Version: 5.4 beta (switch to 5.3)
Attaching MonoDevelop Debugger To An Android Device
Editor Test Runner

Log Files

There might be times during development when you need to obtain information from the logs of your standalone player you’ve built, or the target device or the editor. Usually you need to see these files when you have experienced a problem and you have to know where exactly the problem occurred.

On Mac the player and editor logs can be accessed uniformly through the standard utility.

On Windows the editor logs are placed in folders which are not shown in the Windows Explorer by default. See below.


The editor log can be brought up through the Open Editor Log button in Unity’s Console window.

Mac OS X ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Editor.log
Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data_\Unity\Editor\Editor.log
Windows Vista/7 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor\Editor.log

On Windows, the Editor log file is stored in the local application data folder: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Unity\Editor\Editor.log, where LOCALAPPDATA is defined by CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA.

On Mac all the logs can be accessed uniformly through the standard utility.


Mac OS X ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log
Windows __ |_EXECNAME_Data_\output_log.txt| |Linux__ ~/.config/unity3d/CompanyName/ProductName/Player.log

On Windows, EXECNAME_Data is a folder next to the executable with your game.

Note that on Windows and Linux standalones the location of the log file can be changed (or logging suppressed.) See the command line page for further details.


The device log can be accessed in XCode via GDB console or the Organizer Console. The latter is useful for getting crashlogs when your application was not running through the XCode debugger.

The Troubleshooting and Bugreporting guides may be useful for you.


The device log can be viewed by using the logcat console. Use the adb application found in Android SDK/platform-tools directory with a trailing logcat parameter:

$ adb logcat

Another way to inspect the LogCat is to use the Dalvik Debug Monitor Server (DDMS). DDMS can be started either from Eclipse or from inside the Android SDK/tools. DDMS also provides a number of other debug related tools.


The device log can be viewed by using the sdb console. Use the sdb application found in Tizen SDK/tools directory with a trailing dlog parameter:

$ sdb dlog

If you would like to only see messages from Unity you may add a filter. The filter specification is similar to that for Android. The following command will display only messages for the Unity log.

$ sdb dlog Unity:*

Windows Store

Windows Store Apps (On Desktop) __ |%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Packages<productname>\TempState\UnityPlayer.log| |Windows Phone__ Can be retrieved with Windows Phone Power Tools, also check out this tool as well
Windows Phone IsoStoreSpy


On WebGL, log output is written to the browser’s JavaScript console.

Accessing Log Files on Windows

On Windows the log files are stored in locations that are hidden by default. In Windows XP, you can make hidden folders visible in Windows Explorer using Tools->Folder Options…->View (tab).

On Windows Vista/7 you can make the AppData folder visible in Windows Explorer using Tools->Folder Options…->View (tab). The Tools menu is hidden by default, but can be displayed by pressing the Alt key once.

Attaching MonoDevelop Debugger To An Android Device
Editor Test Runner