Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.AuthenticatedEncryption Namespace

namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.AuthenticatedEncryption


interface IAuthenticatedEncryptor
The basic interface for providing an authenticated encryption and decryption routine.


class AuthenticatedEncryptionSettings
Settings for configuring authenticated encryption algorithms.
class CngCbcAuthenticatedEncryptionSettings
Settings for configuring an authenticated encryption mechanism which uses Windows CNG algorithms in CBC encryption + HMAC authentication modes.
class CngGcmAuthenticatedEncryptionSettings
Settings for configuring an authenticated encryption mechanism which uses Windows CNG algorithms in GCM encryption + authentication modes.
class ManagedAuthenticatedEncryptionSettings
Settings for configuring an authenticated encryption mechanism which uses managed SymmetricAlgorithm and KeyedHashAlgorithm implementations.


enum EncryptionAlgorithm
Specifies a symmetric encryption algorithm to use for providing confidentiality to protected payloads.
enum ValidationAlgorithm
Specifies a message authentication algorithm to use for providing tamper-proofing to protected payloads.