Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles Namespace

namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles


interface IContentTypeProvider
Used to look up MIME types given a file path
interface IDirectoryFormatter
Generates the view for a directory


class DefaultFilesMiddleware
This examines a directory path and determines if there is a default file present. If so the file name is appended to the path and execution continues. Note we don’t just serve the file because it may require interpretation.
class DirectoryBrowserMiddleware
Enables directory browsing
class FileExtensionContentTypeProvider
Provides a mapping between file extensions and MIME types.
class HtmlDirectoryFormatter
Generates an HTML view for a directory.
class StaticFileMiddleware
Enables serving static files for a given request path
class StaticFileResponseContext
Contains information about the request and the file that will be served in response.