Version: 5.4 beta (switch to 5.3)
GLSL Shader Programs
Shader Compilation Target Levels

Shading Language used in Unity

In Unity, shader programs are written in a variant of HLSL language (also called Cg but for most practical uses the two are the same).

Currently, for maximum portability between different platforms, writing in DX9-style HLSL (e.g. use DX9 style sampler2D and tex2D for texture sampling instead of DX10 style Texture2D, SamplerState and tex.Sample).

Shader Compilers

Internally, different shader compilers are used for shader program compilation:

  • Windows & Microsoft platforms (DX9, DX11, DX12, XboxOne and Xbox360) all use Microsoft’s HLSL compiler (currently d3dcompiler_47).
  • OpenGL Core (GL3+) and OpenGL ES 3+ use Microsoft’s HLSL followed by bytecode translation into GLSL, using a modified version of hlslcc.
  • OpenGL Legacy (GL2), OpenGL ES 2.0 and Metal use source level translation via hlsl2glslfork and glsl optimizer.
  • Other console platforms use their respective compilers (e.g. PSSL on PS4).
  • Surface Shaders use Cg 2.2 and MojoShader for code generation analysis step.

In case you really need to identify which compiler is being used (to use HLSL syntax only supported by one compiler, or to work around a compiler bug), predefined shader macros can be used. For example, UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL is set when compiling with HLSL compiler (for D3D or GLCore/GLES3 platforms); and UNITY_COMPILER_HLSL2GLSL when compiling via hlsl2glsl.

See Also

GLSL Shader Programs
Shader Compilation Target Levels