Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Constraints Namespace

namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Constraints


class AlphaRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to contain only lowercase or uppercase letters A through Z in the English alphabet.
class BoolRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to represent only Boolean values.
class CompositeRouteConstraint
Constrains a route by several child constraints.
class DateTimeRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to represent only System.DateTime values.
class DecimalRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to represent only decimal values.
class DoubleRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to represent only 64-bit floating-point values.
class FloatRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to represent only 32-bit floating-point values.
class GuidRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to represent only System.Guid values. Matches values specified in any of the five formats “N”, “D”, “B”, “P”, or “X”, supported by Guid.ToString(string) and Guid.ToString(String, IFormatProvider) methods.
class HttpMethodRouteConstraint
Constrains the HTTP method of request or a route.
class IntRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to represent only 32-bit integer values.
class LengthRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to be a string of a given length or within a given range of lengths.
class LongRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to represent only 64-bit integer values.
class MaxLengthRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to be a string with a maximum length.
class MaxRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to be an integer with a maximum value.
class MinLengthRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to be a string with a minimum length.
class MinRouteConstraint
Constrains a route parameter to be a long with a minimum value.
class OptionalRouteConstraint
Defines a constraint on an optional parameter. If the parameter is present, then it is constrained by InnerConstraint.
class RangeRouteConstraint
Constraints a route parameter to be an integer within a given range of values.
class RegexInlineRouteConstraint
Represents a regex constraint which can be used as an inlineConstraint.
class RegexRouteConstraint
class RequiredRouteConstraint
Constraints a route parameter that must have a value.