Version: 5.4 beta (switch to 5.3)
Writing Image Effects

Image Effect Reference

This group handles all Render Texture-based fullscreen image postprocessing effects. They add a lot to the look and feel of your game without spending much time on artwork.

Image postprocessing effects are very often used to simulate physical camera and film properties, e.g. Bloom, Depth Of Field, Tonemapping or Color Correction.

Unity ships with many image effects in the Standard Assets Effects package, but you can also write your own postprocessing effects. See Writing Image Effects page for details.

The scene used in above pages looks like this without any image effects applied:

Scene with no image postprocessing effects.
Scene with no image postprocessing effects.

Multiple image effects can be “stacked” on the same camera. Just add them and it will work.

Blur and Noise applied to the same camera.
Blur and Noise applied to the same camera.

The following pages describes the available image effects in greater detail.

Writing Image Effects