify if the contained data is a valid request with respect to initialized variables and accepted parameters.
ToStringProvides string description of current class data.
IsValidAccessor to verify if the contained data is a valid request with respect to initialized variables and accepted parameters.
ToStringProvides string description of current class data.