Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization Namespace

namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization


interface IRequestCultureFeature
Represents the feature that provides the current request’s culture information.
interface IRequestCultureProvider
Represents a provider for determining the culture information of an Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.


class AcceptLanguageHeaderRequestCultureProvider
Determines the culture information for a request via the value of the Accept-Language header.
class CookieRequestCultureProvider
Determines the culture information for a request via the value of a cookie.
class CustomRequestCultureProvider
Determines the culture information for a request via the configured delegate.
class ProviderCultureResult
Details about the cultures obtained from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization.IRequestCultureProvider.
class QueryStringRequestCultureProvider
Determines the culture information for a request via values in the query string.
class RequestCulture
Details about the culture for an Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.
class RequestCultureFeature
Provides the current request’s culture information.
class RequestCultureProvider
An abstract base class provider for determining the culture information of an Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.
class RequestLocalizationMiddleware
Enables automatic setting of the culture for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequests based on information sent by the client in headers and logic provided by the application.