Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity Namespace

namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity


interface ILookupNormalizer
Provides an abstraction for normalizing keys for lookup purposes.
interface IPasswordHasher<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for hashing passwords.
interface IPasswordValidator<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for validating passwords.
interface IQueryableRoleStore<TRole>
Provides an abstraction for querying roles in a Role store.
interface IQueryableUserStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for querying roles in a User store.
interface IRoleClaimStore<TRole>
Provides an abstraction for a store of role specific claims.
interface IRoleStore<TRole>
Provides an abstraction for a storage and management of roles.
interface IRoleValidator<TRole>
Provides an abstraction for a validating a role.
interface ISecurityStampValidator
Provides an abstraction for a validating a security stamp of an incoming identity, and regenerating or rejecting the identity based on the validation result.
interface IUserAuthenticationTokenStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction to store a user’s authentication tokens.
interface IUserClaimStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for a store of claims for a user.
interface IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for a factory to create a System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal from a user.
interface IUserEmailStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for the storage and management of user email addresses.
interface IUserLockoutStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for a storing information which can be used to implement account lockout, including access failures and lockout status
interface IUserLoginStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for storing information that maps external login information provided by Microsoft Account, Facebook etc. to a user account.
interface IUserPasswordStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for a store containing users’ password hashes..
interface IUserPhoneNumberStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for a store containing users’ telephone numbers.
interface IUserRoleStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for a store which maps users to roles.
interface IUserSecurityStampStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for a store which stores a user’s security stamp.
interface IUserStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for a store which manages user accounts.
interface IUserTwoFactorStore<TUser>
Provides an abstraction to store a flag indicating whether a user has two factor authentication enabled.
interface IUserTwoFactorTokenProvider<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for two factor token generators.
interface IUserValidator<TUser>
Provides an abstraction for user validation.


class ClaimsIdentityOptions
Options used to configure the claim types used for well known claims.
class DataProtectionTokenProviderOptions
Contains options for the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.DataProtectorTokenProvider`1.
class DataProtectorTokenProvider<TUser>
Provides protection and validation of identity tokens.
class EmailTokenProvider<TUser>
TokenProvider that generates tokens from the user’s security stamp and notifies a user via email.
class ExternalLoginInfo
Represents login information, source and externally source principal for a user record
class IdentityBuilder
Helper functions for configuring identity services.
class IdentityCookieOptions
Represents all the options you can use to configure the cookies middleware uesd by the identity system.
class IdentityError
Encapsulates an error from the identity subsystem.
class IdentityErrorDescriber
Service to enable localization for application facing identity errors.
class IdentityMarkerService
Used to verify AddIdentity was called on a ServiceCollection
class IdentityResult
Represents the result of an identity operation.
class LockoutOptions
Options for configuring user lockout.
class PasswordHasherOptions
Specifies options for password hashing.
class PasswordHasher<TUser>
Implements the standard Identity password hashing.
class PasswordOptions
Specifies options for password requirements.
class PasswordValidator<TUser>
Provides the default password policy for Identity.
class PhoneNumberTokenProvider<TUser>
Represents a token provider that generates tokens from a user’s security stamp and sends them to the user via their phone number.
class RoleManager<TRole>
Provides the APIs for managing roles in a persistence store.
class RoleValidator<TRole>
Provides the default validation of roles.
class SecurityStampValidator
Static helper class used to configure a CookieAuthenticationNotifications to validate a cookie against a user’s security stamp.
class SecurityStampValidator<TUser>
Provides default implementation of validation functions for security stamps.
class SignInManager<TUser>
Provides the APIs for user sign in.
class SignInOptions
Options for configuring sign in..
class SignInResult
Represents the result of a sign-in operation.
class TokenOptions
class TokenProviderDescriptor
class TotpSecurityStampBasedTokenProvider<TUser>
Represents a token provider that generates time based codes using the user’s security stamp.
class UpperInvariantLookupNormalizer
Implements Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.ILookupNormalizer by converting keys to their upper cased invariant culture representation.
class UserClaimsPrincipalFactory<TUser, TRole>
Provides methods to create a claims principal for a given user.
class UserLoginInfo
Represents login information and source for a user record.
class UserManager<TUser>
Provides the APIs for managing user in a persistence store.
class UserOptions
Options for user validation.
class UserValidator<TUser>
Provides validation services for user classes.


enum PasswordHasherCompatibilityMode
Specifies the format used for hashing passwords.
enum PasswordVerificationResult
Specifies the results for password verification.