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Descibed allowed types of quality of service for channels.


UnreliableJust sending message, no grants.
UnreliableFragmentedThe same as unreliable, but big message (up to 32 fragment per message) can be sent.
UnreliableSequencedThe same as unrelaible but all unorder messages will be dropped. Example: VoIP.
ReliableChannel will be configured as relaiable, each message sent in this channel will be delivered or connection will be disconnected.
ReliableFragmentedSame as reliable, but big messages are allowed (up to 32 fragment with fragmentsize each for message).
ReliableSequencedThe same as reliable, but with granting message order.
StateUpdateUnreliable, only last message in send buffer will be sent, only most recent message in reading buffer will be delivered.
ReliableStateUpdateThe same as StateUpdate, but reliable.
AllCostDeliveryReliable message will resend almost with each frame, without waiting delivery notification. usefull for important urgent short messages, like a shoot.